2015- 2016Report forThird Vice President, MDSSAR Jim Adkins, 16 April 2016

The Third Vice-President shall be the chairman of the Maryland 400 Patriots’ Fund Board of Trustees and shall coordinate Society observances, ceremonies, and entertainment, and will serve as the liaison for and visit the following chapters during his term – John Paul Jones, Col. Tench Tilghman, John Hanson, Capt. John Smoot, and Thomas Stone. The Vice-Presidents shall also perform such additional duties as requested by the President – By-laws, Article III (Duties of Officers): Vice Presidents


Attended Marking of Samuel Chase Birthplace with Captain John Smoot Chapter on April 4th.

Attended Annual Meeting on April 18th

Arranged BOM meeting for June 13th at the Fifth Regiment Armory, Baltimore, MD.

Investigated and submitted a report by the Maryland Archives on the MD 400 Research Project.

Drafted policy and procedures for the MD 400 Patriots’ Fund for review.

Attended Captain John Smoot Chapter meeting on June 20th.

Attended DAR 6 Chapters of the Eastern Shore Luncheon on August 5th.

Attended the John Hanson Chapter meeting and dinner on August 12th.

Coordinated and executed the SAR bus trip to Brooklyn, NY to participate in Battle of Brooklyn/MD 400 activities on August 29th.

Submitted request from the Maryland Archives, with recommendations from the MD400 Trustees, for continuation of the MD400 research project. Funding approved by BOM at October meeting with detailed coordination by MD400 trustees required.

Arranged BOM meeting for January 9th at the Maryland Club, Baltimore, MD.

Attended the Patriots Ball on 19 December.

Attended the January 2016 BOM meeting.

Participated in a MD 400 Project coordination meeting with the Maryland Archives on December 29th. Project update provided separately.

Drafted an enhanced recognition system for donations to the Maryland 400 Fund. This is supported by the MD 400 Fund Board of Trustees and should be approved by Society leadership and the BOM at the annual meeting on April 16th. (See attached)

Attended a ceremony at the Maryland Archives to recognize the SAR donation of $10,000 toward the MD 400 research project. The Archives has advertised for an intern to be funded but is still seeking a qualified candidate to assist with the research. The Archives has a Maryland 400, Heroes of the Battle of Brooklyn, exhibit now open in the Miller Senate Office Building in Annapolis.

Attended the George Washington luncheon on 20 February and made donations to the Silent Auction.

Initiated discussion with the Old Stone House in Brooklyn for a return trip in August to honor the Maryland 400. They recommend attending a similar event as last year on August 20th at the beginning of Battle Week.

I will be in Bosnia and Herzegovina until the day before the annual meeting on April 16th so I may be limited on my ability to answer questions related to this report until I return.

James A. Adkins


410 330 1434

I propose that the MSSAR establish an enhanced recognition system to increase donations to the Maryland 400 Fund. This is a recognition-based system where donors are recognized through membership in a Maryland 400 Honorary Regiment. Donors to the fund would receive honorary rank based on their donation. Donations would be cumulative so a person could increase in rank based on donations over time. You would not have to be a member of the SAR to participate and you could honor others by donating in their names if you wished. We would post the roster of the Honorary Regiment on our SAR website so individuals could be recognized and they would receive a pin commensurate with their honorary rank. In addition to this effort, I also propose that we establish a system to recognize donations or planned giving to the Fund of $5000 or greater that would be called the Smallwood Society. Someone has volunteered to front the startup cost for pins and brochures. Virginia has a similar program.
Maryland 400 Honorary Regiment Roster
Honorary Commander of the Regiment $5,000 or more

Honorary General $2500

Honorary Colonel $1000
Honorary Major $750
Honorary Captain $500
Honorary Lieutenant $250
Honorary Sergeant $100
Honorary Private $50

Those who donate or sign up for planned giving of $5,000 or more would become members of the Smallwood Society.