St. Fagans Community Council

Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday12thMarch2018
at 7.00pm in the Village Hall

Present:CouncillorsJ. Hughes (Chairman)

A. Gaughan, J. Griffiths, F. LewisC. Price.

In Attendance:PolicePCSO L. Jay

ResidentL. Manley

ClerkD. Barnard

Apologies:Councillors:C. Edwards, T. Pallier & R. Williams.

County CouncillorG. Thomas

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone present. The Clerk apologised for any inconvenience caused by the last-minute rearrangement of the date of the meeting.

18.03.01 – Declaration of Interests

None were declared.

18.03.02 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 12thFebruary2018

Members approved the Minutes and the Chairman signed them accordingly.

18.03.03 – Matters arising from the Minutes (not included elsewhere on the Agenda)

There were none.

18.03.04 – Co-options to fill vacancies

Linda Manleyhad submitted a person specification to the Clerk and gave a verbal summary to Members, confirming her interest in joining the Council. Members agreed that Ms Manley be co-opted with immediate effect. She signed a statement confirming her eligibility for office, together with the Declaration of Acceptance of Office, that were both witnessed by the Clerk. The Chairman welcomed Cllr. Manley on to the Council.

18.03.05 – Police Matters & Neighbourhood Watch

Members welcomed PCSO Lauren Jay to the meeting. She reported that no new reports of criminal damage or thefts had been received within the area of St Fagans north of the railway. Investigations into three burglaries reported previously, are ongoing. The Chairman confirmed that Members welcomed information in relation to road traffic incidents, etc.

The Clerk had circulated a message received regarding an attack of vandalism at Old Mill Cottage on Michaelston Road. He had tried, unsuccessfully, to contact an officer from the Ely division to get more details of the incident and what the police were doing. PCSO Jay had no knowledge of the incident but would try and get the name of an officer.

Cllr. Lewis asked about the leaflets for the ‘Red Mana’ operation and ‘Beat the Burglar’. PCSO Jay advised that they had not yet been printed but would ensure that a supply is delivered as soon as they became available.

No other matters were raised. The Chairman thanked PCSO Jay for her attendance, at which point she left the meeting.

18.03.06 – Community projects

Reports on the progress of the various projects were as follows:

a) Parc Rhydlafar.

The Chairman said he would be meeting Mark Cummings about theroundabout.

Regarding the waste bins, it was agreed that the Clerk would ask Cardiff Council whether, if the Community Council buy and install new bins, they would empty them.

The Clerk to contact Mark Davies regarding the dog fouling signs.

Information plaque – The Clerk reported that he was still seeking quotes.

Basketball hoop – Clerk to remind Matt Wakelam about this request.

b) the Village:

Speed awareness signs – awaiting installation.

Cllr. Lewis is progressing the four new street signs. The proposed ‘Welcome’ signs are currently on hold.

The Chairman referred to the old signal box at the railway crossing that was due to be removed. The Clerk was asked to contact Network Rail to enquire when this will happen.

St Mary’s Church footpath. The Chairman had spoken to Peggy and explained what is being proposed. The Clerk was asked to write to Peggy to request that details of the agreed proposals are forwarded to the Council so that a donation can be considered. The Chairman also reported that he is seeking a quote for resurfacing the footpath outside the Church wall.

Cllr. Lewis agreed to reply to Cardiff Council about the footpath behind St Fagans Drive where trees are overgrown.

Cllr. Lewis confirmed that some road works signs have been removed but two still remain.

Cllr. Lewis reported that the grassed area on St Fagans Drive needs to be tidied up.

The road surface at the entrances to the Plymouth Arms car park were reported to be in need of repair. The Clerk was asked to contact the Landlord.

The Clerk agreed to chase up Welsh Hearts about the defibrillator.

Cllr. Manley reported that miscellaneous wires and clips have been left around the Openreach box in front of the Church. The Clerk was asked to contact Openreach about this.

c) Westfield Park:

Welcome sign – the planning application has been submitted, though he had still not had a reply from John Maidment.

Dog fouling & waste bins – as per Parc Rhydlafar.

Kissing gates at the entrances to the recreation area.No progress reported.

The Clerk had circulated a schedule of those projects where action from Cardiff Council is awaited. It was agreed that he should forward the schedule to Matt Wakelam and request a monthly update on the progress of each item.

