Whanganui Girls’ College

NCEA Level 2

Subject Choice booklet

For 2018

Please read through the following subject information for Level 2 as you make your decisions for study in 2018.

It is highly recommended that youhave a planned pathway to ensure you are taking the necessary subjects for your desired career. If you wish to attend university, please ensure you are taking a minimum of three if not at least four subjects that can lead you through to get Level 3 University Entrance the following year. You will also need to have a plan on how you will achieve the required University Entrance literacy credits. Please see the table at the end of this booklet on the subjects that offer these credits.

By completing your subject choice form this is an INDICATION of the subjects you would like to take not a guarantee that you will be able to take them. It will be dependent on the final timetable which will be confirmed at your appointment on Wednesday 6th December with your Dean. Subject numbers also determine if a subject is viable to run.

It is very important that you consider a number of factors when deciding what subjects you wish to take such as:

  • What are your areas of interest you have when you leave school?
  • What Level 2 subjects will provide you with the correct entry into Level 3subjects?
  • Are the subjects appropriate for entry requirements for the course or pathwayyou wish to study or move into when you leave school?
  • Will you get the required number of literacy and numeracy credits to get University Entrance?
  • If I don’t know what I want to do when I leave school, have I chosen a broad selection of subjects?

Talk with your parents, your ASTRA teacher and your Dean if you need help to decide and make the subject choices that are right for YOU!

Overview of the National Certificate in Educational Achievement (NCEA) and University Entrance (UE)

To gain NCEA Level 1

  • All Year 11 students work towards this qualification.
  • All Year 11 students are expected to take six subjects which must include English or Te Reo Māori, mathematics and preferably a science subject.
  • Students need to gain a total of 80 credits
  • At least 10 credits in literacy and at least 10 credits in numeracy must be gained from standards across a range of subjects.

To gain NCEA Level 2

  • All Year 12 students are expected to take five subjects and two modules.
  • Students need to gain a total of 80 credits. A minimum of 60 credits must be at level 2 and the other 20 credits at any level.
  • At least 10 credits in literacy and at least 10 credits at Level 1 in numeracy must be gained from standards across a range of subjects

To gain NCEA Level 3

  • All Year 13 students are expected to take five subjects and some module work.
  • Students need to gain a total of 80 credits. A minimum of 60 credits must be at level 3 and the other 20 credits at level 2 or above.

To gain University Entrance (UE)

  • Achievement of NCEA Level 3
  • 14 credits in each of threesubjects from the list of approved subjects
  • The remaining credits to achieve NCEA Level 3 may come from either achievement or unit standards
  • UE numeracy – 10 credits at Level 1 or higher from specified achievement standards or three specific numeracy unit standards
  • UE literacy – 10 credits (five in reading and five in writing) from:
  • Specific Level 2 and higher achievement standards, or
  • Specific Te Reo Māori and Te Reo Rangatira Level 2 standards, or
  • Two specific Level 4 English for academic purposes unit standards.


Your placement into either English or English Internal will be decided by the Head of Department, Mrs Cox in consultation with your current teacher.

English in school increases students’ abilities to understand English language and to use it effectively. Confident users of English will be effective readers and communicators. Skill and knowledge development in English is focused initially on learning to read and write correctly and appropriately. This leads to thinking critically, processing information and exploring language through a wide range of relevant texts.

English Level 2 (12ENG)


This course is suitable for endorsement

Course Description: / The Level 2 English course includes study based on a range of written, oral and visual texts. We also complete a range offormal and creative writing, research tasks and static images. A key focus is on the attainment of UE reading and writing.
Course Prerequisite: / Students should have gained at least 14 credits in Level 1 English and the literacy requirements for Level 1.
Assessment: / Successful completion of all standards associated with this course will contribute up to 24 credits towards NCEA Level 2. The course has both internal and externally assessed components.
Pathways: / NCEA Level 3 English. All vocational pathways
Costs: / No related subject fees
Further Information: / Mrs Cox

English InternalLevel 2 (12ENI)


This course is not suitable for endorsement

Course Description: / The Level 2 English Internal course includes study based on a range of texts. The aim of this course is to offer the opportunity to gainEnglish credits at Level 2 within a supportive and structured environment.
Course Prerequisite: / Entry to this course is by selection. Those students who completed English Internal Level 1 may be directed to this course. Selection for this course will be made by the Head of Department and Learning Centre staff in consultation with management, students and caregivers.
Assessment: / The English Internal course provides an opportunity for students to consolidate their skills. Level 2 NCEA English standards have been carefully chosen to reflect the nature of the course and these will be supplemented with appropriate Unit Standards.
The course is internally assessed only.
Pathways: / All vocational pathways
Costs: / No related subject fees
Further Information: / Mrs Cox


It is strongly advised that students continue to study mathematics. If you do choose mathematics you will be placed in either Mathematics Level 2 or Mathematics Internal Level 2 as decided by the Head of Department, in consultation with your current teacher.

