Text Features- Study Guide

Text Feature: / Description: / Purpose:
Bold print / Words written in darker print / You can spot bold words easily
Subheading / Small titles for different sections of a text / Tells the main idea for each section
Drawings/Painting / Photographs are pictures taken with a camera.
Drawings are drawn with pencils, crayons, etc. / Gives the reader a visual; shows what something looks like
caption / Words written to describe a picture / Tells what the picture shows
map / Drawing of an area of land / Helps the reader know where things are located
graph / A graphic that shows information in a visual way (ex. Bar graph, line graph, circle/pie graph) / Helps the reader understand information quickly; gives extra information
sidebar / Words or sentences that are placed to the left, right, or under the main text. / List key details or extra information related to the main passage
hyperlink / A word or phrase on a webpage that can be clicked to bring you to another webpage. / Connects or links the reader to find more information about a topic
Bullets / ·  Dots or marks beside each item on a list / Shows each item on a list
Key words / Words used to find information / Helps the reader find information
Title / Words at the top of the text that tell what the text is about / Gives the main idea of the text
Highlighted words / Words that a are highlighted / Makes important words stand out (vocabulary)
diagram / Picture with labeled parts / Shows the parts of something
Time line / A line with dates and events / Shows the order of events
italics / Special style of print (italics) / Makes words stand out; titles

Students will need to be able to use text features to answer questions about the text.