Sixth Grade Reading Street ( )

Unit 6.4.1 Into the Ice Genre: Narrative Nonfiction
Vocabulary Words:
1.  conquer – to overcome; get the better of
2.  destiny – what becomes of someone or something; one’s fate or fortune
3.  expedition –journey for some special purpose, such as exploration, scientific study, or military purposes
4.  insulated – lined or surrounded with a material that does not conduct energy; protected from the loss of heat, electricity, or sound
5.  isolation – the state of being separated from others, of being alone
6.  navigator – person in charge of finding the position and course of a ship, aircraft, or expedition
7.  provisions – a supply of food and drinks
8.  verify – to prove to be true; confirm / Spelling Words:
1. hydrant
2. chronic
3. archive
4. synonym
5. antonym
6. democracy
7. hydrogen
8. aristocrat
9. dehydrated
10. chronicle
11. hydroplane
12. chronology
13. archaic
14. homonym
15. synchronize
16. hydraulic
17. archaeology
18. anarchy
19. hydroelectric
20. bureaucracy
21. hydrophobia
22. chronological
23. anachronism
24. pseudonym
25. aristocracy
More Words to Know:
1.  documentation – proof or support of a claim or opinion by evidence
2.  unconventional – not bound by or conforming to convention, rule, or precedent; free from conventionality
3.  icebergs – large masses of ice floating in the sea
4.  solitary – alone; by oneself
5.  thermometer- a device used to measure temperature, usually a narrow tube filled with mercury or alcohol
Greek Word Parts
Subject and Object Pronouns
Writing Trait of the Week:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Context Clues / Comprehension Skill:
Cause and Effect
Comprehension Strategy:
Science Standards:
Magnetism, Poles, and Weather

Sixth Grade Reading Street ( )

Unit 6.4.2 The Chimpanzees I Love Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Vocabulary Words:
1.  captive – kept in confinement
2.  companionship – friendly feeling among companions; fellowship
3.  existence – condition of being
4.  ordeal – a severe test or experience
5.  primitive – very simple
6.  sanctuaries - places of refuge or protection
7.  stimulating – lively; engaging / Spelling Words:
1. discontent
2. decline
3. outward
4. dispatch
5. unwavering
6. destruction
7. disintegrate
8. outstanding
9. uncommon
10. outburst
11. outrageous
12. defensive
13. unappetizing
14. disillusioned
15. disarray
16. unconscious
17. outskirts
18. unfasten
19. disenchanted
20. decompose
21. unbusinesslike
22. disembark
23. deactivate
24. disenfranchise
25. outlandish
26. adolescence
More Words to Know:
1.  smuggle – to unlawfully take something into or out of a country
2.  welfare – health, happiness, and prosperity; condition of being or doing well
3.  conservationists – people who want to preserve and protect natural resources
4.  data – facts from which conclusions can be drawn
5.  expedition – journey for some special purpose
Prefixes dis-, de-, out-, un-
Pronouns and Antecedents
Writing Trait of the Week:
Word Choice
Vocabulary Strategy:
Dictionary/Glossary / Comprehension Skill:
Author’s Purpose
Comprehension Strategy:
Answer Questions
Science Standards:
Animal Interaction
Animal Communication

Sixth Grade Reading Street ( )

Unit 6.4.3 Black Frontiers Genre: Expository Nonfiction
Vocabulary Words:
1.  bondage – being held against your will under the control of another; slavery
2.  commissioned – holding the rank of second lieutenant or above in the U.S. Army
3.  earthen – made of ground, soil, or earth
4.  encounter – meet unexpectedly; meet in a battle
5.  homesteaders – persons who own and live on land granted by the U.S. government
6.  settlement – a group of buildings and the people living in them / Spelling Words:
1. precious
2. commercial
3. especially
4. ancient
5. gracious
6. position
7. question
8. suggestion
9. friction
10. lotion
11. potion
12. digestion
13. artificial
14. glacier
15. cautious
16. efficient
17. sensational
18. vicious
19. official
20. ration
21. fictitious
22. vaccination
23. beneficial
24. precocious
25. emancipation
More Words to Know:
1.  desolate – not lived in; deserted
2.  sharecroppers – people who farm land for the owner in return for part of the crops
3.  herd – to care for and drive cattle
4.  legend – a person whose achievements and deeds are a part of history
5.  rugged – rough, sturdy, hardy, and strong
6.  scout – person sent to find out what the enemy is doing
Words with ci and ti
Possessive Pronouns
Writing Trait of the Week:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Context Clues / Comprehension Skill:
Cause and Effect
Comprehension Strategy:
Prior Knowledge
Social Studies Standards:
U.S. History
Settling the West

Sixth Grade Reading Street ( )

Unit 6.4.4 Space Cadets Genre: Drama
Vocabulary Words:
1.  aliens – imaginary creatures from outer space
2.  barge – a large, strongly-built boat or ship for carrying freight or waste
3.  hospitable – friendly; receptive
4.  molten – made liquid by heat; melted
5.  ore – rock containing enough of a metal or metals to make mining profitable
6.  refrain - to keep yourself from doing something
7.  universal – existing everywhere, for all purposes
8.  version – a special form or variant of something / Spelling Words:
1. poem
2. poetic
3. direct
4. direction
5. origin
6. original
7. combine
8. combination
9. repeat
10. repetition
11. critic
12. criticize
13. history
14. historic
15. academy
16. academic
17. inspire
18. inspiration
19. depart
20. departure
21. erode
22. erosion
23. maintain
24. maintenance
25. confiscate
26. confiscation
More Words to Know:
1.  fortitude – courage in facing pain, danger, or trouble
2.  repulsive – causing strong dislike or aversion
3.  galaxy – a group of billions of stars forming one system
4.  planet – a large astronomical body that orbits the Sun or another star
5.  solar system – a star and all the planets, satellites, comets, etc., that revolve around it
Related Words
Indefinite and Reflexive Pronouns
Writing Trait of the Week:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Context Clues / Comprehension Skill:
Draw Conclusions
Comprehension Strategy:
Science Standards:
Travel and Probes

Sixth Grade Reading Street ( )

Unit 6.4.5 Inventing the Future Genre: Biography
Vocabulary Words:
1.  converts – changes
2.  devise – invent
3.  efficiency – ability to produce the effect wanted without waste of time or energy
4.  generated – produced
5.  percentage – allowance figured by percent
6.  proclaimed – declared publicly
7.  reproduce – to make a copy of
8.  transmitted – sent out signals by means of electromagnetic waves or by wire / Spelling Words:
1. electricity
2. equality
3. society
4. specialty
5. celebrity
6. recognition
7. description
8. reduction
9. tradition
10. loyalty
11. security
12. clarity
13. popularity
14. certainty
15. cruelty
16. subscription
17. reputation
18. intention
19. deception
20. penalty
21. pronunciation
22. hospitality
23. subtlety
24. technicality
25. demonstration
More Words to Know:
1.  dictation – words said or read aloud to another person who writes them down or to a machine that records them
2.  exclusive – not divided or shared with others; single; sole
3.  persistence – act of refusing to stop, change, or give up
4.  contemplated – thought about for a long time
5.  invaluable – having great value
6.  model – a small copy
Word Endings –ty, -ity, -tion
Using Who or Whom
Writing Trait of the Week:
Vocabulary Strategy:
Word Structure / Comprehension Skill:
Author’s Purpose
Comprehension Strategy:
Monitor and Fix Up
Science Standards:
Technology and Society