In a science classroom, there are two types of activities: class instruction and lab. Both types require their own set of rules, as follows:


  1. Student must be ready and prepared, at his seat, when the bell rings (book, notebook, pen/pencil, any other necessary/required materials)
  2. Disruption is not acceptable; this includes interrupting the speaker and talking out of turn.
  3. Visits to the restroom are on the student’s time, not the teacher’s.
  4. NO FOOD. Gum is acceptable provided the teacher does NOT HEAR IT OR SEE IT. Desk bottoms are not gum and wrapper disposals.
  5. Respect goes in two directions, respect yourself and others, and you will gain respect in turn.

LAB RULES: (above rules are still applicable)

  1. Work only on assigned tasks. Unauthorized lab work will be dealt with appropriately.
  2. Observe standard safety rules. Specific rules will be given when necessary.
  3. Work areas must be cleaned and materials stored properly before the student can leave the room.
  4. Dangerous, hazardous, or combustible materials will be treated as such.

Consequences are in place not only to maintain discipline, but also to help maintain a safe working and learning environment. Should a rule be broken, consequences in accordance with the standard Behavior Management Policy (BMP) will apply. However, the teacher does reserve the right to skip consequences when necessary (in the case of severe violations, such as property destruction, abusive/belligerent behaviors, imposing harm to self and/or others—intentionally or otherwise). Understand that the student may be removed from lab privileges as necessary and will receive a zero for the assignment. Lab privileges may be revoked permanently as necessary.

Assignments: these are generally posted the day they are made, with due dates.

Late assignments/absences: late work will be accepted up to two days after the due date, for half credit (remember, half credit is better than no credit). If a student is absent when an assignment is made, the student has that many days to complete the assignment for full credit (two days absent, two days to turn it in). However, if the student misses a test day, they will be expected to complete the test the DAY OF RETURN as there has been no missed material. There are few, if any, exceptions to this policy. **While homework is only a portion of the student’s grade (15-20% depending on course), homework that is not turned in for any reason can have a significant adverse affect on a student’s grade.

Tardiness: the student must be in the classroom at or nearing their assigned seat. An extended arm in the door will result in a tardy for that period. The sixth and subsequent tardy each semester is a lockout and a zero for the day.

Notes: a necessary part of any science class, and they will be extensive. It is strongly suggested that you have one notebook/folder for this class only. If the student feels compelled to write or pass other “notes” in class, they are fair game for confiscation, and the BMP is in place. If the student has a question or comment for the teacher, but not time to stick around, then the student may “pass a note” to the teacher, and the teacher will respond as soon as possible. These are the only extraneous notes in science class.

Cheating: if the teacher has strong reason to suspect a student has cheated, parents will be contacted and the student will be given an individual opportunity to show otherwise. However, if evidence is witnessed, the student will be given a zero, and the BMP applies. I strongly suggest you re-read this section in the MHS handbook.

Grading: see appropriate syllabus.

Extra credit: the teacher will assign two (2) extra credit assignments per quarter. Each worth a maximum of two (2) percentage points at the end of the quarter. The student is not required to do these assignments, but it is strongly suggested. The student may also elect to do a third extra credit assignment in each quarter; the topic, however, must first be approved by the teacher, must be relevant to current course content, and must be presented to the class. Third extra credit assignments will not be considered/accepted the last week of a quarter.

Parents: if at any time you have questions about the class, as assignment, or just how your student is faring, please feel free to contact me here at the school, and I will respond as soon as possible.