18.03.07 – Planning

a) Cardiff LDP / North West Cardiff Group

The Clerk confirmed that a reply had been sent to Paul Orders on the matter of traffic management in north-west Cardiff, but to date no response had been received.

b) Redrow / Plasdwr planning application

The Clerk had circulated the latest Plasdwr bulletin. The next drop-in session will be on 27th March.

Cllr. Manley advised that she had sent an email to Wayne Rees regarding the reference to S106 monies for St Fagans but to date she had received no reply.

The Clerk had circulated a reply from Simon Gilbert in which he said that S106 agreements run with the land, so would require both developers and landowners/mortgages to be signatories.

c) Other Planning Applications

The Clerk gave details of the following planning applications:


18/00274/MJR – Land N/S of Llantrisant Road: Amendment to Conditions 2 & 4 to allow replacement of hedgerows instead of translocating.

18/00275/MJR – Land N/S of Llantrisant Road: Amended D of C 20 (Landscape scheme) for part of Phase 1A.

18/00276/MJR – Land to the north of M4 J33: D of C 32 (Public Art) of 14/00852/DCO.

18/00315/MJR – Land south of Pentrebane Road: D of C 14 (trees) of 14/02188/MJR relating to Parcel 1F Spine Road.

18/00314/MJR – Land south of Pentrebane Road: Approval of reserved matters (appearance, scale, layout, landscaping and non-strategic access) re Phase 1F of 14/02188/MJR.

18/00316/MJR – Land south of Pentrebane Road: Amendment to Parameter Plan 3 (green infrastructure) etc. previously approved under 14/02188/MJR.


17/02234/MJR – Land south of Pentrebane Road: D of C 28 (drainage) of 14/02188/MJR. Full discharge.

17/02665/MNR – The Court Nursing Home, Cwrt Y Cadno: Paint coating to pebbledash wall. Permission granted.

18/00424/MJR – Land north of M4 J33: D of C 19 (Strategic green infrastructure management strategy) of 14/00852/DCO.

No issues or comments were raised.

The Clerk had circulated a reply from the Planning Enforcement Officer advising that the owner of 1, St Fagans Drive is constructing a single storey leisure outbuilding. He advised that planning permission is required, and the owner has indicated an intention to seek approval. Cllr. Lewis reported that a number of residents have expressed concern. The Clerk was asked to follow this up with Planning.

18.03.08 – Environmental Matters

a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns

Linda Manley expressed concerns about the safety of pedestrians on Cardiff Road when drivers are effectively forced to mount the pavement when large vehicles are travelling in the opposite direction. She suggested that some form of one-way system was needed. Other Members acknowledged the problem but felt there is no easy answer. The Clerk was asked to raise the matter with Highways.

It was reported that the tree in the grounds of Woodlands that was obscuring the streetlamp, has been cut back by the owner.

b) StreetCleansing / Litter

The Clerk had circulated a letter from Keep Wales Tidy setting out options to work together. Noted.Cllr. Lewis advised that she would be arranging a litter-pick for the weekend of 24th / 25thMarch.

c) Council’s land at the railway line

The Chairman thanked Cllrs. Griffiths and Lewis for assisting with the Commonwealth Flag raising ceremony. The Clerk was asked to write to Graeme Morgan and his wife to thank them for attending, and to Peggy Jackson for arranging the attendance of Colin Finney.

Cllr. Lewis reported that on two occasions bags of rubbish have been left by the council’s waste bin. Members speculated as to the source. Reference was made to various litter picking groups that are active around the City. The general problem of fly-tipping was also discussed.

d) Other environmental issues

Cllr. Griffiths raised the issue of Japanese knotweed, but it was agreed that it was too early to arrange the appropriate spraying.

The Clerk reported that the definitive map of all Public Rights OfWay in St Fagans had still not been received and he agreed to contact the PROW officer again.

18.03.09 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle

The Clerk reported that Bethan-Aur Lewis had informed him of the death of the Earl of Plymouth. Members expressed their sadness at the news. The Clerk was asked to establish the contact details for Lord Windsor and send an appropriate letter of condolences.

Members discussed the ongoing works at the Castle, including the complete re-wiring and the fact that the stairs have been condemned as unsafe. Some Members commented that the Castle entrance is currently rather an eyesore, but it was agreed this was not within the Council’s remit.

18.03.10 – One Voice Wales

The Chairman reported that he had attended a meeting of the NEC on 9th March. Topics discussed included the Review of Town & Community Councils, the Independent Review Panel’s report on Members’ allowances and the OVW pension deficit. He reported that he and Cllr. Lewis were attending a meeting of the Review Panel on Thursday, following which he would, in conjunction with the Clerk, draft a response to the Panel’s four questions.

