Learning with Technology Committee
16 February 2016 Meeting
11:05am – Come to Order
Learning With Technology Committee Members (2015-2016)
Chair:Chris Woodall, LIBRARY
Designated Senator:Doug DeWitt
Rebecca Anthony, SOWK, 15-18,At-large - PRESENT
Regina Royer, EDSP, 13-16, At-large - ABSENT
David Burns, CMAT, 14-17, FULTON - PRESENT
Jose Juncosa, CHEM, 15-18,HENSON - PRESENT
Christopher Woodall, LIBR, 14-17, LIBRARY - PRESENT
Hoon Cha, INFO, 13-16, PERDUE(At-large) - ABSENT
Yoojin Choi, HSS, 14-17, SEIDEL - ABSENT
Melissa Thomas, ID&D - ABSENT
Old Business
· Turning Point Cloud Pilot Program Update – Melissa
o Most survey responses were received by January
o After looking at results, most respondents are not interested in changing platforms away from Turning Point, but they are interested in integration with Canvas
o Now piloting a program with BIOL 101 with the new version of canvas which allows student to use either a clicker or a mobile device
o Students were provided with a 4-month code so they can try for free (as a trial)
o The biggest issue identified so far has been that some faculty to do not allow use of mobile devices in their classrooms. If we allow students to purchase mobile devices licenses for Turning Point instead of clickers, these students won’t be able to participate in such classrooms without buying a clicker as well.
o David suggested contacting Doug Dewitt to potentially put forward a motion to to the Faculty Senate would require faculty to accept mobile devices in their classrooms, at least if they wanted to use Turning Point.
o Jose commented that he can foresee resistance to that course of action, but suggested that it might be possible for the departments to buy or assign clickers, or even devices that could be programmed to only work with Turning Point (such as a cheap tablet)
o The committee ultimately decided that we would like to hear specific numbers from the survey, as well as the potential costs associated with the integration with Canvas. Melissa will be asked to report on these things at the next meeting.
· TABLED: Synchronous Tool Discussion (Adobe Connect compared to Conferences in MyClasses) – Melissa
New Business
· Establish regular meeting dates for Spring 2016
o Meetings were set for 11:00 AM on:
§ March 1
§ April 12
§ May 3
· Security for online exams
o Regina brought up an issue she heard about from Lisa Seldomridge. Lisa feels that we don’t have a good strategy for offering security for online exams.
o The current strategy is to use Lockdown Browser, which has been problematic for many committee members
o The committee would like to ask a representative from Nursing and/or Social Work to facilitate a discussion about what their needs are.
o It was also suggested that we could put out a survey to see how Lockdown Browser is working for faculty.
o Has Melissa ever looked into other options for online security during exams?
· Interim CIO
o The committee would like to know who the interim CIO is, and whether or not they will be sending a representative to our meetings.
Adjournment: 11:40am
Next Meeting – March 11, 2016, 11:00 AM
Section 16. Learning With Technology Committee
· The purposes of the committee shall be to:
A. Review and make recommendations to the University administration concerning the use of technology in face-to-face and online teaching and learning, including but not limited to planning and policies;
B. Serve as a liaison between the Faculty and Information Technology Services regarding learning technology issues; and
C. Serve in an advisory capacity to the Director of the Teaching and Learning Resources about issues regarding technology and learning.
· The Committee shall have seven voting members: seven members of the Faculty serving three-year terms: four elected from and by their respective schools, one elected from the library faculty, two elected at-large , two to three retiring annually. The Chief Information Officer or his/her designee, and the Director of the Teaching and Learning Resources or his/her designee shall be ex officio non-voting members. Should an elected faculty member not be the Designated Senator a non-voting Designated Senator shall also serve on the committee. The committee shall elect its chairperson annually.
· The purpose of the committee shall also include reviewing and making recommendations for online teaching and learning. In September 2004, the provost created an ad hoc Online Learning Committee to develop a policy and guidelines for online learning at Salisbury University. While the work of the ad hoc committee has been completed, we foresee many continuing issues regarding the implementation of online learning at SU. The members of the Learning Technology Committee believe that this committee is the appropriate venue to assist in addressing online learning at SU.
· As more and more information is available in electronic format, access for online and face to face students and faculty is an ongoing concern. The committee believes that a representative from the library on the Learning Technology Committee is warranted.