THE ANSON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS convened for their regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, November 1, 2005 beginning at 6:00 P.M. in Courtroom #1 located in the Anson County Courthouse.

Commissioners present: Jarvis Woodburn, Chair

Neil Jones, Vice Chair

Steve Lear

Bobby Sikes

Dr. Jim Sims

Harold C. Smith

Ross Streater

Staff members present: Andy Lucas, County Manager

Bonnie M. Huntley, CMC, Clerk to the Board

George C. Bower, Jr., County Attorney

Holly Berry, Finance Officer

Rita James, Data Processing

Vance Gulledge, Utilities Administrator

Jan Benton, Planning

Chairman Woodburn announced for those attending that the October meeting was actually recessed, thinking another meeting might be needed. Chairman Woodburn stated this was the date and time for the regular meeting for November but in order to open this meeting he would first need to reconvene the recessed meeting and call for a motion to adjourn. Chairman Woodburn opened the recessed meeting. Motion by Vice Chair Jones, seconded by Commissioner Lear, to adjourn the recessed meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

Chairman Woodburn called to Order the regular meeting of the Anson County Board of Commissioners, welcoming those present. Reverend R. E. Blount of First Baptist Church Ansonville delivered the Invocation. Commissioner Smith asked for a moment of silence in recognition of Mrs. Rosa Parks and the contributions she made to the world. Commissioner Smith noted she was to be eulogized tomorrow in Detroit Michigan.

Approval of the Agenda by Commissioners: Chairman Woodburn reviewed each item on the Agenda asking the members to decide if they were appropriately placed and make any changes or additions necessary. Commissioner Lear questioned the longevity pay schedule noting he did not see anything in the packet on this and was not sure of the action needed. Commissioner Smith asked that this be pulled out for discussion. County Manager Lucas asked to add a budget amendment for a state revenue and expense change involving no county funds. Vice Chair Jones asked if this pertained to Criminal Justice with County Manager Lucas answering yes. Motion by Commissioner Smith, seconded by Vice Chair Jones, to add an amendment to item 6c. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Sims questioned the revision of the Fats, Oils and Grease Ordinance asking if there would be any ill effects to local restaurants. Misty Harris of WWTP stated there were no new changes since adopted in May and the revision sets a standard for grease trap installations. County Manager Lucas in discussing the longevity pay schedule matter, stated that we are just asking permission to move payment of the checks back one pay period with no fiscal impact to the county. County Manager Lucas offered that no employee would be affected as it is allowing employees to receive checks prior to the Christmas Holidays. Commissioner Lear agreed to leave the matter under Consent. Commissioner Sims asked for a brief summary of item 6f 2006 Scattered Housing Site Project Grant. County Manager Lucas offered that this was the Community Development Block Grant for 2006 and we would ask Hobbs Upchurch & Associates to be the Grant Administrator in order to apply and administer the grant. Commissioner Sims asked what the grant does with County Manager Lucas answering it allows us to help low income individuals with housing projects such as renovations and repairs. Commissioner Smith asked to add an item under Administrative Matters relative to the Sheriff’s Department and wrecker services in the county. Commissioner Smith voiced that he was taken advantage of by a wrecker service in South Carolina and wants to make sure no one in this county is taken advantage of. Commissioner Sims asked the location of Apple Orchard Road with Commissioner Lear feeling it was around the old Henry Grove School stating the road was closed several months ago. Commissioner Streater asked to add a discussion of surplus property as contained in the information packet to Administrative Matters. Vice Chair Jones referred to his matter under Commissioner Concerns and added that Jimmy Dennis would be speaking to this issue. Commissioner Lear asked to comment on the Progress Energy Relicensing Project and Shoreline Management. This was placed as item 9b under Commissioner Concerns. Commissioner Sikes asked to discuss the 2% COLA in closed session. Commissioner Sikes asked for an update on road signs, water lines and the water intake project. Commissioner Streater voiced that he had a matter for closed session and asked if it would be covered under item 9b with County Manager Lucas answering yes. Motion by Vice Chair Jones, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to approve the Agenda as presented with the changes and additions. Motion carried unanimously.

