Atoms - It’s elementary really!
Your task is to create a digital presentation on one of the following topics;
The life and times of the atom
An element and its uses
The periodic table
There are numerous ways in which you and your tribe could complete this project including but not limited to the following.
A movie
A comic
A song
Stop motion animation
An interpretive dance
Or a keynote presentation (YUK!!!! You can do better than this!)
Use your imagination… be cReaTiVe… you are only limited by your own imaginations (and perhaps the time frame)
Rules and regulations:
You shall:
-Work in tribes
-All contribute in a meaningful way
-Complete the task in a timely manner
You shall not:
-Argue and fight with your tribe
-Expect others to do your share of the work
What you need to cover as a MINIMUM;
Part One– The life and times of the atom
-What is an atom
-What is an atom made of
-The history of the atom
Part Two –
-What your element is used for in industry
-The history of your atom, when was it first discovered? Etc
-What is the atomic structure of your element, does it have any isotopes? Is it radioactive?
Part Three – The periodic table
-Who created the periodic table of elements as we know it?
-Was/are there any other versions
-How is it organised and are there any patterns to it?
Now this is where the fun begins! You will also have to self-assess and peer assess for this project. This means each member of the tribe will be marking every other member of the tribe and their own contribution.
Below is the rubric that will be used for marking this assignment.
Assessment item / Below expectations / Good / Exceptional / Your MarkPresentation style (10) / Keynote presentation poster or written assignment. / Thinking outside the box to produce a solid presentation / Creating a very smooth presentation including excellent editing
Key information (20) / Very limited information or misinformation presented / Demonstrated a good level of understanding cover most or all of the key elements / Exceptional explanations including more than the just the key elements
TM’s mark for quantity of work completed (10) / Little work contributed to the tribe / Completed their fair share of the workload / Completed more than their fair share of the workload
TM’s mark for time management (10) / Could not manage their time efficiently / Mainly stayed on task and productive / Was on task and productive throughout the entire process
TM’s mark for involvement in presentation (10) / Would not participate in presentation / Only limited in participation presentation / Was a willing participant in the presentation.
Self-assessment of effort and participation (10) / I was not involved in a meaningful way for this project / I was somewhat involved in the presentation but some of my tribe members did more work than I did / I was a good contributor to my tribe completing all tasks allocated to me in a timely manner and to a high standard
Teacher Assessment
(10) / Was not involved in a meaningful way for this project / Was somewhat involved in the presentation but others of your tribe did more work than you / Was a good contributor to your tribe completing all tasks allocated to me in a timely manner and to a high standard
Total (80)