Anna Stowe 14-15 Lesson Plans
Properties of Matter
11:05-12:05 / ~TTW: Introduce students to the Essential Question- What skills and processes are used to conduct a controlled scientific investigation?
TSW: Write Essential Question in science notebook.
TSW: Get into groups and discuss the EQ.
TCW: Watch BrainPop video: Science Projects. / ~TTW: Review EQ and start class discussion with students.
AIMS: “Scientific Inquiry Plan” PP.134-144 / ~Continue AIMS: “Scientific Inquiry Plan”. / ~ TTW: Introduce students to the EQ- Essential Question: How can the effects of force including magnetism, gravity, and friction be illustrated?
TSW: Write EQ in science notebook.
TCW: Watach BrainPop video: Force / ~ TSW: Get into groups and read pp.246-255
~TSW: complete workbook pages in handouts (Forces and Motion pp.1 & 2).
LUNCH / BARKSDALE- 11:55-12:20, MOON- 12:00-12:25, STOWE- 12:05-12:30
RECESS / 12:45-1:10
Conclusions and Generalizations
1:10-2:10 / ~TTW introduce this week’s vocabulary words by having students one at a time read the Vocabulary in Context cards and place on vocab. wall in the room.
~TTW introduce the skill this week (Conclusions and Generalizations).
~TCW read “Storm Warriors.”
~As the class reads, they will be thinking about the Essential Question: What conclusions can we draw about the sea?
~TCW use Graphic Organizer 6: Four-Square Map to record text details to help them draw conclusions.
~TTW introduce the strategy (Infer/Predict) / ~TCW create a new deck of cards using Charades on their iPads for their vocabulary words.
~TCW review the skill and strategy.
~As a writing extension, students will use the #hashtag technique to come up with conclusions and generalizations from a short story.
~TCW read through the hashtags together and discuss conclusions and generalizations that may have been made from the story.
~Literature Circles and Independent reading. / ~Students will play charades to review vocab.
~TCW review the skill and strategy.
~TCW review vocabulary words and definitions by playing a game on
~Literature Circles and Independent reading.
~Have students draw conclusions and write down any generalizations they may have from the section in their book that they read today. / ~Students will play charades to review vocab.
~TCW review the skill and strategy.
~TTW use powerpoint to re-teach and review over skill.
~TCW participate in the powerpoint review.
~Literature Circles and Independent reading. / ~Assessment
Writing Trait:
2:10-2:40 / ~TTW read paragraph 3 on p.229 in today’s reading story. Ask students how they would read that part if they were to read it aloud (interpret the tone).
~TTW discuss voice with the class.
~TCW: Have students look for examples of voice in books they are reading or from the class library. / ~TTW read a short story that focuses on voice. Have students point out areas where voice was used throughout the story.
~TSW write a good strong paragraph, making sure to include all the things discussed so far about setting up a paragraph. Students should make paragraph very strong in voice. Allow students about 10-15 minutes to write. Allow time to share. / ~TTW tell students that they will be prewriting a response to literature. Display projectable 9.9 and read aloud the Writing Model. Discuss the “What Is a Response to Literature?” that is found in the teacher’s book p.T270.
~TTW work with students to identify and label the introduction, topic sentence, body, reasons, and details, and conclusion of the writing model on 9.9. / ~TTW explain to students that in a response to literature, good writers support their ideas with strong reasons and give specific details from the selection to support each reason. Tell students that in their writing they should include details that show, rather than tell, their ideas to the reader.
TTW: write on the board, “Nathan knows first aid.”
TSW: support this statement with specific details from the selection (practice book p.108) / Catch up Day from Second Related.
If time allows…
~TTW explain that one way to gather support for an opinion is to list at least three strong reasons for that opinion.
~TTW tell students that you are going to demonstrate this exploring technique in response to the question, Was Nathan a coward?
(refer to p.TT261).
~TCW help add more reasons to the list.
~TSW begin planning their own responses to literature by brainstorming opinions they might have about “Storm Warriors” or another text they have read.