Disability Support Payment portability for para-athletes

2016 Budget

Para-athletes in receipt of the Disability Support Pension are affected by a portability rule which generally does not allow them to travel outside Australia for more than four weeks in a 12 month period before their payments are paused. This measure will allow para-athletes to apply for an exemption to payment rules to allow them to compete in events in the 12 months prior to the Paralympic Games.

What was announced in the 2016Budget?

TheSocial Security Regulation 2012has been changed to allow para-athletes to apply for an exemption to travel and compete overseas in the 12 months leading up to the Paralympic Games without losing their Disability Support Pension (DSP).

Recipients of the DSP are currently only able to travel overseas for four weeks during a 12 month period, which can affectpara-athletes who wish to participate in qualifying, or preparatory, events for the Paralympics.

How will this help?

When preparing for the Paralympics, para-athletes are often required to spend more than four weeks overseas participating in general events or competitions to qualify for the Paralympic Games.

This measure allows para-athletes to apply for an exemption to the DSP rule which pauses their payments if they travel for more than four weeks in a 12 month period.

In the 12 months prior to the Paralympics,the exemption allowspara-athletes to travel overseas as many times as they need to. Each trip can be up to four weeks in length without it affecting their payment.

How will the measure work?

Para-athletes who wish to be granted an exemption need to apply through the Department of Human Services, and would need to show evidence of their participation in an eligible event from an appropriate approval body.

Why is the measure being introduced?

This measure is being introduced to ensure para-athletes are able to prepare and qualify for the Paralympics in the 12 months leading up to the event.

The Commonwealth Government supports and recognises the aspirations and efforts of this elite group of Australians.

More information

For more information about this measure and other Department of Social Services’ Budget measures, visit the Department of Social Services website (

For information about the 2016 Budget, visit the Australian Government budget website(