April 9, 2013, Regular Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
6:00 p.m.,Tranquillity High School
April 9, 2013, Regular Board Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Board President Lopezat 6:00p.m.
The roll call indicated the following trustees were present:
Antonio Lopez, Jr.
Edna Munguia
Kathy Chaffin
Leticia Fernandez arrived at 6:20p.m. in closed session & left at 8:12 p.m.
Celina U. Rossetti
Presentacion Sanchez left at 10:35 p.m. in closed session
Maryann Trujillo
Those in attendance were: Acting SuperintendentJesus Cruz, Assistant Superintendent/Chief Business OfficerGina Murphy-Garrettand Administrative Assistant Jo Ann Minnite.
Board President Lopezled those present in the pledge of allegiance.
It was moved by trusteeChaffinmoved, and seconded by trusteeMunguiato approve the agenda as presented:
Motion carried; 6/0/1
Public Comments regarding Closed Session items.
No comments at this time.
It was moved by trusteeMunguia,and seconded by trusteeRossetti to convene into closed session at 6:02 p.m.
Motion carried: 6/0/1
5.1Education Code Section 35146:
Expulsion Hearing-Case #FY1213-02
Expulsion Hearing Case #FY1213-03
Expulsion Hearing Case #FY1213-04
Expulsion Hearing Case #FY1213-05
5.2Government Code Section 54957.6 - CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Employee Organization; CSEA District Negotiator(s) – Jesus Cruz, -Acting Superintendent
5.3Government Code Section 54957 (b) –Public Employee /Discipline/Dismissal/ Release/Reassignment
It was moved by trusteeChaffin, and seconded by trusteeRossetti to
reconveneintoOpen Session at 7:08 p.m.
Motion carried: 7/0/0
The Board President Lopez reports no action taken in closed session.
There was no action taken in closed session.
The Board will reconvene into closed session after 15.0.
Public Comments:
Mr. Richard Gonzalez parent of THS and TES students
1. His complaint was about school lunches and how his children have complained about mold and expiration dates on different food item they have received in lunch line. He has two daughters, one is a sophomore the other afreshman and two at TES. He had a son that goes to TES get sick but never researched it any further from food.
2. Concerned about the text books in all classes, especially History and Science
and that there are not enough for all students. The 2008-2009 adopted new books had been ordered. And It was reported by Mr. Cruz that we passed or Williams review and all students had books. Next adoption in 2016.
3. Will there be academic college courses offered this summer and next
Brad Riley Band Teacher at all sites
- Band Spring Concert – May 23rd. Mr. Riley handed out flyer for the event.
- Hawaii Trip – June 8-14. 16 students going and asking for donations
- Magic Mountain –June 1st.
Isabel Ramirez parent of expulsion student. She would like to see her son back in
school and keep him in a program monitoring his work. They know he made
abig mistake and that there is consequences for his action. He said he was sorry.
Leticia Gallardo parent of expulsion student, wanting to know the decision of the board
and pleading also for him to stay in school. Admitting he made a big mistake and was sorry. She said she wants a good education for her kids. Her child spoke for himself and asked for an opportunity to do better.
8.0Consent Agenda
8.1Items not subject to closed session
8.1aApprove the Board of Education Meeting Minutes of March 12, 2013
8.1bApprove Warrants March 1-31, 2013
8.1cADA/Enrollment Recap Report
8.1dApprove Workshops/Travel Report
8.1eApprove Intra-district and Inter-district Attendance Permits
It was moved by trusteeMunguia, and seconded by trusteeChaffin to approve the consent agenda as presented.
Motion carried: 7/0/0
9.1Division 5, Valley ChampionsBoys Basketball
Mr. Rafael Torres, THS Principal
Mr. David Finnegan spoke on behalf of the basketball players and their
performance and growth of the players. One of the Basketball students were
present. District 1,County Supervisor presented each of the players with a
certificate. The Fresno Bee had a nicearticle written along with a plaque.
The players are trying to raise fundsfor a ring for eachplayer,and the team is
short of funds and asking for sponsors and contributions towardsthese items,
they are keeping the cost under $200.00 per player. The other items were
patches for letterman jacket and other patches (Block T, and patches for
different sports) for $472.06. The basketball team was asking for support.
Mr. Torres also presented to the Board their newsletter “The Tiger Chronicle”.
Mr. Cruz presented certificates to all the basketball players and thanked the coaches, administration and the athletics for job well done.