It is important students retain their numeracy skills as part of being lifelong learners. It will contribute to their social and employment environments. Mathematics is needed for many careers in industry, business, commerce, science and education.

Mathematics Level 2 (12MAT) / This course is suitable for endorsement
NB. You must take this course of Mathematics if you wish to study Mathematics at Level 3.
Course Description: / The course covers a range of topics including algebra, calculus, coordinate geometry, trigonometry, statistics and probability.
Course Prerequisite: / Students must have at least 14 credits from the achievement standards offered at Mathematics Level 1 AND have covered the work in algebra and trigonometry OR entry at discretion of HOD.
Assessment: / Successful completion of all standards associated with this course will contribute up to 20 credits towards NCEA Level 2. The course has both internally and externally assessed components.
Pathways: / Level 3 Mathematics with Calculus; Level 3 Mathematics with Statistics.
Most vocational pathways
Possible Careers: / Economist, Statistician, Financial Analyst, Market Researcher, Pharmacist, Defence Force person, Police person, Engineer, Architect, Scientist, Veterinarian and other professional careers requiring a university degree.
Costs: / A graphics calculator (approximately $95) is very useful.
Further Information: / Mrs Friedel
Mathematics InternalLevel 2 (12MTI) / This course is not suitable for endorsement
Course Description: / Students will study a selection of internal achievement standards covering topics such as trigonometry, coordinate geometry, simulations, networks, series and statistical inference
Course Prerequisite: / Students must have at least 10 credits from the achievement standards at Mathematics Level 1 AND have covered the work in algebra and trigonometry OR entry at discretion of HOD.
Assessment: / This course contributes 15 credits towards NCEA at Level 2.
Pathways: / Statistics and Modelling Level 3 at the discretion of the HOD. Most vocational pathways
Possible Careers: / Any career or job requiring an understanding of mathematical ideas.
Costs: / No related subject fees
Further Information: / Mrs Friedel


Science is about investigating, understanding and explaining the natural world. In science subjects, students learn about the natural world and how science can help to explain how it works. The study of science will assist students to make informed decisions about the application and implications of science in everyday life.

Biology Level 2 (12BIO)


This course is suitable for endorsement

Course Description: / This course leads students to investigate and develop their understanding of diversity, structure, function and interrelationships of living organisms and their interactions with the abiotic environment. Students study genetics and evolution in preparation for Level 3 Biology, as well as a research project investigating the influence of biological knowledge on technology. There is a requirement to carry out an extended practical investigation.
Course Prerequisite: / Students must have gained at least an achieved grade in two of the three NCEA Level 1 external achievement standards in year 11 biological science studied the previous year and a minimum of 12 credits in NCEA Level 1 English or by negotiation with the Head of Department
Assessment: / The course has both internal and externally assessed components.
Pathways: / Level 3 biology. Primary, social and community vocational pathways
Possible careers: / Nursing, veterinary science, veterinary nurse, medicine, physical education, sports science, childcare, teaching
Costs / $25 for a course workbook
Further Information: / HOD Science Mr Grierson or Ms Gorton

Chemistry Level 2 (12CHE)


This course is suitable for endorsement

Course Description: / What is a chemical? Can you drink too much water? What is the difference between baking soda and baking powder? How do light sticks or glow sticks work? How do Sunless tanning products work? What happens when you bleach hair or use temporary or permanent hair colour? What are the elements in the human body? Why the flu vaccine doesn’t work? How breath tests for alcohol work? Chemistry can give you answers to all these questions and other more exciting everyday examples. The focus of this course is on understanding chemicals involved in our lives. It involves a high level of learning through investigation.
Course Prerequisite: / Students must have gained at least 12 credits in Physical Science studied at NCEALevel 1 in the previous year or by negotiation with the Head of Department
Assessment: / The course has both internal and externally assessed components.
Pathways: / Level 3 chemistry. Primary, construction and infrastructure, social and community and the service vocational pathways
Possible Careers: / Science, medicine, veterinary science, technician, engineer, chemist
Costs: / $25 for a workbook at the beginning of the year. 1B8 and 2B8 exercise book
Further Information: / Mr Grierson or Mrs Cloete

