Walter Doyle1



Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies

College of Education

University of Arizona

Tucson, Arizona 85721

(520) 621-7892


1967Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana

1963M.A.T. Education and English, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana

1962B.A. English, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana


1985 - presentProfessor, Department of Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies, College of Education, University of Arizona

Fall, 2010-2014Visiting Professor, ICLON Graduate School of Teaching, Leiden University, The Netherlands

Summer, 1988Visiting Professor, Faculty of Education and Science and Mathematics Education Centre, Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia

1981 - 1985Research Scientist and Director, Research in Classroom Learning and Teaching Program, Research and Development Center for Teacher Education, The University of Texas at Austin

1975 - 1981Associate Professor, Division of Secondary Education, College of Education, North Texas State University, Denton.

1973 - 1975Assistant Professor, Division of Secondary Education, College of Education, North Texas State University, Denton, Texas

1967 - 1973Assistant Professor, Department of Graduate Studies in Education, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana

1965 - 1967English Teacher, Kennedy Junior High School, Penn-Harris-Madison School Corporation, Mishawaka, Indiana

1962 - 1963English Teacher, Washington High School, South Bend School Corporation, South Bend, Indiana


2007 Eramus Circle Fellow, College of Education, The University of Arizona

Extraordinary Faculty Award, The University of Arizona Alumni Association, 2006

Nominated to be a Fellow of the Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, 1999

Phi Delta Kappa Young Educational Leader Award, 1981


Key Personnel, Beyond Bridging: Co-Education of Preservice and Inservice Elementary Teachers in Science and Mathematics. Funded by the National Science Foundation (DRL-1019860). September 2010-August, 2014. $2,223,107.

Principal Investigator, UA Teacher Preparation Research and Evaluation Project (TPREP).
Funded by the Arizona Community Foundation, 2007-2010. $54,000.

Co-Principal Investigator with David Galbraith (Plant Sciences), Martha Narro (Biochemistry), Robert MacArthur (Renewable Natural Resources), and Roger Smith (Arizona Research Labs), Planning for Hypermedia-based Curriculum Reform. Planning proposal submitted to the National Science Foundation, April 15, 1994. $100,000.

Co-Principal Investigator with Ian Westbury (University of Illinois) and Rudy Kunzli (Didacticuum Aarau), R. (1992). The German didactic tradition: Implications for pedagogical research. Funded by the Spencer Foundation, 1992-1999. $7500.

Walter Doyle1

Co-Principal Investigator with Martha Narro (Biochemistry), Martinez J. Hewlett (Molecular and Cellular Biology), W. F. Larson (Tucson Unified School District), (1992). University of Arizona Biology Teaching Project. Funded by the National Science Foundation, Teacher Enhancement Division, 1992-1997. $584,083.

Research Project on Student Mediating Responses in Teaching Effectiveness, funded by the Basic Skills Group of the National Institute of Education, January 1, 1977 to May 31, 1978 (NIE-G-76-0099).

A Study of Writing in Junior High School Classes, funded by North Texas State University Organized Research Funds, 1979-80.

Development of an Ecological Model of Classrooms, funded by North Texas State University Organized Research Funds, 1977-78.

Research on Student Response Variables in Teaching, funded by North Texas State University Organized Research Funds, 1976-77.

Director, Research on Classroom Learning and Teaching Program, Research and Development Center for Teacher Education, University of Texas at Austin, funded by the National Institute of Education, February, 1982 to August, 1985.


Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1997-2009.

USA Co-Editor, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 1994-1997.

Member, International Editorial Board, Teaching and Teacher Education, 1993-1999.

Vice President for Division K, American Educational Research Association, 1986-1988

Associate Editor, American Educational Research Journal, 1985 to 1987

Associate Editor, Elementary School Journal, 1980 to 1985

Editor, Elementary School Journal, 1978 to 1980

Editorial Consultant, South Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 1988 –2008.

Member, Research and Information Committee, American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education. 1991-1995

Member, Editorial Board, Handbook of Research on Teacher Education

Member, Editorial Board, Handbook of Research on Teaching, 3rd edition

Chair, AACTE Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee, 1988-89

Member, Editorial Board, The Educational Forum, 1976 to 1979

Research Reviewer, Journal of Teacher Education, 1977 to 1979

Member, Research Review Panel, National Center for Research on Teacher Education, Michigan State University, 1987 to 1990

Reviewer, American Educational Research Journal, American Journal of Education, Curriculum Inquiry, Educational Psychologist, Elementary School Journal, Journal of Curriculum Studies, Journal of Research in Mathematics Education, Journal of School Psychology, Learning and Instruction, Reading Research Quarterly, Review of Educational Research, Sociology of Education, Teachers College Record.

