Ms. Collins’ Science &

Math Newsletter

March 23, 2015


Friday, March 27th
·  3rd 9 Weeks Report Cards Go Home
·  March Against Drugs Day
(Wear Red)
Monday, March 30th
·  Tumbling Show (2 Performances)
(K, 1st, & 2nd Grades - 9:00 AM)
(3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades - 2:00 PM)
Tuesday, March 31st
·  Measurement & Data Test
Wednesday, April 1st
·  Kentucky Horse Park Literacy Program Field Trip (4th Grade)
Thursday & Friday, April 2 3
Tentative - Pending Board Approval on 3-23-15
Tuesday, April 7th
·  Energy: Light, Heat, & Sound Test
Thursday, April 9th
·  OES Living Wax History Museum
(5-7 PM)
Friday, April 10th
·  OES Drama Club Play
NOTE: Test dates, project deadlines, etc. are subject to change due to possible school programs, weather, and student progress. Check my website for a more updated list of events and dates.


If you have any questions and/or concerns regarding your child, you may contact me by a note or a phone call at (606) 674-2722 between the times of
1:20-2:10 PM. You may also contact me by email at .
You can access science and math study guides, games, websites, videos, songs, a list of upcoming school events and activities, etc. on my website by typing in the address below. /


March 23rd – 27th
·  Lesson 1: What Is Sound?
·  Lesson 2: What Are the Properties of Waves?
·  Lesson 3: How Do Sound Waves Travel?
·  Lesson 1: How Does Light Behave?
·  Real World Science: Light Video,
Science Up Close: Shadows Throughout the Day, & BBC Science Clips: Light and Shadows & How We See Things
·  Lesson 15-1: Solving Perimeter and Area Problems
·  Lesson 16-3: Understanding Angles and Unit Angles
·  Lesson 16-5: Measuring Angles
·  Lesson 16-6: Adding and Subtracting Angle Measures
·  Understanding, Measuring, Adding, & Subtracting Angles Quiz (Lessons 16-3, 16-5, & 16-6)
·  Lesson 15-3: Solving Problems Involving Money
·  Lesson 15-4: Solving Problems Involving Line Plots
March 30th - April 3rd
·  Lesson 2: How Can Heat Be Transferred?
·  Lesson 3: How Is Heat Produced and Used?
·  Kentucky Horse Park Literacy Program Field Trip (April 1st)
·  Spring Break (No School Thursday & Friday) - Pending Board Approval 3-23-15
·  Measurement and Data Review (Study Guide & Jeopardy Game)
·  Measurement and Data Test
·  Kentucky Horse Park Literacy Program Field Trip (April 1st)
·  Spring Break (No School Thursday & Friday) - Pending Board Approval 3-23-15
Spring MAP Math Testing is coming in April.
Has your child been practicing on Moby Max or studying their math facts and practice notes at home? /


Does your child know the meaning of the following words?
Energy: Light, Heat, & Sound Unit
1. vibration
2. pitch
3. intensity
4. wavelength
5. frequency
6. amplitude
7. reflection
8. absorption
9. transmission
10. light
11. refraction
12. heat
13. conduction
14. convection
15. radiation
16. energy transfer
17. waste heat
Measurement & Data Unit
1.  length
2.  inch
3.  foot
4.  yard
5.  mile
6.  capacity
7.  cup
8.  pint
9.  quart
10.  gallon
11.  weight
12.  ounce
13.  pound
14.  ton
15.  conversion
16.  teaspoon
17.  tablespoon
18.  fluid ounce
19.  millimeter
20.  centimeter
21.  decimeter
22.  meter / 23.  kilometer
24.  milliliter
25.  liter
26.  mass
27.  gram
28.  kilogram
29.  second
30.  minute
31.  hour
32.  perimeter
33.  area
34.  width
35.  degree
36.  vertex
37.  right angle
38.  straight angle
39.  protractor
40.  adjacent
41.  line plot
42.  scale
43.  interval