Orientation Weekend Leaders (OWL's)

These current Judson students can't wait to meet you and have a blast with you over Orientation Weekend! Don't be shy in asking them questions...they are happy to serve you!

Alyssa Warner

Hometown:Rochester Hills, MI (suburbs of Detroit)

Major:Graphic Design

Year at Judson:Junior

Why Alyssa chose JU:I heard the Graphic Design program was exceptional and I wanted a Christian School with great community and I have found all of those things here!

Best thing about Judson:the strong and funcommunity here

One item on my bucket list:Live on a horse ranch in Colorado some day!
One thing I have learned at Judson:That I am not the most knowledgeable person about the Bible or God and that there is always more for me to learn about Him.

Favorite verse:2 Corinthians 5:17: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ they are a new creation - the old has gone, the new has come!

Home church while at Judson:Poplar Creek Church

Fun fact about Alyssa:I used to watch The Lion King every day when I was a little kid and I wouldpretend I was Simba and I'dclimb on a rock in my front yard and roar. I don't do this anymore, however, I still enjoy watching The Lion King any day.

Lulu Mawi
Major: Communication studies, minor: Business
Hometown:Streamwood, IL
Year at Judson:Senior
Why did you chose JU? My parent really wants me to go to this school because A.Judson went to Burma as a missionary.
What Lulu loves about Judson:I love that there is a sense of community at Judson. Friends and staffs are encouraging with things I struggle with.
One item on Lulu'sbucket list: skydiving.
One thing that Lulu has learned at Judson:College years are meant to make mistakes and learn from it. It is perfectly normal to ask for help.
Favorite verse: Psalms 3:3
Fun fact about Lulu: I am a part-time vegetarian. :-) ask me what that means. Heck! Take me out for food, I'll explain then.

Joseph Cray Hillyer
Hometown:Sycamore, Illinois
What year you are in at Judson: Sophomore
Why did you chose Judson? I came from a small Christian high school and so I wanted to keep the small school community.
What is the best thing about Judson? The community; it is really easy to get to know people here at JU if you just apply yourself :)
What is one item on your bucket list? Travel Europe for a summer.
What is at least one thing you have learned while being at Judson? Don't be afraidto apply to do the things you want to do. Just go for it!
What is your favorite Bible verse? No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man."God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability,but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may beable to endure it." 1 Cor. 10:13
One fun fact about you. I spent two weeks in Alicante, Spain in April 2013 for amissions trip with my high school.

Victoria Viegas
Major:Elementary Education with ESL & Middle School Endorsements
Hometown: Crystal Lake, IL
Year at Judson: Junior
Why did you choose Judson? I chose Judson because of the close-knit Christian community.
The best part about Judson is that you can't walk anywhere without seeing someone you know.
One item that is on your bucket list: Seeing the Eiffel Tower in Paris is definitely at the top of my bucket list.
What is one thing you have learned at Judson? At Judson, I have learned that being yourself is so much more fun than trying to be someone you're not.
Favorite Bible verse and church Victoria attends while at Judson: Hebrews 11:1 is my favorite verse & while at Judson I attend Willow Creek South Barrington.
Fun fact about Victoria: I have been in over 15 musicals.

Benjamin Cunningham
Major: Worship Arts
Hometown:Upper Sandusky, Ohio
Year at Judson:Sophomore
Why did you come to Judson?I decided to come to Judson because I felt led to.I met Ben Calhoun, and God really used him to motivate me to come to Judson.
My favorite thing about Judson would have to be the awesome environment and community. I am able to be myself and practice my beliefs out in the open.
The Church that I attend while being at Judson is Evangelical FreeChurch (E-Free).
One thing that is on my bucket list is to open up for an inspirational Worship Leader, like Toby Mac or Chris Tomlin.
A fun fact about me is I can play a mean guitar rift.

Hannah Koehn


Hometown:Albany, New York

What year you are in at Judson: In the fall of 2014 I will be a fourth year student but will not be graduating until May of 2016

Why did you chose Judson? I chose Judson for the Christian community and the accredited Architecture degree.

What is the best thing about Judson? The best thing about Judson is the community on campus with other students and with the staff!

What is one item on your bucket list? One item on my bucket list is to visit all 50 states!

What is at least one thing you have learned while being at Judson? While being atJudson I have learned that a Christian campus is a mission field and there areplenty of people around who don’t understand the Gospel and need to be showed the love of Christ!