Physics Level 2 (12PHY)


This course is suitable for endorsement

Course Description: / The sky is blue, the Sky Tower will not fall over, rainbows are pretty to look at, lakes look like large mirrors on a calm day and Beatrice throws a discus at a certain angle. All these questions and far more will be explored in Level 2 Physics.
Course Prerequisite: / Students must have gained at least 12 credits in Physical Science studied at NCEA Level 1 in the previous year and have 12 credits in Level 1 English or by negotiation with Head of Department.
Assessment: / The course has both internal and externally assessed components.
Pathways: / NCEA Level 3 physics; trade or technician courses; New Zealand Diploma of Engineering course. Primary, construction and infrastructure, manufacturing and technology, social and community and the service vocational pathways
Possible Careers: / Pilot, laboratory technician, radiographer, sound technician, doctor, physiotherapist and many others.
Costs: / $15 in term 3 for revision book.
Further Information: / Mr Grierson

Social Sciences

Social Sciences provide students with an understanding of the society they live in its past, present and future. Students can study Accounting, Geography, History, Economics, Media Studies, Psychology and/or Tourism.

Accounting Level 2 (12ACC) / This course is suitable for endorsement
Course Description: / Students develop accounting skills and theory to enable them to understand accounting systems and to report on the activities of business entities.
Course Prerequisite: / Completion of Level 1 accounting, OR competency in maths andEnglish.
Assessment: / Successful completion of all standards associated with this course will contribute up to 24 credits towards NCEA Level 2. The course has both internal and externally assessed components.
Pathways: / Level 3 accounting, university and polytechnic courses. Service and creative vocational pathway
Possible Careers: / Accountancy, business management and/or administration, finance.
Costs: / Approximately $25 for write-on workbooks and stationery.
Further Information: / Mr Mokha

GeographyLevel 2 (12GEO)

/ This course is suitable for endorsement
Course Description: / A wide variety of resource material and learning activities are used. Emphasis is placed on practical skills such as mapping and the use of visual material as well as gaining an understanding of people in various parts of the world. This year you study - natural landscapes (Amazon, Tongariro), urban settlements(London), inequalities of development on a global scale as well as several countries outside New Zealand. Local fieldwork is a feature of the course
Course Prerequisite: / It is possible to study Geography for the first time at Level Two.
Assessment: / Successful completion of all standards associated with this course will contribute up to 24 credits towards NCEA Level 2. The course has both internal and externally assessed components.
Pathways: / Level 3 geography. Primary, construction and infrastructure, service and creative vocational pathways
Possible Careers: / Resource management, town planning, geology, agriculture
Costs: / Field trips $50.
Further Information: / Mr O’Hara
History Level 2 (12HIS) / This course is suitable for endorsement
Course Description: / The course covers the following:
Relationship between Islam and the West. The rise of Islamic radicalism in the 20th century – formation of Israel 1948, conflict in the middle-east, the rise of terrorism 1970s, American and Russian foreign policy (the Cold War) post-1945, rise of Al Qaeda 1980s, attacks of 9/11
Course Prerequisite: / At least 12 credits in NCEA Level One in either English (must include formal writing) or history. Home internet access highly desirable.
Assessment: / Successful completion of all standards associated with this course will contribute up to 24 credits toward NCEA Level 2. The course has both internal and externally assessed components.
Pathways: / Level 3 history. Service and creative vocational pathways
Possible Careers: / Any career that requires research, organisation of information and communication (written, visual and verbal) e.g. Law, journalism, researcher, teacher, P.A, public relations, media, business, museum curator, etc.

Media Studies Level 2 (12MED)

/ This course is suitable for endorsement
Course Description: / This course involves the study of media – moving image, social media and print media. The conventions of different media, how they have changed over time and their impact on us as media consumers are covered. Using this knowledge students plan and produce magazine pages.
Course Prerequisite: / Students should have gained at least 14 credits Level 1 English including at least one of the Level 1 writing standards – 90052 and/or 90053.
Students should have met the literacy requirements for Level 1
Assessment: / Successful completion of all standards associated with this course will contribute up to 24 credits towards NCEA Level 2. The course has both internal and externally assessed components.
Pathways: / Level 3 media studies. All vocational pathways
Possible Careers: / Journalism, broadcasting
Cost: / No related subject fees
Further Information: / Mrs Cox
Psychology Level 2 (12PSY) / This course is notsuitable for endorsement
Course Description: / The course will cover the following topics:
  1. Approaches used in psychology used to explain behaviour
  2. Ethical standards in psychological practice
  3. Application of theories in fields of psychology
  4. Analysis and interpretation of data in psychological research

