Project: “ARANYA” Sec 11 & 14,

Village-Sohna & Raipur, Gurgoan Haryana






Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF)

Northern Regional office Bays No 24-25 Sector 31- A Dakshin Marg Chandigarh




Table of Contents

Chapter 1 / Introduction and Project Description
1.1 / Introduction / 4
1.2 / Project Description / 4
1.3 / Present Status / 5
1.4 / Purpose of the report / 5
Chapter 2 / Compliance of Stipulated Conditions of Environmental Clearance
Part A / Specific Conditions for buildings in operational phase
I. Construction Phase / 6
II. Operation Phase / 11
Part B / General Conditions / 16
Chapter 3 / Details of Environmental Monitoring
3.1 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring / 19
3.1.1 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations / 19
3.1.2 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Methodology / 19
3.1.3 / Discussion on Ambient Air Quality in the Study Area / 20
3.2 / Ambient Noise Monitoring / 20
3.2.1 / Ambient Noise Monitoring Locations / 20
3.2.2 / Methodology of Noise Monitoring / 21
3.2.3 / Ambient Noise Monitoring Results / 21
3.2.4 / Discussion on Ambient Noise Levels in the Study Area / 21
3.3 / Groundwater Quality Monitoring / 22
3.3.1 / Groundwater Quality Locations / 22
3.3.2 / Methodology of Groundwater Quality Monitoring / 22
3.3.3 / Groundwater Quality Monitoring Results / 22
3.3.4 / Discussion on Groundwater Quality in the Study Area / 23
3.4 / Soil Monitoring / 23
3.4.1 / Soil Monitoring Locations / 23
3.4.2 / Methodology of Soil Monitoring / 24
3.4.3 / Soil Monitoring Results / 24
3.4.4 / Discussion on Soil Characteristics in the Study Area / 25
3.1 / Details of Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Stations / 19
3.2 / Techniques used for Ambient Air Quality Monitoring / 20
3.3 / Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Results / 20
3.4 / Details of Ambient Noise Monitoring Stations / 21
3.5 / Details of Ambient Noise Monitoring Stations / 21
3.6 / Ambient Noise Monitoring Results / 21
3.7 / Details of Water Quality Monitoring Station / 22
3.8 / Groundwater Quality Monitoring Results / 23
3.9 / Details of Soil Quality Monitoring Location / 24
3.10 / Physico-Chemical Characteristics of soil in the Study Area / 24


1 / Environmental Clearance letter / Annexure-I
2 / Latest Monitoring report / Annexure-II
3 / License Copy / Annexure-III
4 / CTE Copy / Annexure-IV




“Aranya” a residential plotted colony measuring area 107.85 acres or 436450 m2 is being developed at village Sohna and Raipur, Sector 11 & 14, Gurgoan, Haryana, by M/s Raheja Developers Ltd. to facilitate Residential services in the nearby area. The project includes all facilities which will give enhance the green area and other facilities in the nearby area.

The project has been awarded Environmental Clearance with ‘Gold’ grading by State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority, under category 8(a) Haryana, vide reference number SEIAA/HR/2013/958 dated 15/10/2013.

The project has been sanctioned License vide letter number 25 of 2012 dated 29.03.2012 by the Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP), Govt. of Haryana .



This project involves construction of residential plotted housing on a plot area of 107.85 Acres or 4,36,450 m2. Total Built–up area is 2,96,146.18 m2. The plotted colony has 750 residential plots which also include commercial plots nursery school and primary school.

The total water requirement is 1548 KLD and the fresh water requirement for the project is 781 KLD and the total waste water generation from the project is 959 KLD and the waste water from the plotted colony will be treated through 1500 KLD STP. The treated water will be reused in horticulture, cooling of DG, flushing and washing and the excess water will be discharged into the public sewer with permission.

Total waste generation will be 5618 Kg/day, which will be disposed off as per SWM & Handling Rules.


Adequate parking will be provided in the residential plotted colony. Total of 435 ECS has been provided for the parking. Due care will be taken for the movement of the vehicles to tackle the traffic movement. The project will have complete parking facility and no outside open parking area will be used.


The primary source of water for the construction phase will be treated STP water supplied through private tankers and during the operational phase water will be sourced through HUDA


The maximum demand load for the residential plotted colony will be approximately 4.326 MVA and the power will be sourced through Dakshin Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam Limited.


Project is in construction phase in phases. Part occupancy is pending to b granted in phase I.


This six- monthly report is being submitted as per the condition stipulated in the Environmental Clearance letter.

Further, the study will envisage the environmental impacts that have generated in the local environment due to the project.

The environment assessment is being carried out to verify:

·  That the project does not have any adverse environmental impacts in the project area and it’s surrounding.

·  Compliance with the conditions stipulated in the Environmental Clearance letter.

·  That the Project Management is implementing the environmental mitigation measures as suggested in the approved Form-1, Form-1A, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and building plans.

·  The project proponent is implementing the environmental safeguards in the true spirit.

·  Any non-conformity in the project with respect to the environmental implication of the project.


Compliance of Stipulated condition of Environmental Clearance for Buildings in Construction & Operational Phase.



