Curriculum Vitae /
Personal information
First name(s) / Surname(s) / Marina - Eugenia Mihaila
Address(es) / Bucharest, Romania
Bd.Ion Ionescu de la Brad 57-59 ap.14, sector 1, 013812
Telephone(s) / - / Mobile: / +4 0745050502
Fax(es) / +4-0212693422
E-mail /
Web/ personal page /
Nationality / Ro
Date of birth / 22.08.1973
Occupational field / Lecturer Ph.D. Architect | Architecture, Teaching, Lecturing
University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu” Bucharest
Associated Architect | Architecture, Professional Practice
ARHITECTONIK 2000 srl – architecture office
Researcher | Programme Director
Centre of Studies for Contemporary Architecture - CSAC
Work experience
Dates / 2000 – present ( March 2012)
Occupation or position held / Assistant, Lecturer
Main activities and responsibilities / Guidance on projects
Name and address of employer / “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Faculty of Architecture
18-20 Academiei Str., 010014, Bucharest, Romania
Type of business or sector / Education – University, education and research
Dates / 2001 – present ( March 2012)
Occupation or position held / Architect, Associated Architect
Main activities and responsibilities / Architecture, design, urban planning
Name and address of employer / Arhitectonik 2000 srl Bucharest Romania
Bd.Ion Ionescu de la Brad 65, ap.4, sector 1, 013812, Bucharest, Romania
Type of business or sector / Architecture and urban planning design projects, consultancy
Dates / 2012 – present ( March 2012)
Occupation or position held / Architect, researcher, programme director and manager.
Main activities and responsibilities / Research on architecture field, consultancy, architecture dedicated programmes development.
Name and address of employer / Centre of studies for contemporary architecture – CSAC
Bd.Ion Ionescu de la Brad 65, ap.4, sector 1, 013812, Bucharest, Romania
Type of business or sector / Research, dedicated studies in architecture and connected fields, learning progrommes.
Dates / 1998 – 2000
Occupation or position held / Architect
Main activities and responsibilities / Architectural technical projects and consultancy
Name and address of employer / AEDIFICIA CARPATI Bucharest Romania
Aluminium Design Sector – high-tech & technological facades
Type of business or sector / Construction, development, projects
Education and training
Dates / 2005 - 2011
Title of qualification awarded / Ph.D. – title certified in December 2011
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / Architecture; architecture and technology.
Ph.D. Thesis Title: “Working with/ in New Office – concepts & technology”
Doctoral Research Programme 2007-2011
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / Doctoral Studies – “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
and SITT-CESI Bucharest
Level in national or international classification / Ph.D.
Dates / 1998-1999
Title of qualification awarded / Master – Advanced Studies
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / Urban planning, city theory, territory development.
Title of dissertation: ““Architecture façade – urban scenography” - 2000
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / Master Urban Planning - “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Level in national or international classification / Master Urban Planning Degree programme (MAP)
Dates / 1992-1998
Title of qualification awarded / Architect Diplomat
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered / Architecture
Diploma subject: “(A) Cultural centre for Bucharest ” 1998
Name and type of organisation providing education and training / “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urbanism Bucharest, Romania
Level in national or international classification / Architect Diplomat
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue(s) / Romanian
Other language(s)
Self-assessment / Understanding / Speaking / Writing
European level (*) / Listening / Reading / Spoken interaction / Spoken production
English / C1 / Proficient user / C1 / Proficient user / B2 / Independent user / C1 / Proficient user / C1 / Proficient user
French / B2 / Independent user / B2 / Independent user / A2 / Basic user / B2 / Independent user / B1 / Independent user
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Social skills and competences / - Team work: I have worked in interdisciplinary teams from construction site management and architecture projects, to university guidance couching teams on complex designs. For more than 10 years I’ve couched and guidance architectural projects from 1st year of study to 5th years of study at Architecture Synthesis Department, Faculty of Architecture, UAUIM Bucharest.
- Mediating skills: I work with young people, youth trainers, and interdisciplinary professional teams – on applied architectural projects and also theoretical ones.
Organisational skills and competences / - Between March 2008 and October 2011, for 3 years, I was in committee for research of the Architectural Synthesis Department, Faculty of Architecture, UAUIM Bucharest Romania. In these 3 years: I have organised 3 scientific sessions with national and international participation, and I have been in the committee of 4 numbers of research periodic publication “Argument” ISSN 2067-4252 edited by University Publishing House “Ion Mincu” Bucharest. (B Category CNCS for publishing houses).
- For 10 years I have been the managing architect and author of many design projects that required an interdisciplinary based work team and a high performance of construction.
Technical skills and competences / - Technological applied skills: I have worked on many applied technical detailed architectural projects, and I am the author of many details of construction.
- In my domain I am a creative person, also on university guidance workshop – teaching the students to develop their own ideas and concepts, and on applied field of architecture – proving the base and the architecture theme for the whole project.
Computer skills and competences / Microsoft Office (2003), Autocad Architectural D. (2010), Corel (X3), Adobe Photoshop (C5), Artlantis, MAX.