Member, National Advisory Panel, Project Aim>Teacher Education, Matsushita Foundation and the College of Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Chair, Technical Review Panel, Center on Effective Elementary and Middle Schools, NIE Competition for Research and Development Centers, 1985

Co-chair, Special Interest Group on Classroom Management, American Educational Research Association, 1983, 1984, and 1985

Chair, Nominating Committee for President-elect and Council Member-at-large, American Educational Research Association, 1984

Member, Outstanding Book Award Committee, American Educational Research Association, 1985-87

Program Chair, Division C, Section 2 (Teaching and Teacher Education), 1978 Annual Meeting, American Educational Research Association

Member, Yearbook Committee, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1976



Janssen, F., Westbroek, H., & Doyle, W. (in press). The practical turn in teacher education: Designing a core practice preparation sequence, Journal of Teacher Education.

Doyle, W. (2014). The many faces of agency. Cultural Studies of Science Education.

Janssen, F., Westbroek, H., Doyle, W., & van Driel, J. (2013). How to make innovations practical. Teachers College Record, 115(7), 1-42.

Janssen, F., Westbroek, H., & Doyle, W. (in press). Practicality studies: How to move from what works in principle to what works in practice. Journal of the Learning Sciences.

Osher, D., Bear, G., Sprague, J., & Doyle, W. (2010). How can we improve school discipline? Educational Researcher, 39(1), 48-58.

Doyle, W. (2009). Situated practice: A reflection on person-centered classroom management. Theory into Practice, 48(2), 68-73.

Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (2008). Rethinking the path toward teacher expertise: A narrative event. Proceedings of the 6th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI: The Conference.

Carter, K., Doyle, W., & Romano, M. (2007). Themes in pre-service teachers’ narratives of classroom events. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI: The Conference.

Doyle, W., with K. Carter (2003) Narrative and learning to teach: Implications for teacher-education curriculum. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 35, 129-137.

Morgan-Fleming, B., & Doyle, W. (1997). Children's interpretations of curriculum events. Teaching and Teacher Education, 13(5), 499-511.

Doyle, W. (1997). Heard any really good stories lately? A critique of the critics of narrative in educational research. Teaching and Teacher Education, 13(1), 93-99.

Doyle, W. & Carter, K. (1996). Educational psychology and the education of teachers: A reaction. Educational Psychologist, 31(1), 23-28.

Doyle, W. (1995). Unterschungen zum umgesetzten Curriculum. Zeitschrift fur Padagogik, 33, 143-161.

Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (1995). Teacher-researcher relationships in the study of teaching and teacher education. Peabody Journal of Education, 70, 162-174.

Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (1995). Preconceptions in learning to teach. The Educational Forum, 59(2), 186-195.

Doyle, W. (1995). Los procesos del curricuum en la ensenanza efectiva y responsable. Revista del Instituto de Investigaciones en Ciencias de las Educacion, 4(6), 3-11. (Reprint of Constructing curriculum in the classroom. In F. K. Oser, A. Dick, & J. Patry (Eds.), Effective and responsible teaching: The new synthesis. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.)

Doyle, W., & Westbury, I. (1992). Die Ruckbesinnung auf den Unterrichtsinhalt in der Curriculum und Bildungsforschung in den USA. Bildung und Erziehung, 45, 137-157.

Walter Doyle1

Doyle, W. (1990). Classroom knowledge as a foundation for teaching. Teachers College Record, 91, 347-360.

Doyle, W. (1990). Case methods in the education of teachers. TeacherEducation Quarterly, 17, 7-15.

Doyle, W. (1989). Review of The subject matters: Classroom activity in math and social studies by Susan S. Stodolsky. American Journal of Education, 97, 430-433.

Doyle, W. (1988). Work in mathematics classes: The context of students' thinking during instruction. Educational Psychologist, 23, 167-180.

Doyle, W. (1986). Content representation in teachers' definitions of academic work. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 18, 365-379.

Doyle, W. (1986). Teacher education as part-time work. Teacher Education Quarterly, 13, 37-40.

Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (1985). Review of Time and School Learning by L. W. Anderson. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 17, 470-472.

Doyle, W. (1985). Recent research on classroom management: Implications for teacher preparation. Journal of Teacher Education, 36(3), 31-35.

Doyle, W. (1985). Effective teaching and the concept of the master teacher. Elementary School Journal86, 27-33.