9.2Fresno County Spell-Off
Mr. Matt Kinnunen, TES Principal
Four students that advanced from our Spelling Bee at Tranquillity
Elementary on March 1, 2013and earned the right to compete at the
County Spelling Bee held at the Exhibit Hall at downtown Fresno on
March 23. They were Joel Anguiano 5th graders from SJES, Heiberto Gutierrez 6th graders from SJES, Uliceus Lopez 8th grader from TES, and MagaloRofriguez 7th graders from SJES. Mr. Kinnunen also wanted to give Veronica Jurado special thanks for all her help transporting the students. Mr. Cruz has certificates to present to the four students
from the district for their great accomplishment in the Fresno County
Spelling Bee. Mr. Cruz also wanted to present certificates to present to the four students from the district for their great accomplishment in the Fresno CountySpelling Bee.
10.1It was moved by trusteeChaffin, and seconded by trustee Munguia to approve Resolution FY12-13-29 to Rescind Layoff of Licensed Vocational Nurse positionas presented.
Motion carried: 5/1/0/1 Sanchez-No, Fernandez-Abstained
11.0Strategic Plan and Other Initiatives Informational
11.1Mr. Kinnunen reported to the board regarding Character Counts materials that has been separated and ready to deliver to the sites. Some item Mr. Kinnunen suggested needsto be laminated for the classrooms and outside. PBIS kick-off is in Fresno on May 21st, TES, HES, CES are ready-waiting to hear from THS and SJES.
11.2It was moved by trusteeChaffin, and seconded by trustee Munguia to approve California School Boards Association-Policy Services at the price of $3,630.00.
Motion carried; 7/0/0.
11.3It was moved by trustee Munguia, and seconded by trustee Rossetti to approve CSBA Gamut online at the renewal cost of $2,000.
Motion carried; 7/0/0.
12.0Business and Financial Information/ReportsInformational
12.1Mrs. Gina Murphy-Garrett let the board know that the Ten Year Plan had been presented to the board in October 2012 and approved. Gina wanted to bring it back for the new board and superintendent, it is basically a road map for the facilities of the district and it updates the existing facilities of things that need to be done. It projects enrollment up to ten years for each site. Comparison of costs for what we have spent and what will need to be spent for current repairs. Integrated Design is the architect to assess each site, and comparison. Then it will come back to the board for their input. The new book will be color coded from old to new,input summarized and possible fundingand suggestion, along with Board inputs. The book will be brought back to the board for the June board meeting. Several bonds are being made available.
12.2Avtar Gill gave a presentation regarding the Technology Department
explaining the setup and maintenance of many programs, since Avtar came on board in 2010, as well as the, Student information system-Aeries , Avtar set up AVS Inventory Maintenance system so that the administrators have a check in and check out system with staff, as well as, all other directors.
During Spring breakAvtar, after checking with other companies set up a pilot Wi-Fi for San Joaquin Elementary himself and saved the district a considerable amount of money. This issome of the monies recovered from Erate since checking into things and finding out that things had not been followed through since 2006 at our end, he recovered around $2,000,000.00. From these monies Avtar increased our speed of the internet coordinated EETT grant monies, Erate year 2013-2014 proposed projects are getting a Logo for our district. There are several projects that Avtar is working on for future that was included in presentation.
Erate year 2013-2014 (proposed projects)
Cost to us$692,415.24
Erate contribution$623,173.71
CFT Pay$ 27,935.16
Our final cost$ 41,306.37
E-Education in
E-Entities through
The FCOE is using Avatar’s saying for Everest.
12.3It was moved by trusteeTrujillo, and seconded by trusteeChaffin to approveResolution FY12-13-28 In the matter of Emergency Contract without Bidding as presented.
Motion carried; 6/0/1 Fernandez left at 8:12 p.m.
The company picked was approved by our insurance company, same company doing the first bathroom.
12.4It was moved by trustee Munguia, and seconded by trustee Rossettito approve the Budget Revision Invoice as presented from 2012 year.
Motion carried; 6/0/1
The board asked regarding this invoice and Mrs. Garrett let them know that Ruben Castillo had approved for this work before he left and it was incurred in 2012 year. The administration after Mr. Castillo did not send to accounts payable to process. Board member Munguia asked, would we use her again.
Gina said if there was a need it would be brought to the board first for approval.