Artistic skills and competences / Photography, painting, writing novels.
Other skills and competences / -
Driving licence / yes
Additional information
Partner and membership / Founding Partner of Arhitectonik 2000 – architecture office
10 years experience in architecture, urban planning and design field, winner of 4 architecture prizes at international and national competitions.
Founding member of OAR National – Order of Romanian Architects
Founding member of CSAC - Centre of Studies for Contemporary Architecture
Member of OAR Bucharest - Order of Romanian Architects Bucharest branch, TNA 1567
Member RUR – Register of Romanian Urban Planners
Prizes architecture / 2004 First Prize – International Architecture Competition “3S Center Toyota Bucharest”, competition with invitations, authors: arch.Cristian Banica, arch.Marina Mihaila.
2005 First Prize – Architecture Competition “3S Center Toyota Bucharest”, second stage of the international competition, authors: arch.Cristian Banica, arch.Marina Mihaila.
2003 First Prize – National Architecture Competition “ ROMGAZ HQ Ploiesti, authors: arch.Marina Mihaila, arch.Cristian Banica.
2005 First Prize – National Architecture Ideas Competition “Conference Hall for M.A.I. – Excelsior Hotel Brasov”, authors: arch.Marina Mihaila, arch.Cristian Banica.
Exhibitions / Arhitectonik2000 – architecture in a decade | Innovation in architectural Design _ Nov.2011, ARCUB Bucuresti, “Competitivity Day”, organizer: Eurolink Foundation.
Bucharest Architecture Annual 2011 | Ph.D. Thesis Section
– exhibition of personal doctoral thesis “Working with/in New Office” author Marina Mihaila.
Bucharest Architecture Annual 2010 | Architecture Section:
- HQ INSPET Ploiesti – authors: Cristian Banica, Marina Mihaila.
Bucharest Architecture Biennale 2008 | Architecture Section >1000 sqm, <1000 sqm
- 3S CENTRE TOYOTA BUCHAREST NORD - authors: Cristian Banica, Marina Mihaila.
- OFFICE BOX – ROMGAZ OFFICES Ploiesti - authors: Marina Mihaila, Cristian Banica.
Others / Evolo Architecture Competition 2012 – „Zcity – unknown city of the future” – autor arh. Marina Mihaila
Arte Laguna Prize 2011 – „About Discromia” – author arh. Marina Mihaila
Claudio Buziol Prize submission 2011 – „DIS.PATCH/ RE.MATCH.” – author arh. Marina Mihaila
Architecture Competition „Pedestrian Central Area Design Cluj-Napoca” – team: Marina Mihaila, Cristina Enache, Cristian Banica, Bogdan Enache, 2007.
Committees, conferences, commissions
| member / Secretary and member in organizing commission for Architecture International Conference ICAR2012 – Chair Committee 4 | Feb.-May 2012. Organizer: UAUIM Bucharest.
Secretary and member in organizing commission for Romania National Participation to Biennale di Venezia | Sept. 2011 – April 2012. Organizer: Culture Minister, MAE, ICR, UAR.
Member in Dissertation Licenses Committee UAUIM Bucharest | July 2011, general chair: Prof.Ph.D.Arch. Augustin Ioan
Member in Dissertation Licenses Committee UAUIM Bucharest | April 2011, general chair: Prof.Ph.D.Arch. Anca Bratuleanu
Member in Dissertation Licenses Committee UAUIM Bucharest | July 2010, general chair: Prof.Ph.D.Arch. Hanna Derer
Member in Dissertation Licenses Committee UAUIM Bucharest | April 2010, general chair: Prof.Ph.D.Arch. Anca Bratuleanu.
Member in “Schita de schita” Committee Jury, UAUIM Bucharest, Faculty of Architecture – 2002-2012.
Secretary and member in organizing commission for scientific sessions with national and international participation, Synthesis Architectural Design Department, Faculty of Architecture, UAUIM Bucharest:
- “Upgrade_ development through continuity” – March 2011
- “Heritage and contemporary architecture” – February 2010
- “Regeneration of the urban/ architectural landscape” – June 2009.
Member in Jury Design Projects for 4th and 5th year of study, Faculty of Architecture, UAUIM Bucharest | 2010 – 2012.
Tutor / Tutor on 2011 ARHETIPURI Competition | Prize stud.arch. Raluca Pestisanu and stud.arch. Tamina Lolev
Tutor (in tutorial team) 2011 AEEA + UAUIM International Competition for Students | Mention stud.arch. Raluca Pestisanu and Mara Vasile.
Tutor (in tutorial team) 2009 AEEA + UAUIM International Competition for Students | Mention stud.arch. Razvan Enescu.
Publications / Author book “]office[ architecture +technology.” , “Ion Mincu” University Press, 2012 – book in progress, bilingual book.
Author/ one of the book authors of the periodic publication “Argument 4/2012 – Upgrade – development through continuity” book coordinator prof.dr.arch.Daniela Radulescu Andronic, ISSN 2067-4252, “Ion Mincu” University Publishing Press Bucharest 2012.