Doyle, W. (1985). Learning to teach: A new direction in research on teacher education. Journal of Teacher Education, 36(1), 31-32.

Doyle, W. (1985). La investigacion sobre el contexto del aula: Hacia un conocimiento basico para las practica y la politica de formacion del profesorado. Revista di Educacion (Madrid), 277, 29-42.

Doyle, W. (1984). How order is achieved in classrooms: An interim report. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 16, 259-277.

Doyle, W., & Carter, K. (1984). Academic tasks in classrooms. Curriculum Inquiry, 14, 129-149.

Walter Doyle1

Doyle, W., & Rutherford, W. (1984). Matching learning and teaching styles: A critique. Theory into Practice, 23(1), 20-25.

Doyle, W. (1983). Academic work. Review of Educational Research, 53, 159-199.

Doyle, W. (1982). Stalking the mythical student. Elementary School Journal, 82, 529-533.

Doyle, W. (1981). Research on classroom contexts. Journal of Teacher Education, 32(6), 3-6.

Doyle, W. (1979). Classroom effects. Theory into Practice, 18, 138-144.

Doyle, W. (1979). Sensitivity training with an academic twist (review). Contemporary Psychology, 24, 490-491.

Doyle, W. (1978). Interpreting teaching effectiveness research. Viewpoints, 54, 141-153.

Doyle, W. (1978). Are students behaving worse than they used to behave? Journal of Research and Development in Education, 11(3), 3-16.

Doyle, W. (1977). Learning the classroom environment: An ecological analysis. Journal of Teacher Education, 28(6), 51-55.

Doyle, W. (1977). The uses of nonverbal behaviors: Toward an ecological model of classrooms. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 23, 179-192.

Doyle, W. & Ponder, G. (1977/78). The practicality ethic in teacher decision making. Interchange, 8(3), 1-12.

Doyle, W., & Olszewski, R. (1976). Environmental influence on professional behavior: A case of elementary teaching. Journal of Educational Research, 70, 55-59.

Doyle, W., & Ponder, G. (1976). Schooling as symbol: The ideal of equality. Educational Forum, 40, 403-413.

Doyle, W. (1976). Educational opportunity: A national commitment. Educational leadership, 33, 252-256.

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Doyle, W., & Ponder, G. (1975). Classroom ecology: Some concerns about a neglected dimension of research on teaching. Contemporary Education, 46, 183-188.

Doyle, W., & Olszewski, R. (1975). Colleague interaction and teacher performance. Education, 95, 276-279.

Doyle, W. (1975). Helping beginning teachers manage classrooms. National Association of Secondary-School principals Bulletin, 59, 38-41.

Doyle, W., & Boger, D. (1975). Guidelines for supervising teachers. Texas Study of Secondary Education Research Journal, 16, 14-16.

Doyle, W. (1975). Review of The use and misuse of computers in education, by A. B. Ellis. Educational Studies, 5, 301.

Doyle, W., & Redwine, J. (1974). Effect of intent-action discrepancy and student performance feedback on teacher behavior change. Journal of Educational Psychology, 66, 750-755.

Doyle, W. (1974). Improving teaching: Recent trends. High School Journal, 58, 53-57.

Doyle, W., with Copeland, W. (1973). Laboratory skill training and student teacher classroom performance. Journal of Experimental Education, 42, 16-21.

Doyle, W. (1972). Human functions in teaching. Notre Dame Journal of Education, 3, 126-39.

Doyle, W. (1970). The supervisor's role in negotiation: A critique. Educational Leadership, 27, 475-479.

Doyle, W. (1970). Open sesame: Television and the preschool child. Notre Dame Journal of Education, 1, 69-76.

Doyle, W. (1968). The supervisor as behavior specialist. National Catholic Educational Association Bulletin, 65(2), 42-48.


Doyle, W., & Good, T. L. (Eds.). (1982). Focus on teaching. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Doyle, W. (1969). Supervision: Key to effective teaching. NCEA Paper No. 10. Dayton, Ohio: Pflaum Press and the National Catholic Educational Association.

Book Chapters

Doyle, W. (in press). Ecological approaches. In W. G. Scarlett (Ed.), Classroom management: An A-Z guide. New York: Sage.

Doyle, W. (in press). Forword. In I. Thompson (ed.), Designing tasks in secondary education:Enhancing subject understanding and student engagement. London: Routledge.

Doyle, W., & Rosemartin, D. (2012). The ecology of curriculum enactment: Frame and task narratives. In T.Wubbels, P. den Brok, J. van Tartwijk, & J. Levy (Eds.), Interpersonal relationships in education: An overview of contemporary research (pp. 137-147). Rotterdam: Sense Academic Publishers.