Course Prerequisite: / Literacy requirements for Level 1. Home internet access is required.
Assessment: / Successful completion of all standards associated with this course will contribute between 16 and 20 credits towards NCEA Level 2. The course has only internally assessed components.
Pathways: / Any tertiary study
Possible Careers: / Teaching, childcare, nursing, social worker, marketing, criminology
Costs: / $5 printing/photocopying charge
Further information / Mr Davis
Tourism Level 2 (12TOU) / This course is notsuitable for endorsement
Course Description: / This is year one of a two-year course leading to National Certificate in Tourism (Introductory Skills) Level 2. Assessments also count toward NCEA Level 2. The course covers a range of topics including the impacts of tourism on the NZ economy and an exploration of world tourist destinations.
Course Prerequisite / None – a genuine interest is needed. Home internet access highly desirable.
Assessment: / Successful completion of all standards associated with this course will contribute up to 28 credits towards the NCEA Level 2. The course is assessed internally only.
Pathways: / Tourism Level 3. Service and creative vocational pathways
Possible Careers: / Employment in the tourism sector
Costs: / A field trip is planned to Rotorua (approximate cost $300) but this is optional.
Further Information: / Mr O’Hara.

Health and Physical Education

There are two options within our domain,level 2 sports science and level 2 health. Students are able to choose both courses. The level 2 sports science course entails a detailed theory component where students acquire knowledge and understanding of how the body functions, skill performance analysis and understanding training design and prescription. Practical lessons are used to reinforce learning, skills taught to improve understanding. The context for assessments is based on student’s interest and needs, and we offer a wide range of assessment methods. Level 2 health will include a diverse range of standards covering prominent issues relevant to our young people, and contexts will be decided upon by the class. Both courses are UE approved and are suitable for endorsement.

Level 2 Sports Science(SPS) / This course is suitable for endorsement
Course Description: / This course is mainly theory with some aspects of practical. Students will have the opportunity to develop significant literacy skills by learning how to examine/research a sporting event and the impact it has on self, others and society. They have the opportunity to attend a live sporting event if wanting to. Students will also study principles that influence performing a skill such as biomechanics, motor skill learning and sports psychology. They will also learn the biophysical principles that relate to training, exercise prescription and training design.
Course Prerequisite: / Participation in Level 1 health and physical education gaining at least 16 credits. Completion of Level 1 Physical Education and/or health offered at another school, automatic entry for any student who endorses level 1 physical education.
Assessment: / This course will offer five-six achievement standards offering 20-23credits towards NCEA Level 2. The course is internally assessed only.
Pathways: / NCEA Level 3 sports science. University or polytechnic courses such as; Bachelor of Exercise Science, Exercise prescription, National Diploma in Sport and Leisure, National diploma in Recreation etc. Social and community, service and creative vocational pathways.
Possible Careers: / Employment in the fitness,sport and recreation industry, technical analyst, sports management, coaching, exercise science, physiology, massage therapy, exercise prescription, nursing, personal trainer, gym manager/owner, education.
Costs & Equipment / It ishighly recommended if students have a smartphone or apple device to download useful apps.
Opportunity to attend - Annual Senior PE ski trip - $105 (snowboard/ski equipment, lesson and mountain pass – September)
Further Information: / Miss Fairhurst
Level 2 Health (HEA) / This course is suitable for endorsement
Course Description: / This course will allow the students to develop their understanding of concepts which relate to issues faced by young people in today’s society and apply their knowledge to a variety of topics – including well being, sexuality, diversity, etc.
Course Prerequisite: / Participation in Level 1 health is an advantage, however, not mandatory. It is expected that students choosing this course will have a reasonable level of literacy and have attained their level 1 literacy credits.
Assessment: / This course will offer five-six achievement standards offering 20-24credits towards NCEA Level 2. The course may have one externally assessed standard.
Pathways: / NCEA Level 3 health is a potential course for 2019 if the interest is there. University or polytechnic courses which include a medical component, or social work, community outreach, etc.
Possible Careers: / Employment in the Medical professions – Doctoring, Nursing, Midwifery, Psychology, Psychiatry, etc. Any career which involves working with other people.
Costs & Equipment / There is no cost attached to this course, however, students may wish to purchase their own study guide to use in class for a fee of $25 (tba by the subject teacher).
Further Information: / Miss Fairhurst or Mrs Laing
