Entrepreneurship Promotion Project
The Entrepreneurship Promotion Project provides an opportunity for chapter members to:
- demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of entrepreneurship
- engage in activity(ies) that clarify and enhance understanding of entrepreneurship
- plan and implement a presentation or activity(ies) to educate and promote entrepreneurship to organized groups and/or the general public
YOU are the manager of this project. You will need to consider the various management functions to execute the project. This is a project that WILL require out of class work time. Pick a partner wisely and plan accordingly.
Project IdeaPlanning / Taking information, analyzing, setting goals and creating strategies
Organizing / Determining what needs to be done and how it will get done
Leading / Inspiring others to want to work—including yourself J
Controlling / Maintaining standards
Measuring productivity
Staffing / Will you need other people besides you to execute the project and what will their roles be like
Your Name(s)______
Project Idea:______
List specific details of project: ______
Meeting with Ms. Thompson 1Approved 1Modfied 1Not approved
Project Ideas
Individual activities:
Biography--Create a biographical poster of a famous entrepreneur. These posters will be shared in various spots around the school. Should have a balance between content and visual.
Trivia--Create a trivia game related to the entrepreneurs and the field of entrepreneurship--share it over the announcements, in a Kahoot for the class to play, or another creative way.
Guest Speaker--Coordinate a guest speaker to come to the class. Set up the date (via phone usually), put together a letter to confirm with the speaker and bullet point topics for him/her to discuss. Set up a short slide presentation for use in introducing the speaker—include brief background of individual and business. Confirm date with teacher--follow up with thank you letter
Bulletin Board--Create a bulletin board to highlight local entrepreneurs--use the Chamber of Commerce website and LinkedIn or interview local entrepreneurs.
Social Media Blitz--Design and implement activities that would be shared on Twitter, Facebook, and/or Instagram to promote the idea of entrepreneurship. Social media plan should be designed and evaluated based on the ability to get others to engage and the amount of content in a variety of mediums
Historical Journey--Create an oversized timeline showing famous entrepreneurs/businesses over an extended period of time.
Team Activities (2-3 members in a team)
Infomercial for a NEW, innovate product concept: -Come up with a new innovative product. Describe how/why it is needed in the marketplace and share its features and benefits in a 5-10 minute infomercial video. Consider modeling after a QVC demonstration.
Booth--Set up a booth during lunch hour to teach other student body members and staff about entrepreneurship. You and your partner should have separate lunch hours so that you can “man” the booth. Will need attractive set up with support materials.
Luncheon--Coordinate the Entrepreneur Exchange Luncheon. Select a date, invite and send invitations to local entrepreneurs, invite DECA members, plan menu within a budget, set up in atrium the day of, send thank you letters after the event
Documentary--Create a documentary video about known young entrepreneurs or the history of a famous company or product over the years
Board Game--Create a board game that could be shared with classmates with the objective of teaching others about entrepreneurship, skills needed by entrepreneurs, famous entrepreneurs and their business ideas
Face Off--Challenge another team to an entrepreneurial face off. Come up with a similar type of company, so in other words you are competitors. Create your product (must be school appropriate, approved) and a day that it would be sold.
Talk show host interview--You and one other partner would simulate an interview on a “talk show”. One person would be host while the other would play the role of the entrepreneur. Questions would teach the rest of us about the famous entrepreneur and their business in a video format.
Evaluated on:
· Ability to reach target market (students/teachers)
· Overall impact of teaching others about entrepreneurship
· Professionalism, creativity of project
· Utilization of class time and ability to meet deadlines
· Depth of project/how involved is project
Project Work Time and Due Dates
· Tuesday, November 3—present proposal
· Thursday, November 5—work day
· Friday, November 6—work day
· Wednesday, November 11 DUE