Proclamation & Awards: County Manager Lucas stated that November 13-19 is Geography Awareness Week and November 16 is National Geographic Information System (GIS) Day, County Manager Lucas presented a Proclamation for the Board to recognize Geographic Awareness Week and GIS Day. County Manager Lucas offered that each Commissioner had before them an Invitation to attend the GIS day event planned for November 16th. County Manager Lucas stated that GIS was a valuable resource for not only the county but also for the schools, health department and many other agencies to share information. Motion by Vice Chair Jones, seconded by Commissioner Lear, to adopt the Proclamation as set out on page 2 of the Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.



“National Geographic Information System Day”

WHEREAS, Geography Awareness Week is November 13-19: and

WHEREAS, National Geographic Information System (GIS) Day is November 16, 2005; and

WHEREAS, the County of Anson believes by expanding GIS information to the general public in order to showcase real-work application with GIS is very important; and

WHEREAS, the County of Anson believes that the diverse information that is provided through GIS technology will provide a world of information to the citizens of Anson County; and

WHEREAS, the County of Anson is committed to expanding GIS to the community and general public in order to provide information and showcase real-world applications with GIS.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Anson County Board of County Commissioners do hereby proclaim November 16, 2005, as “NATIONAL GIS DAY”

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this the 1st day of November 2005.

S/Jarvis T. Woodburn, Chairman

Chairman Woodburn noted the second item recognizes Anson EMS Paramedics. County Manager Lucas called Chuck Nix to the front to present a brief synopsis of the award and what it means to Anson County EMS. Mr. Nix shared that Charlet Ennis, Assistant Training Officer for EMS and Shane Lisenby, Operations Supervisor, have been training for months for competition and entered the Carolina Competition in Fayetteville recently. Mr. Nix noted the competition encompassed both North and South Carolina and our team brought back first place. Mr. Nix shared that this award brought us lots of recognition as we competed against services having as many as twenty or thirty trucks. Vice Chair Jones asked Mr. Nix to have Ms. Innis and Mr. Lisenby to please stand. They received a round of applause from those in attendance. Chairman Woodburn then asked Ms. Innis and Mr. Lisenby to come forward and presented them an Excellence Award from the Board, thanking them for their effort. Commissioner Sims voiced that this not only shows the expertise and competitive spirit we have but it shows what kind of quality of service we give our citizens. Commissioner Sims voiced that the Board was really proud of them.

County Manager Lucas stated that neither Ms. Wilhoit nor Holly Lambert could attend tonight and shared that Holly Lambert was recognized as Dispatcher of the Year for Anson County. Chairman Woodburn shared that Ms. Lambert would also be recognized with a Certificate.

Public Hearings: Motion by Vice Chair Jones, seconded by Commissioner Lear, to open the public hearing for the Close Out 2003 Anson County Scattered Housing CDBG Project as set out in the Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.

In the Public Hearing, Chairman Woodburn called for comments from the public. Hearing none, motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to close the Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to close out the 2003 Anson County Scattered Housing Project. Motion carried unanimously.

Motion by Vice Chair Jones, seconded by Commissioner Streater, to open the Rezoning Request from Tommy Howell Public Hearing. Motion carried unanimously.

In the Public Hearing, Chairman Woodburn called on Jan Benton of Planning. Ms. Benton shared that on October 6 the Planning Board met with Mr. Howell to discuss his request to rezone his property from Light Industrial to Residential. Ms. Benton shared that this was the second time Mr. Howell had appeared on the same request. Ms. Benton stated that based on the following five reasons, the Planning Board chose to deny the request.

1.  Does not benefit the community or people living in the area

2.  Does not provide needed tax base

3.  Will not improve the welfare of the citizens in the area

4.  Preservation of the Main Corridor

5.  Preservation of Limited Industrial Zoning District

Ms. Benton shared that currently we have a lot of residential zoning on highways 74 and 52. Chairman Woodburn asked if there was anyone present representing Mr. Howell. No one came forward. Chairman Woodburn then called for public comment.