The Clerk had circulated a letter from Lyn Cadwallader (Chief Executive) inviting the Council to continue its membership of OVW in 2018/19.for a fee of £290. The Clerk recommended continuing membership, and this was agreed with the membership fee to be paid in April.Other items circulated were the February news bulletin and details of the Innovative Practice Awards Ceremony on 29th March. The Chairman asked the Clerk to reserve one place for him to attend.

18.03.11– Correspondence and other communications

The Clerk reported on the following:

21/02/18 – Bruno Peek: Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth. 12th March. (see Minute No. 18.03.08 c)

22/02/18 – OVW / WG: Consultation on a draft Autism Bill

23/02/18 – LGBC: Guidance for principal councils in conducting a review of their communities.

26/02/18 – OVW / NALC: Data Protection tool-kit. New Regulations to be complied with by 25th May 2018. The Clerk advised that the Council would need to appoint a Data Protection Officer and suggested this be done in conjunction with the other Cardiff community councils. He agreed to make enquiries.

27/02/18 – Keep Wales Tidy: Options to work together to protect and maintain the local environment.

27/02/18 – Planning Aid Wales: Planning training workshop. Pontyclun 14th March 6.00 – 9.15pm.

27/02/18 – IRP: Annual Report on Members allowances. The Clerk advised that he would make this a separate Agenda Item for the April Council meeting and circulate a report for Members to consider.

01/03/18 – Wales Audit Office: Annual Report on Financial Management in local councils. The Clerk confirmed that none of the areas of concern in this year’s report were an issue at St Fagans Council.

01/03/18 – Welsh Government: Funding support in 2018/19 for three core themes.

05/03/18 – OVW / WG: Consultation on Edition 10 of Planning Policy Wales. C/d 18th May. Cllr. Lewis agreed to consider whether the council should submit a response.

08/03/18 – OVW / WAO: Survey of Town & Community Councils. (See Minute No. 18.03.10)

08/03/18 – Wales Farm Garden: Edible Cardiff

09/03/18 – OVW / WG: Conference on Community Asset transfers. 19th March Abertillery.

The Chairman referred to a request that had been submitted to Cardiff Council for S106 monies from the developments at Great House Farm for open space improvements at Westfield Park. He had established that Cardiff Council had deemed the sum involved to be too small to ask from the developer. He had raised his concerns about this at a meeting with the Leader of Cardiff Council called to discuss the Charter and had requested that S106 should be included therein. He expressed the view that it had been a good meeting and that hopefully the matter can now move forward.

The Chairman also reported that:

Cardiff Council has now appointed a S106 administrative liaison officer – Julia Lester;

the Members access phone line is to be made available to community council Members;

the Clerk’s suggestion to submit a Freedom of Information request about S106 monies be deferred until the end of the month to see if any monies for Westfield Park would be forthcoming;

the National Assembly will be able to vary tax rates from 1st April 2019;

a review of community councils is required to be undertaken every 10 years. He was seeking to establish when the last review took place.

18.03.12 – Finance

a) Requests for Financial Assistance.

The Clerk had circulated a request for a contribution towards the costs of the National Eisteddfod that is being held in Cardiff this year. The Chairman proposed a donation of £100.00. This was seconded by Cllr. Lewis and approved. The Clerk agreed to establish the payee details and arrange payment at the April meeting.

b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals

The Clerk had circulated the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council.The Clerkadvised thatthe following items were nowdue for payment:

HMR&CIncome tax 4th ¼ 316.60 (BACS)

J. HughesExpenses Feb / Mar. 115.95

Cooke & ArkwrightGround rent 4th ¼ 125.00 (SO)

XLNLandline / Broadband(Mar.) 40.68 (DD)

Members approved these payments and signed the cheques, etc. accordingly.

c) Statistics

The schedule of attendance and web site statistics was noted.

18.03.13 – Date & Time of Next Meeting

The Clerk advised that the first Monday in April is Easter Monday, so the next meeting would be in four weeks’ time on Monday 9thApril 2018.

Cllr. Lewis referred to the proposed date for the May meeting (14th May) that will also be the AGM at which she will be taking the Chair. Unfortunately, she will be away on that date and asked Members to consider an alternative date.After a brief discussion it was agreed that the May meeting and AGM will be held on Thursday 3rd May.


The Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Confirmed as a correct record…...……………………..Chairman…...………….Date