Author/ one of the book authors “IV.International Confernce THE ROLE OF TOURISM IN TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT. October 7-8 2011”, edited by Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Geography and Cluj University Press, October 2011, ISSN 2068-9578
Author/ one of the book authors “Urban Space – Architectural Space – Interior Space” Book coordinator prof.dr.arch. Ana Maria Dabija, “Ion Mincu” University Publishing Press Bucharest June 2010. ISBN 978-606-638-003-4 . pg 59-66, 271-278.
Author / one of the book authors “Landscape-Architecture-Technology-Ambient.” Book coordinator prof.dr.arch. Ana Maria Dabija, “Ion Mincu” University Publishing Press Bucharest June 2010. ISBN 978-973-1884-92-9 . pg 253-273.
Author / one of the 26 book authors of the periodic publication “Argument 2/ 2010 – Patrimony values and contemporary architecture” book coordinator prof.dr.arch.Daniela Radulescu Andronic, ISSN 2067-4252, “Ion Mincu” University Publishing Press Bucharest 2010. pg.59-75.
Author / one of the 23 book authors of the periodic publication “Argument 1/ 2009– Urban/ architectural landscape regeneration – between landmarks, priorities and limits”, book coordinator prof.dr.arch.Daniela Radulescu Andronic, “Ion Mincu” University Publishing Press Bucharest 2009 ISSN 2067-4252, pg.114-120.
Author / one of the book project authors – two projects / Architecture Bucharest Bienalle Catalogue 2008, ISBN 978-973-0-06122-2, project article “Box-office – Romgaz Ploiesti” pg.41 + project article “3S Toyota Bucharest Centre” pg.89.
Author / one of the 24 book authors of the periodic publication “Renasterea Civilizatiei rurale romanesti” nr.1-2 (15) 2006, edited by ‘Niste Tarani’ National Foundation for Rural Civilisation, 2006, ISSN 1454-5756 – pg.125-129.
Conferences / Lecture “About urban experiments and archaeologies. Bucharest.” – Scientific Session “Urban experiments – cultural events.” 28-29th March 2012, UAUIM Bucharest.
Lecture “3x3 (ideas about architecture + technology.” – “Workshop from 5 o’clock” conference program Synthesis of Architectural Design Department, Faculty of Architecture UAUIM Bucharest, 21st March 2012.
Lecture “About urban insertions and space discontinuities.” – International Conference CITTAM Interdepartamental Research Centre for studies on Traditional Technoques of the Mediterranean Area Napoli Italy 12-14 Feb.2012, Organizers: Naples Univerisity os Stdies “Federico II” si ACEN – Associazione Costructtori Edili Napoli.
Moderator _ Architecture Symposium UAUIM Bucharest and Urban Politics and Strategies Commission from the Bucharest City Hall, Nov.2011, RomHotel Event, Romexpo Bucharest.
Lecture in conference “Wine Regions and Wine Tourism. Integrated architecture, Promotioning Local Products and Natural Landscape, for Wine Regions Development.”atInternational Conference “Role of Tourism in Teritorial Development.”, October 7-8th2011,Gheorghieni, Romania, Organizer:Babes-Bolyai University – Faculty of Geography, University Extension Gheorgheni. | Author and lecture together with arch.Cristian Banica.
Lecture in conference“Winery tourism – architecture and landscape”” Architecture Symposium, Organizers: “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning Bucharest and Commission for Strategy and Urban Politics from the Bucharest City Hall,ROMEXPO EXHIBITION CENTER Bucharest 9h September, 3rd September 2011.
Lecture in conference“Office.Workplaces.Atmosphere.” Architecture Symposium, Organizers: “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning Bucharest and Commission for Strategy and Urban Politics from the Bucharest City Hall,ROMEXPO EXHIBITION CENTER Bucharest 31st August – 4th September, 3rd September 2011.
Lecture“Office.Landscape.Urban technologies.” atSymposium “Architecture and Landscape”, organizers: “Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning Bucharest and Commission for Strategy and Urban Politics from the Bucharest City Hall, June 8-12th2011 – in International Trade Fair – Ambient, ROMEXPO Exhibition Center Bucharest, 9th June 2011.
Lecture„signs and symbols in the city – between place and time spirit. ]urban memory. human-cultural space – mediation of scale.[ at ARA – Archeology – Restauration - Architecture – Symposium, symposium with international participation, April 2011 Bucharest. Organizer: ARA /
Lecture„Urban Scenography. Glass avatars. Innovation and Transparency.”Author and lecturer together with Assist.Arch.Mihaela Grigorescu, at „INGLASS – Transparency and Innovation - National Architecture Conference” April 2011 Bucharest. Organizers: Romanian Architects Order – OAR and AB Plus. /
Lecture„Urban memory. Continuity”at Scientific Session with international participation „Upgrade-development through continuity” March 2011 Bucharest. Organizer: „Ion Mincu” University of Architecture and Urban Planning Bucharest, Faculty of Architecture. /
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