Trustee Rossetti was out of the room at 8:37 p.m. and returned at 8:46 p.m.
13.0 Superintendent’s Report
Acting Superintendent, Jesus Cruz reported
13.1Summer School Update-Mr. Cruz & Cristina Covarrubia
$125,000 from categorical
Locations THS and SJES,
June 17th–July 11th (THS) 4 weeks & June 17th-June 28th (SJES) 2 weeks
Open enrollment and times for Elementary 7:30-2:00 p.m.
8th/THS 7:30-2:00 p.m.
Registration will be April 15th- through April 26th
Staffing similar to last yearwill have attendance clerks for both sites
It was asked to check into the transportation cost for fuel only.
13.2Update-TIP Probationary letter of Intent/SARB –
Agreement has been sent in to FCOE and waitingto receive a contract for services.
13.3Common Core Standard Update -All three sites are through with the
Smarter Balance Pilot Test program
The three schools chosen for the pilot program was Helm, San Joaquin
andTranquillity 6th& 5th ELA grade, 6th grade Math. Veronica Jurado
worked with these students and felt the students were engaged in the reading projects that was given. The students were not looking for excuses to get up or leave the class room.
13.4SES providers
200 students chosen and the providers are working with students at their home, on school sites and etc.
If the money is not spent totally spent it comes back to the district and
will be applied to summer school
13.5Vehicle/Counselor Internship Update
Gina reported on the vehicle and the quotes received. Went to H&J and JS Chevrolet, the cost was $34,000 for a Suburban or a new van for $ 27,000and 6 passengers. Gina asked if she could move forward and the board said yes. Eddie and Gina will check other dealers for more comparisons.
Eveyln reported on the Counselor Internship
There are 4 school psychologists we contract with FCOE.
Mrs. Diaz goes to the local universities and speaks with the students that are in counseling or psychology to do their internship at GPUSD. We do have 2 interns right now and that work with students, counseling, assessments and anything else that is required by their university. They are overseen by our counselor or 1 of the school psychologist.
We will have two social workers that will 400 hours each for 2013-2014 school year and be under the special education department. There is no cost to the district. Mrs. Diaz will present a schedule after meeting with the interns.
14.0 Proposed Agenda Items by Board Members
14.1Member Trujillo-Possible Counselor-next year – SJES
Member Trujillo- thanked Mr. Cruz for all his help. And she also praised the board members for their going to classes on Saturday.
Mr. Cruz introduced Barbara Zambrano San Joaquin new principal.
Member Munguia- requesting transportation handbook.
Member Lopez- Requested for Mr. Cruz to bring all new administrators or employee to meet the board in August.
Member Rossetti- wanted to thank Avtar Gill for his presentation and for now the community can visually know who he and for saving the district money.
15.0Future board meeting dates/locations;
15.1Tuesday, May 14, 2013, 6:00 p.m. Closed Session,7:00 p.m. Open
Session; San Joaquin Elementary School
15.2Tuesday, June 11, 2013, 6:00 p.m. Closed Session, 7:00 p.m. Open
Session; Tranquillity Elementary School
It was moved by trusteeRossetti,and seconded by trustee Munguia to reconvene into closed session at 9:15 p.m.
Motion carried: 6/0/1 Fernandez left
It was moved by trusteeRossetti, and seconded by trustee Munguia to reconvene to open session at 12:55 a.m.
Motion carried; 5/0/2
Closed Session Action:
Item 5.1It was moved by trustee Trujillo and seconded by trustee Rossetti to table item 5.1 Education Code Section 35146: Expulsion Hearing-Case #FY1213-02, Expulsion Hearing-Case #FY1213-03, Expulsion Hearing Case #FY1213-04, Expulsion Hearing Case #FY1213-05, until a Special Board Meeting that will take place on Thursday, April 18, 2013 in the district office at 6:00 p.m.
Motion carried: 4/2/1
The following vote;
Lopez-No, Chaffin-Yes, Munguia-Yes, Fernandez-Absent, Rossetti-Yes, Sanchez-No, Trujillo-Yes
16.0 Adjournment
It was moved by trusteeMunguia, and seconded by trusteeRosetti to
adjourn the Regular Board Meeting of April 9, 2013 at 12:58 a.m.
Motion carried: 5/0/2
Respectfully submitted,
_/s/______/s/ ______
Jo Ann R. Minnite Edna Munguia______
Secretary Clerk