Name ______Alex Ja’Meya-14 years old
Bully: The Documentary
Bully is a documentary film.
A documentary film is a non-fiction text that represents
events and people from real life. The purpose of a documentary
film could be to provoke thought, to educate or to
persuade. To be successful a documentary film also needs
to engage its audience.
Kelby-16 years old TylerSmalley-11 years old Tyler Long- 17years old
Took his life Took his life
Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social or psychological
behaviour that is harmful and involves the misuse
of power by an individual or group towards one or more
persons. It can have long-term effects on those involved.
Bullying can happen face-to-face; at a distance; and
through information and communications technologies.
- Is there anything you would like to add to thedefinition?
- Is there anything about the definition that you wouldlike to change?
- Why do you think bullies bully?
Bullying can have serious short-term and long-term consequences for children and teenagers who are bullied.
- Write a list of these shorttermand long-term consequences.
- What impact does bullying have on the family andfriends of children and teenagers who are bullied?
- Do you think the voices of the victims of bullying areignored? When did you see this happen in Bully? Canyou recall moments when the victims’ voices were diminished?
- How do people explain why someone is being bullied?
- Do people make excuses that protect the bully rather thanthe person being bullied? Do their responses sometimesallow the bullying to continue?
Did you see this happen in Bully?
- Do you think children and teenagers find it difficult totell their family, friends and teachers that they are beingbullied? Why?
- In what ways are, or were, Kelby and Ty supported bytheir friends?
- When it comes to bullying, who is ‘bystander’ and whois an ‘upstander’?
- Why don’t people intervene when they see someoneis being bullied? Make a list of
reasons why people might choose to be bystanders.
- Why aren’t there more upstanders?
- Think about a time when you witnessed bullying. Howdid you respond? How do you wish you had responded?
What stopped you from responding that way?
- What can schools and communities do to challenge aculture of bullying?
- Can a documentary make a difference?
- Will Bully change anything?
- Has watching Bully changed your perspective?
- Do you think we should show this in class again? Why or Why not?