S.No. / Conditions of Environmental Clearance / Status of Compliance
1. / ‘Consent to Establish’ shall be obtained from Haryana State Pollution Control Board under Air and Water Act and a copy shall be submitted to the SEIAA, Haryana before the start of any construction work at site. / Agreed. Consent to establish has been obtained prior of the start of the construction of the project.
2. / A first aid room will be provided in the project both during construction and operation phase of the project. / Agreed. First aid facility is readily available at the project site for the safety of the workers during the construction phase and is in the custody of the project in charge. The facility will be maintained even during the operation phase of the project.
3. / Adequate drinking water and sanitary facilities should be provided for construction workers at site. Provision should be made for mobile toilets. Open defecation by the labours strictly prohibited. The safe disposal of waste water and solid wastes generated during the construction phase should be ensured. / Agreed. Adequate drinking water and sanitary facility is being provided for the construction workers during the construction phase. There is provision of mobile toilets in the construction site and these are proper facility of waste water and solid waste disposal.
4. / All the topsoil excavated during construction activities should be stored for use in horticulture/landscape development within the project site. / Agreed. All the top soil from the excavation of the project is being stored at the safest secured location and will be used for the horticulture and landscaping purpose once the construction of the project is complete.
5. / The project proponent shall ensure that the building material required during construction phase is properly stored within the project area and disposal of construction wastes should be after taking necessary precaution for general safety and health aspects of people, only in approved sites with the approval of competent authority. / Agreed. Building material is being stored in the safest possible place for the protection and preservation of the environment. Permission from the competent authority will be taken if required.
6. / Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous materials, must not be allowed to contaminate watercourses and the dump sites for such material must be secured so that they should not leach into the ground water and hazardous waste generated during construction phase, should be disposed off as per applicable rules and norms with necessary approval of the Haryana State pollution Control Board. / Agreed. Construction spoils, including bituminous material and other hazardous materials was disposed off in scientific manner. Due care was being taken to have zero impact on the watercourse and will be complied further.
7. / The diesel generator sets used during construction phase should be of low sulphur diesel type and should conform to Environment (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards. / Agreed. Low sulphur diesel is being used to run the DG sets during power failure and it conforms to Environment (Protection) Rules prescribed for air and noise emission standards.
8. / The diesel required for operating DG sets shall be stored in underground tanks and if required, clearance from Chief Controller of Explosives shall be taken. / Agreed. Very low quantity of diesel is being required during the power failure and DG sets are being run only during the power failure. The diesel required for operating DG sets is stored /secured in such a way that no accidents, spillage and leakage is possible. Due care is being taken during the storage and transportation of the diesel.
9. / Ambient noise levels should conform to residential standards both during day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality should be closely monitored during construction phase. Adequate measures should be taken to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase so as to conform to the stipulated standards. / Agreed. Ambient noise level monitoring was carried out dated 26.11.2015 from the residential plotted housing project and it was found within the prescribed limit of residential standards during day and night. Incremental pollution loads on the ambient air and noise quality are closely monitored during construction phase. Water sprinklers and other specific measures are being used for reducing the pollution level in and around the construction site. Adequate measures have been taken to reduce ambient air and noise level during construction phase.
10. / Fly ash should be used as building material in the construction as per the provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September, 1999 and amended as on 27th August 2003. / Agreed same shall be complied further.
11. / Storm water control and its re-use as per CGWB and BIS standards for various application / Storm water is being controlled by laying proper internal drainage network within the project site as per the CGWB and BIS standards.
12. / Water demand during construction should be reduced by use of pre-mixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices referred. / Agreed. To conserve water, pre-mixed concrete, curing agents and other best practices are being followed in the project.
13. / In view of the severe constraints in water supply augmentation in the region and sustainability of water resources, the developer will submit NOC from CGWA specifying water extraction quantities and assurance from HUDA/ utility provider indicating sources of water supply and quantity of water with details of intended use of water- potable and non potable. Assurance is required for bith construction and operation stages separately. It shall be submitted to the SEIAA and RO, MoEF, Chandigarh before start of construction. / Agreed. Only the treated water for the construction purpose is being taken and no ground water abstraction will be done throughout the construction phase of the project.
14. / Roof should meet prescribed requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code by using appropriate thermal insulation materials to fulfill requirement. / Energy conservation measures are being adopted for roof treatment.
15. / Opaque wall should meet prescriptive requirement as per Energy Conservation Building Code which is proposed to be mandatory for all air conditioned spaces while it is aspirational for non- air conditioned spaces by use of appropriate thermal insulation material to fulfill requirement. / Energy conservation measures are being adopted for walls.
16. / The approval of the competent authority shall be obtained for structural safety of the building due to earthquake, adequacy of fire fighting equipments etc as per National Building Code including protection measures from lighting etc. If any forest land is involved in the proposed site, clearance under forest Conservation Act shall be taken from the competent Authority. / Agreed same shall be complied further.
17. / Overexploited groundwater and impeding severe shortage of water supply in the region requires the developer to redraw the water and energy conservation plan. Developers shall reduce the overall footprint of the proposed development. Project proponent shall incorporate water efficiency / savings measures as well as water reuse / recycling within 3 months and before start of construction work to the SEIAA, Haryana and RO,MoEF, GoI,Chandigarh. / Agreed same shall be complied further.
18. / The project proponent as stated in the proposal shall construct 107 rain water harvesting pits for recharging the ground water within the project premises. Rainwater harvesting pits shall be designed to make provisions for silting chamber and removal of floating matter before entering harvesting pits. Maintenance budget and persons responsible for maintenance must be provided. Care shall be taken that contaminated water do not enter any RWH pit. / Agreed same shall be complied further.
19. / The project proponent shall provide for adequate fire safety measures and equipments as required by Haryana Fire Service Act ,2009 and instructions issued by the local Authority/Directorate of fire from time to time. Further the project proponent shall take necessary permission regarding fire safety scheme/NOC from competent Authority as required. / Agreed. Adequate fire safety measures and equipment as required by the Haryana Fire safety service act 2009 and instructions issued by the local authority /directorate of fire from time to time has been taken. Necessary permission regarding fire safety scheme /NOC from competent authority as required has been obtained.