
Jon Taylor – BritishInternationalSchoolBudapest

Dear Adrienn, Anna and Eva,

Thank you for the brilliant conference!!!!

I hope you all get to see this message, as I (and our principal, Jane Thompson) would like to invite you to our school.

I would like to invite a group of KFG students, say between 10 and 20 students, especially those who organise Karmun, as well as Anna and Eva and any other staff who might be interested. …..

Please let me know your answer!!

All the very best,



Ula and Fran - BritishInternationalSchool of Krakow

Dear Adrienn,
Thank you for all your help. Karmun 2010 was a truly wonderful experience for all our students, and us!
We do appreciate all the effort you and your team put into making it happen.
All the best, and we look forward to seeing you next year!
Ula and Fran


Andy Jeffries CAS (IB) Coordinator - BartonCourtGrammar SchoolCanterbury UK

Hi Eva .. a big thank you for the honour of attending KarMUN 2010 !
What a wonderful and happy event it was. My students are still smiling about it even though we have been back for several days. And neither they .. nor me .. can stop telling people about the great time we had in Budapest and at Karinthy school. And it is you, Eva, who made it all possible by creating KarMUN.
Please pass on my thanks too to Anna .. and to all the students from Adrienn ( what did Jon say .. most likely to become a Goddess ! ) to all the unnamed students doing the serving of pizzas and the making of badges and the cleaning of the floors after the ball and the GA .. all of them were fantastic.
I really enjoyed the final ceremony of course and your little song was a surpise .. but so appropriate and well done ! Perhaps you 3 have another career ahead of you .. ???
I would love to have a copy of the video film .. it was very very good. It would help me persuade my Headteacher to let me come again and go to others too well as trying to arrange one ourselves in Canterbury. If possible can I buy a DVD copy of it ? Jon is coming over to the UK in 2 weeks so he could bring it if possible or it could be posted of course.
Ok, I must go now as I have to visit a school in London tomorrow and it means an early start for me. All my love to you and again many many thanks Eva.
PS I have attached a couple of photos for your photo album ..