DIRECTIVE NO. 564 / DATE: May 20, 2005


SUBJECT: Certificates of Use and Occupancy (Medical Center)

REFERENCES: University of Virginia Higher Education Capital Outlay Second Edition

ATTACHMENT: University of Virginia Certificate HECO Form 13.3

PURPOSE: To provide guidance for certificates of use and occupancy for work on all Medical Center facilities and structures.


BACKGROUND: The 1996 Session of the General Assembly enacted Chapters 995 and 993 of the Acts of Assembly delegating authority to the University for post-appropriation review and approval of Medical Center capital projects. Among other things, this authority includes issuance of certificates of occupancy. The Chief Facilities Officer has been delegated this authority by the Board of Visitors through the President and the Executive VP & COO of the University.

POLICY: All work on University buildings and structures will continue to be done in accordance with the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code (VUSBC) and other applicable codes, directives and standards as specified in the University of Virginia Higher Education Capital Outlay Manual current edition. Specifically, occupancy of a facility without approval is unlawful and a misdemeanor under sec 36-106, Code of Virginia.


A.  All University Medical Center projects shall be reviewed and occupancy permits issued in accordance of the University of Virginia Higher Education Capital Outlay Manual current edition and this directive.

B.  All University Medical Center projects, which result in a change of use or a change in occupancy, must have a valid Certificate of Use and Occupancy signed by the Chief Facilities Officer before the project may be placed in service.

C.  If required, a temporary Certificate of Use and Occupancy may be requested. The HECO Form 13.3 and attachments, shall be prepared for signature by the Project Manager only after ASBO, the A/E, the Contractor and the State Fire Marshal agree in writing that the facility is substantially complete and ready for occupancy. It shall have as attachments at least the State Fire Marshal’s Report; the Certificate of Substantial Completion by Contractor, HECO Form 13.2a; and, the Certificate of Substantial Completion by the A/E, HECO Form 13.1a.

D.  A final Certificate of Use and Occupancy, HECO Form 13.3 and attachments, shall be prepared for signature by the Project Manager only after ASBO, the A/E, the Contractor and the State Fire Marshal agree in writing that the facility is complete and ready for occupancy. It shall have as attachments at least the State Fire Marshal’s Report; the Certificate of Completion by Contractor, HECO 13.2; and, the Certificate of Completion by the A/E, HECO 13.1. If replacing a temporary CUO, then the temporary HECO Form 13.3, with the punch list of items requiring completion, shall be included with the Project Manager’s annotations that the punch list items are complete.


A.  Project Managers shall obtain all sign-offs on the Certificate of Use and Occupancy, HECO Form 13.3 and coordinate with the A/E, Contractor, Health System Physical Plant Director, State Fire Marshal and the head of the ASBO Review Unit to complete required training, inspections, certifications and sign offs.

B.  The head of the ASBO Review Unit will inspect all completed projects and provide signoff on the Certificate of Use and Occupancy, HECO Form 13. prior to forwarding it to the Director of Facilities Planning and Construction.

C.  The Director of Facilities Planning and Construction shall annotate each completed Certificate of Use and Occupancy, HECO Form 13. prior to forwarding it to the Chief Facilities Officer for approval.

Directors and Facilities Planning and Construction Managers are responsible for enforcement of this use and occupancy policy. Questions and concerns should be discussed with the Director of

Facilities Planning and Construction and/or the Head of the ASBO Review Unit. Unresolved issues should be raised to the Chief Facilities Officer.

R. P. Dillman, P.E.

Chief Facilities Officer

Attachment: Certificate of Use and Occupancy


DIRECTIVE NO. 564 / DATE: May 20, 2005



(Medical Center Only)






Building Name / FAACS Number:


V. U. S. B. C. Edition of

Use Group: Gross Area: sq ft

VUSBC Table 401 Construction: Type:

Occupancy Load: persons Floor Live Load: psf

A/E Certificate of Substantial Completion (HECO 13.1a) dated ______and attached.

Contractor Certificate of Substantial Completion (HECO 13.2a) dated ______and attached.

Fire Marshal's Inspection Report dated ______and attached.

ASBO______Dir. FP&C______Dir. HSPP ______


Permission to occupy the facility is granted subject to the following:


Chief Facilities Officer

University of Virginia

c: DEB, Regional Fire Marshal, Project Manager, Mgr Real Estate (original), FP&C Support