Doyle, W. (2009). Competency as a blurred category in curriculum theory. In F. Oser, U. Renold, E. G. John, E. Winther, & S. Weber (Eds.), VET boost: Towards a theory or professional competencies: Essays in honor of Frank Achtenhagen (pp. 175-188). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Doyle, W., & Carter, K. (in press). Preface. In T.Nault and F Lacourse, L'enseignant et la qestion de classe. Montreal: Editions Logiques, 2009.

Doyle, W. (2006). Ecological approaches to classroom management. In C. Evertson and C. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management: Research, practice, and contemporary issues (pp. 97-125). New York: Erlbaum.

Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (2006). Classroom management in early childhood and elementary classrooms. In C. Evertson and C. Weinstein (Eds.), Handbook of classroom management: Research, practice, and contemporary issues (pp. 373-406). New York: Erlbaum.

Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (1996). Personal narrative and life history in learning to teach. In J. Sikula (Ed.), Handbook of research on teacher education (2nd ed.; 120-142). New York: Macmillan.

Carter, K., Doyle, W., & Riney, M. (1995). Expert-novice differences in teaching. In A. Ornstein (Ed.), Teaching: Theory into practice (257-272). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Doyle, W. (1995). Studying the enacted curriculum. In S. Hopmann & K. Riquarts (Eds.), Didaktik and/or curriculum. Kiel, Germany: Institut fur die Padagogik der Naturwissenschaften.

Doyle, W. (1995). Curriculum theory in the preparation of teachers. In K. Riquarts & S. Hopmann (Eds.), Proceedings of the Symposium "Didaktik and/or Curriculum." Kiel, Germany: Institut fur die Padagogik der Naturwissenschaften.

Doyle, W. (1995). Critical perspective on the case of Mary Anne Reed-Brown. In J. M. Herbert and R. F. McNergney (Eds.), Guide to foundations in action videocases: Teaching and learning in multicultural settings. Boston, Allyn and Bacon.

Doyle, W. (1992). Constructing curriculum in the classroom. In F. K. Oser, A. Dick, & J. Patry (Eds.), Effective and responsible teaching: The new synthesis. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Doyle, W. (1992). Curriculum and pedagogy. In P. W. Jackson (Ed.), Handbook of research on curriculum. (pp. 486-516). New York: Macmillan.

Walter Doyle1

Doyle, W. (1991). Classroom tasks: The core of learning from teaching. In M. S. Knapp & P. M. Shields (Eds.), Better schooling for the children of poverty: Alternatives to conventional wisdom. Berkeley, CA: McCutchan.

Doyle, W. (1990). Classroom management techniques. In O. Moles (Ed.), Student discipline strategies: Research and practice. New York: State University of New York at Albany Press.

Doyle, W. (1990). Themes in teacher education research. In W. R. Houston (Ed.), Handbook of research in teacher education. New York: Macmillan.

Doyle, W. (1990). Classroom knowledge as a foundation for teaching. In S. Tozer, T. H. Anderson, & B. B. Armbruster (Eds.), Foundational studies in teacher education. New York: Teachers College Press.

Doyle, W. (1989). Classroom management techniques. In O. C. Moles (Ed.), Strategies to reduce student misbehavior. Washington, DC: Office of Research, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U. S. Department of Education.

Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (1989). Classroom research as a resource for the graduate preparation of teachers. In A. Woolfolk (Ed.), Beyond the debate: Research perspectives on the graduate preparation of teachers. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Doyle, W. (1988). Curriculum effects in research on teaching. In J. Williamson & B. J. Fraser (Eds.), Research on teaching: Issues, findings and new directions. Perth, WA: Research Seminar and Workshop Series, Faculty of Education, Curtin University of Technology.

Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (1987). Teachers' knowledge structures and comprehension processes. In J. Calderhead (Ed.), Exploring teachers' thinking. London: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Doyle, W., & Carter, K. (1987). How order is achieved in classrooms. In N. Hastings & J. Schwieso (Eds.), New directions in educational psychology: 2. Behavior and motivation in the classroom. (77-92). London: Falmer Press.

Doyle, W. (1987). Effective teaching and the concept of master teacher. In Effective classroom instruction. Bloomington, Indiana: Phi Delta Kappa Center on Evaluation, Development, and Research.

Doyle, W. (1987). The classroom as a workplace: Implications for staff development. In M. Wideen & I. Andrews (Eds.), Staff development for school improvement: A focus on the teacher. (38-54) London: Falmer Press.

