Longfords Mill Newsletter Autumn 2013
Edition 6. Please email any articles, suggestions or comments to:
Graham Eastwood, Sheila Dwyer-Richmond, Helen Joiner and Dez Rolfe having been working hard to develop a new LMRA website Please log into to have a look. The site is intended to help to keep you informed about what’s going on and for you to link with LMRA and other residents at Longfords Mill.
Longfords Mill has a long and important history, which Stroud Water Textile Trust is hoping to celebrate if the proposed scheme for the old mill goes ahead.We would like to include background information and links about the mill’s history within the web site.This may include information about local people and their memories and personal records. Do you have memories, recollections and records you would like to save?
We would like to launch a competition for a Longfords Mill logo for the web site and general stationery. Prizes will be available for all ages.
We would be pleased to collect your comments about the web site, your stories, logosand any items of interest for the web site, so do email on the new email address
We are hoping to have more events that are of interest to everyone,but we need your help and ideas. If you have an idea the LMRA may be able develop it, so do get in touch.
We will be including an events diary on the new web site. This will have dates for forth coming events so if you have ideas for a Longfords Mill event or you would like to advertise something relating to Longfords Mill please email
The web site will also have photos etc about past events like Halloween and the Treasure Hunt (see below).
Thank you to all the residents who worked so hard to paint the bridge railings and estate signs on 31st August and 1st September.
Flat Managers paid for the paint and the bridge and nearby signs are now looking very smart.
If you have suggestionsfor work we can undertaketogether on a future volunteer’s day, please send an email to the email address at the top of the newsletter.
The long term weather forecasters are predicting a cold winter so here is a reminder for all that…….
Salting communal areas is your responsibility the salt bins for the block are behind the recycling building in the car park of The Old Warehouse. The Yarn Store salt bin is in the YS bin area and The Wool Loft bin is by the *****. If they need topping up contact your local representative.
Stroud District Council only provide salt for the adopted roads through the estate, residents have provided the grit bins to put the salt in and there are 2 beside the road leading to Avening Road. The 3rd one is behind Teazle Cottage.
Owners of private areas will need to arrange their own salt and spreading.
After the success of the snow clearing day last year, volunteers will be needed to help to make sure the estate roads are safe for motorists and pedestrians.
Please make sure we have your contact details at we can keep you informed about snow days and other volunteering events.
While on the subject of roads, PLEASE remember to drive slowly on the estate at ALL times This is to ensure that children playing and walkers are always safe, especially on the hill and under the bridge where there was a recent near miss.
Please note that due to the closure of the business centre where they were based The Flat Managers Ltd,have moved and their new address is:
The Flat Managers
Pure Offices,
Kestrel Court,
Waterwells Drive,
Waterwells Business Park,
GL2 2AT.
The new phone number is 01452 346885. The email has stayed the same and is
See your photo here, send you favorite photo of Longfords Mill to: to be included in the next newsletter
WELL DONE to Howard and Emily Spellman winners of the LMRA Summer Treasure Hunt.
A big thank you to everyone who took the photos, prepared the questions, printed the forms, helped on the day and all who took part and made it a very successful day.
Howard and Emily have agreed to help set the questions for next summer’s treasure hunt. if you would like to help please email the events email address.
Following Cotswold District Council (CDC) consultationsregarding proposed boundary changes, we have written to both CDC and Stroud DC about combining the recycling and black bag collection which may help reduce the cost of duplicating collections on the west part on the estate.
SDC have replied and will consider and consult with CDC when the current contract needs renewing.