Donnie Jordan shared that when he purchased property next to the property owned by Mr. Howell in 1972, it was zoned industrial and he purchased the property for industrial purposes. Mr. Jordan feels we need to keep as much property as possible zoned Light Industrial. Mr. Jordan shared that the East Side of highway 52 is zoned residential and that we are only talking about the western side being zoned Light Industrial. Mr. Jordan offered that some council members from McFarlan were present along with most surrounding property owners. Mr. Jordan noted that two surrounding property owners were not present but both had called saying they wanted the property to remain the same. Mr. Jordan stated that Mr. Howell’s position was that he did not know the property was zoned industrial when he purchased the property and feels that if Mr. Howell made a little mistake that’s just business. Mr. Jordan asked the Board to do what is best for everyone. Commissioner Smith asked those present if they concurred with Mr. Jordan with those present answering yes. Chairman Woodburn asked how many present wanted to address the Board with someone answering they would all say the same thing. Chairman Woodburn felt that if everyone wanted to make a comment the Board should limit the time they were allowed to speak. Vice Chair Jones suggested the group tell their lawyer not to argue too much when he’s already won his case. Vice Chair Jones voiced that the proponent did not appear and to govern accordingly. Chairman Woodburn voiced that it would be expedient if one or two were the spokesperson for the group.

David Kelly commented that this reminds him of the Gettysburg Address. Mr. Kelly commented that as modern warfare goes forth everyone always tries to pick their high ground to fight the war. Mr. Kelly stated that in new modernization the high ground is not always by sea level. Mr. Kelly feels that Anson County has lagged behind for years in economic growth and feels we need to maintain structure in order to grow. Mr. Kelly stated that no matter how high Tec the war, it always goes back to the foot soldiers, feeling the Board was the foot soldiers that would decide the war. Mr. Kelly was of the opinion the decision tonight was are we going to win the war now while we control the high ground or are we going to give up the high ground and let everyone come from the flanks. Mr. Kelly stated that he was trusting in the Board to look forward to the future and save something for the county. Mr. Kelly stated that no one ever owns the land, we just stand on it. Mr. Kelly asked the Board to stand on it for the next generation.

Sophia Gatewood-Crawford stated that it was very important to have opportunities for our young people. Ms. Crawford shared that this was an opportunity for the Board to look back to the community and say we hear what you are saying, we agree we need opportunities and jobs and we are leaving that option available for our youth and our future. Ms. Crawford stated it was a democratic system and feels tonight we’ve seen the essence of what that means. Ms. Crawford feels those present have said loud and clear that they want things to stay the way they are in an effort to preserve the status quo but also in an effort to consider the future.

Commissioner Streater stated that he represents the area and since Mr. Howell did not appear and it appears that property owners living in the area are against the request, he made a motion to close the public hearing. Motion seconded by Vice Chair Jones. Motion carried unanimously.

In regular session, motion by Commissioner Streater, seconded by Commissioner Smith, to agree with the Planning Board and keep the zoning as it is and deny the appeal of the rezoning request. Motion carried unanimously.

Public Addresses to the Board: Chairman Woodburn offered that this legislation was passed in July and requires the Board of Commissioners at a regular scheduled meeting to allow a time period for comments from the public. Chairman Woodburn stated that during this time, Board members cannot ask questions or make comments as it is an opportunity for the public to speak to the Board. Chairman Woodburn feels that some of those that have appeared may be waiting to hear from the Board and stated policy calls for those items to be referred to the County Manager and staff to investigate. Chairman Woodburn noted the County Attorney has presented additional guidelines concerning this section for consideration. Commissioner Smith asked the Chairman if he had let the delegation from McFarlan know the request from Mr. Howell was denied. Chairman Woodburn voiced appreciation to those from McFarlan for coming and stated that action from the Board was to deny the appeal to the Board to rezone the property to residential from light industrial and it would remain the same.