The Science of Physics

Measurements in Experiments

Numbers as Measurements

•  To be of value, a measurement must have two parts in addition to the number

–  ______– what kind of quantity

•  Length, mass, time

–  ______– how much of the quantity

•  Meter, kilogram, second

SI System

•  ______

•  Used worldwide in science

•  ______base units, each describing a single dimension

•  Units combine to form a ______unit

–  Liter, Newton, Joule, o Celcius

SI Prefixes

•  Used to accommodate extremes

–  Very large and small numbers

•  Can also use scientific notation

SI System

•  Both ______and ______must agree

–  Length is in meters, not in kilograms

•  When doing calculations with one dimension

–  Prefixes must be the ______

•  Area=length*width
•  m*m not m*cm
–  25m*10m not 25m*1000cm

•  ______– describes how close a measured value is to the true value of the quantity measured

•  ______– refers to the degree of exactness with which a measurement is made and stated

–  How many ______places there are

–  Do all of the ______agree with one another

Significant Figures

•  Use ______to keep track of imprecision

•  Significant figures – those digits in a measurement that are known with certainty plus the first digit that is uncertain

•  When the last digit in a measurement is ______, it is difficult to tell if the zero is significant or not

–  You can use ______to show that a zero is significant

•  Rules for Significant Figures

–  All ______digits are significant. (1-9)

–  Zeroes ______significant digits are significant. (101, zero is significant)

–  Zeroes ______the decimal are significant if there is a non-zero number in front of them. (3.40, zero is significant)

•  Rules for Significant Figures

–  If there is a ______, zeroes at the end of a number are significant. (50. zero is significant)

–  Zeroes at the ______of a number are not significant. (0.003, zeroes are not significant)

–  If there is _____ decimal point, zeroes at the ______of a number are ______. (60, zero is not significant)

Rules for Calculating With Significant Figures

•  Addition and Subtraction – answer should have same number of ______as the least amount of decimal places in the measurement

•  Multiplication and Division – answer should have the same number of ______as the measurement with the least amount of significant figures

Rules for Rounding

•  Round ______– 0-4

•  Round ______– 6-9

•  Special Rules for 5

–  Round to the nearest even number if nothing follows the five (32.25~32.2 or 54.75~54.8)

–  Round up if there are digits following the 5 (54.7511~54.8)