Doyle, W. (1987). Research on teaching effects as a resource for improving instruction. In M. Wideen & I. Andrews (Eds.), Staff development for school improvement: A focus on the teacher. (91-102) London: Falmer Press.

Doyle, W., & Carter, K. (1987). Choosing the means of instruction. In V. Koehler (Ed.), Educator's handbook: Research into practice. New York: Longman.

Doyle, W. (1987). Vision and reality: A reaction to issues in curriculum and instruction for compensatory education. In B. I. Williams, (Ed.), Designs for compensatory education: Conference proceedings and papers. Washington, D.C.: REA, Inc.

Doyle. W. (1986). Classroom organization and management. In M. C. Wittrock (Ed.), Handbook of research on teaching (3rd ed.). New York: Macmillan.

Doyle, W. (1986). Paradigmes de recherche sur l'efficacite des enseignants. Translated by G. Henry & S. Osterrieth. In M. Crahay & D. Lafontaine (Eds.), L'art et la science de l'enseignement: Hommage a Gilbert de Landsheere. Belgique: Editions Labor.

Doyle, W. (1986). Academic work. In T. M. Tomlinson & H. J. Walberg (Eds.), Academic work and educational excellence: Raising student productivity. Berkeley: McCutchan.

Doyle, W., with Hall, G. E., & Hoffman, J. V. (1986). The schools and preservice education: Expectations and reasonable solutions. In T. J. Lasley (Ed.), National Commission for Excellence in Teacher Education: Background papers. Washington, D.C.: AACTE

Doyle, W. (1985). The knowledge base for adaptive instruction: A perspective from classroom research. In M. Wang & H. J. Walberg (Eds.), Adapting instruction to student differences: A synthesis of theory, research, and practice. Berkeley: McCutchan.

Doyle, W. (1985). Effective secondary classroom practices. In R. Kyle (Ed.), Reaching for excellence: An effective schools sourcebook. Washington, D.C.: National Institute for Education.

Doyle, W. (1985). Paradigms for research on teaching. In T. Husen & N. Postlethwaite (Eds.), International encyclopedia of education: Research and studies. Oxford: Pergamon.

Doyle, W. (1984). Classroom research: An overview. In L. Lomas (Ed.), Classroom research. Geelong, Victoria, Australia: Deakin University Press.

Doyle, W. (1984). Basic questions in research on teaching. In L. Lomas (Ed.), Classroom research. Geelong, Victoria, Australia: Deakin University Press.

Carter, K., & Doyle, W. (1984). Variations in academic tasks in high and average ability classes. In L. Lomas (Ed.), Classroom research. Geelong, Victoria, Australia: Deakin University Press.

Doyle, W. (Ed.). (1983). Writing instruction (A special issue). Elementary School Journal, 84, 1-110.

Doyle, W., & Carter, K. (1982). Teaching effectiveness research. In C. A. Reamis & K. S. Snyder (Eds.), Perspectives on teacher performance: Conceptual, methodological, and legal. Lubbock, TX: Texas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Doyle, W. (1980). Classroom management. West Lafayette, IN: Kappa Delta Pi.

Doyle, W. (1980). Learning the classroom environment: An ecological analysis. In J. Smyth & R. Bates (Eds.), Educational leadership in schools. Geelong, Victoria, Australia: Deakin University Press.

Doyle, W. (1979). Classroom tasks and student abilities. In P. Peterson & H. Walberg (Eds.), Research on teaching. Berkeley: McCutchan.

Doyle, W. (1979). Making managerial decisions in classrooms. In D. L. Duke (Ed.), Classroom management. 78th yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education (Part 2). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

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Doyle, W. (1978). Paradigms for research on teaching effectiveness. In L. S. Shulman (Ed.), Review of research in education 5. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock.

Doyle, W. (1976). Education for all: The triumph of professionalism. In O. L. Davis, Jr. (Ed.), Perspectives on curriculum development 1776-1976. ASCD Yearbook. Washington, D.C.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Doyle, W., & Ponder, G. (1976). Sources for curriculum history. In O. L. Davis, Jr. (Ed.), Perspectives on curriculum development 1776-1976. ASCD Yearbook. Washington, D.C.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Doyle, W., & Ponder, G. (1976). Schooling as symbol: The ideal of equality. In J. Frymier (Ed.), Equality and liberty in education. West Lafayette, IN: Kappa Delta Pi.

Doyle, W. (1966). The effect of counselor values: Theory and research. In N. J. Pallone (Ed.), Readings for catholic counselors (3rd ed.). Kenosha, WI: National Catholic Guidance Conference.