Revised Study guide and checklist for Bio101 exam 4 Wed 8/11

Will cover (Ch 15, 16, 17, 31)

Read sections 15.6, 15.9, 15.15

Ch 15 - Know how the concept of adaptive radiation leads to species diversity.

Know how analysis of similar genes establishes phylogeny and common ancestry.

What molecules work well for molecular phylogenry.

Know how the Linnaen system of classification works. (K.P.C.O.F.G.S.)

King Philip Came Over From Germany, Son (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus,


Read sections 16.2, 16.6, 16.10, 16.10

Ch 16 – Compare and contrast Eubacteria and Archaebacteria.

Where do archaebacteria fall in the phylogeny of life?

Know some examples of archaebacterial species (Thermus, Halophiles, Methanogens)

How do shapes of bacteria and Gram stain allow classification of bacteria.

Know the roles that bacteria play in ecology. (decomposers)

Read sections 17.1, 17.2, 17.12, 17.6, 17.14, 17.7, 17.18, 17.21

Ch 17 - What are some of the uses of Fungi in modern society.

What role have fungi played in the success of plants?

How do fungi contribute to an ecosystem?

Know that Fungi are composed of hyphae and have cell walls made of chitin.

What are the products of yeast fermentation?

Ch 31 - Plants

Know the differences between monocots and dicots. If shown picture, can distinguish?

Know the basic anatomy of plants. Roles of roots , stems, leaves.

Be able to trace flow of water from root to leaf and the processes that drive this. (aka root pressure and transpiration). Predict consequences of dry conditions on these processes and wet conditions.

Know some of the tissues that make up the plant body. Stuff from lab 11

What does the phloem do and what direction does sugar typically move.

Why have angiosperms been so successful?

Essay questions: 4

1. Explain how environmental events can lead to a mass extinction and how the fossil record shows that these had lead to adaptive radiation. Does your explanation help support Gould’s hypothesis of punctuated equilibrium? (define PE in your answer)

  1. What are some differences between Eubacteria and Archaebacteria. Explain how you would recognize archaebacteria in terms of identification and habitat.

3. Many Fungi produce antibiotics such as penicillin which are valuable to medicine. Explain the value of these compounds to the fungi. --- Some also produce foul smells and tastes as they digest food. What is the value of these chemicals to the fungi. Can you hypothesize how these compounds may have evolved?

4. . Describe a hypothesis to describe the adaptation of skin color to the environment.

Use it to explain why people who live on the equator are dark skinned and people

who live towards the poles are lighter skinned. (describe in terms of selective pressure)

Sample possible multiple choice questions:

A single species that has evolved into several different forms that live in different ways has undergone

a. / adaptive radiation. / c. / punctuated equilibrium.
b. / coevolution. / d. / mass extinction.

_ Similar genes are evidence of

a. / binomial nomenclature. / c. / common ancestry.
b. / mutations. / d. / different anatomy.

Which kingdom contains heterotrophs with cell walls of chitin?

a. / Protista / c. / Plantae
b. / Fungi / d. / Animalia

Nitrogen fixation involves each of the following EXCEPT

a. / soybeans. / c. / fertilizer.
b. / Rhizobium. / d. / nodules on roots.

The tangled mass that makes up the body of a fungus is the

a. / hypha. / c. / mycelium.
b. / rhizoid. / d. / stolon.

Millions of years ago, fungi might have been important to the success of

a. / worms. / c. / bacteria.
b. / grasshoppers. / d. / plants.

To produce spores, all plants must undergo

a. / mitosis. / c. / fertilization.
b. / meiosis. / d. / asexual reproduction.

Xylem tissue is important to ferns because it

a. / can conduct water over long distances.
b. / allows water to diffuse into the roots.
c. / carries carbohydrates to all parts of the plant.
d. / allows ferns to reproduce in dry environments.

Which of the following should a student examine under a compound microscope to observe cell reproduction?

a. / epidermis of a leaf / c. / xylem from a tree trunk
b. / tip of a shoot / d. / phloem from the leaf of a plant

Here are the vocab words that will be on the test

parsimony convergent evolution genus photoautotroph symbiosis chemoautotroph

spore lichen lignin yeast mycelium apical meristem ground tissue monocot