Research Skills Rubric

Draft 10/15/03

Skills / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0
Thesis / ·  Research conducted in a goal oriented manner, governed by thesis / ·  Research includes tangential, but interesting materials relevant but unnecessary / ·  Research mixes relevant and irrelevant material in a haphazard fashion / ·  Research is mostly irrelevant material / ·  Research lacks any focus
Information Seeking / ·  Student gathered information from a variety of quality sources, including books, periodicals, licensed databases, Web sites, and primary documents where appropriate.
·  Sources are relevant, balanced and include critical analysis relating to the thesis.
·  Student evaluated Web sites using an accepted evaluation tool. / ·  Student gathered information from a variety of sources, both print and electronic and information is relevant to the thesis / ·  Student gathered information from a limited range of materials and student made little effort to evaluate the sources. / ·  Information gathered lacked relevance to the topic. Student made no effort to select relevant sources. Paper may be plagiarized. / ·  There is no evidence that the student consulted any source for information. Paper may be plagiarized.
Analysis / ·  Students carefully analyzed the information collected and drew appropriate conclusions supported by evidence. / ·  Conclusion shows student made effort to analyze the evidence collected. / ·  Student’s conclusion needs support from stronger evidence. Levels of analysis could have been more in depth. / ·  Student’s conclusion simply involved restating information. / ·  Evidence did not support student’s conclusion.
Relevant Citations / ·  All of the citations successfully support the thesis or its sub points / ·  Most of the citations successfully support the thesis or its subpoints / ·  Some of the citations successfully support the thesis or its subpoints / ·  Few of the citations successfully support the thesis or its subpoints / ·  None of the citations successfully support the thesis or its subpoints
Documenting sources and citations / ·  All data associated with a source. Citations and bibliography meet or exceed standards set in Regis Writing Guide and by instructor. / ·  All data associated with a source. Most citations follow accepted format, with some guesswork on difficult or unusual sources. / ·  All data associated with a source. Failure to refer to Regis Writing Guide for common formatting. Textbook cited as a source. / ·  Incomplete or inconsistent references. Bibliography incomplete--some facts associated with books not cited. May constitute plagiarism. / ·  Total failure to associate data with appropriate sources.
·  May constitute plagiarism
Outline / ·  Paper is multi-paragraph
·  Outline shows thought in organizing facts into complete sentences / ·  Paper is multi-paragraph
·  Outline shows thought in organizing facts
·  Not all facts stated in complete sentences / ·  Paper is multi-paragraph
·  Outline shows inconsistent organization
·  Facts included as fragments / ·  Outline shows inconsistent organization
·  Facts not included in outline / ·  Outline non-existent or fails to show any thoughtful consideration