What is your favorite Bible verse? One of my favorite Bible verses is Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in theLord, and He will give you the desires of your heart!”.

What church do you attend while at Judson?I currentlyattend Embassy Church in Arlington Heights.

One fun fact about you: I am constantly eating!

Caitlin Kiel

Major: Mathematics Minor: Management Information Systems
Hometown: West Chicago, IL
Year at Judson: Senior
Why did Caitlin pick JU?: After three semesters of community college, my aunt persuaded me to take a college visit. I fell in love with the campus. The people were friendly and I felt like I could fit into the community, the environment was small and secure and my parents had really encouraged me to attend a Christian university.
Best part of JU according to Caitlin: The spiritual environment. I've grown so much stronger in my faith since I've been here and I've learned a lot about God and about what strong relationships look like.
What’s one thing on Caitlin’s Bucket List?: Skydive, travel to all 50 states
The most important thing Caitlin has learned at JU: I don't have to be perfect. It's OK to make mistakes and sometimes, making them can even be fun. Being yourself is always a good thing!
The church Caitlin attends is: Community Fellowship in West Chicago
Favorite Bible Verse: Micah 6:8
Fun Fact of Caitlin: I can make my shoulders touch each other. :)

Deanna Cadena

Major: Psychology

Hometown: Batavia, IL

School Year: Senior

Why you chose Judson? I wanted a Christian University that I could play basketball at. I loved the community here. It was also close enough to home but also far enough that I could feel independent.

Best part of Judson: The community.

What is one item that is on your bucket list? Travel the world. First stop, Mexico!

What is the most important thing that you have learned since you have been at Judson? Finding your own faith. Meaning what is your world view and why? Being able to back up what you believe.

What is your favorite bible verse? James 1:2-4,12

What church do you attend? Soul City Church in Chicago, IL

Fun fact: My parents own Subway Restaurants

Taylor Clark

Major:Worship Arts/Christian Ministries

Hometown:Marseilles, Ohio

Year in school: Sophomore

My passion for music and serving my LORD through worship is what brought me to Judson.

The best part of Judson is the overwhelming sense of community that can be felt the minute you step on campus.

One item on my bucket list is to visit Paris, France.

The most important thing that I have learnt from Judson is that you CAN have two homes!

My favorite bible verse is Matthew 6:34 "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own"

One fun fact about me is that I have two brothersnamed Tyler!



Hometown:Annapolis, MD

What year you are in at Judson: Junior

Why did you chose Judson? Judson has the BESTaccredited architecture department when it comes to Christian schools.

What is the best thing about Judson? Jerry's Cafe! All the coffee you could ever want, right in the center of campus.

What is one item on your bucket list? To spend a week and see every single show on Broadway.

What is at least one thing you have learned while being at Judson? Napping is an art, you have to figure out the best napping schedule for yourself.

What church do you attend when you are at Judson? During the school year I attend Willow Creek Community Church.

What is your favorite Bible verse? Colossians 3:1-4

One fun fact about you: I work at a candy store.

Jamie Galen

Major: Christian Ministries w/ Youth Ministry Minor and Photo Minor

Hometown: Carol Stream, IL (about a half hour drive away)

Year: Sophomore

Why I Chose Judson: I feel that God led me here through more ways than one, and I wanted to follow His will for my life.

Best Part of Judson: The AMAZING students and staff that are always willing to love and help out at all times!

One Item on Bucket List:Study abroad at some point during my time at Judson, hopefully in the Dominican Republic.​

Most Important Thing Learned at Judson: Every person is unique, but in many ways we are all similar. I guess what I'm trying to say generally here is that I have learned the immense importance of community, and what it means to be a part of thatcommunity. I've also learned what it means to be an effective leader!

Favorite Bible Verse: Philippians 4:13

Church While at Judson: Christ Community Church - St. Charles campus

Fun Fact: I have my very own photography business!

Cameron (Cami) Thompson

Cami’s Major: Elementary and Special Education

Hometown: Sandwich, IL

Year in School: Sophomore(Transfer from Easter Illinois University)

I choose Judson because of the fantastic teaching programand I love the community.

The community is for sure my favorite thing about Judson.

I go to Poplar Creek or Harvest Bible Chapel Church when I'm at school.

One item on my bucket list is to start an orphanage in Africa...I also want to sky dive...so if I could sky dive into Africa that would be ideal.

Fun fact about Cami: I'm actually Taylor Swift...I have that Hannah Montana thing going on.