2013-2015 HANDBOOK

Member of

The National Garden Clubs, Inc.

The South Atlantic Region

The Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc.

Diana Haimerl, Director

Linda Siceloff, Co-Director

"Preserve, Protect, Educate"


Table of Contents

Calendar of Events 3-5

Coastal District Awards 6-8

2013-2015 Themes District, GCSC, SAR, and NGC 9

Your Federated Garden Club10

Proposed District Meetings11

District Chairmen12-13

District Club Presidents14-15

Former District Directors16

This handbook can also be found on the GCSC Website

User Name – gcscPassword – sc1

District Director:

Diana Haimerl

2638 Highway 917 East

Dillon, SC 29536


District Co-Director/Award Chairman:

Linda Siceloff

P.O. Box 154

Little River, SC 29566



Calendar of Events

2013 - 2015


October 3 - 4Nationally Accredited Judges Club of SC Symposium 2013, Greenville (Embassy Suites)

October 15Deadline for Winter Issue of SC Gardener

November 1 Finance Committee

November 12-13Landscape Design School, Charleston, Test- November 14

November 15 High School Essay Contest Entries to Maida Dantzler, GCSC HS Essay Chair

December 1 ALL Youth Poetry and Sculpture Awards to District Youth Chairmen

December 6 Arbor Day, South Carolina

December Tree Lighting and Carols Ceremony, Columbia

December 15 All District Youth Award Winners to Linda Siceloff, GCSC Youth Awards Chair,

December 15 Awards Applications to Donna Donnelly, GCSC Awards Chair,

December 15 Flower Show Achievement Entries and Small Standard Flower Show Entries to Marsha Alexander, GCSC Flower Show Awards Chair

December 15Club or Council Annual 501(c)(3) Group Exemption Filing or Application Deadline to Maureen Minner GCSC Compliance C hair


January 7Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl Poster Entries to District Youth Chairmen

January 15Deadline for Spring Issue of SC Gardener

January 20 Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl Poster Entries to GCSC Youth Chairman, Linda Siceloff

January 23 GCSC Board Meeting, Columbia

March 4 West Piedmont, Anderson

March 5 East Sandhills, Hartsville & Pageland

March 6 East Piedmont, Lancaster

March 6Judges Club, Columbia

March 11Coastal, Myrtle Beach GC, Myrtle Beach

March 12 West Sandhills, Columbia GC, Columbia.

March 18 East Low Country, Manning

March 19West Low Country, Beaufort

March 23 -24SAR Convention, Roanoke,VA

March 29Youth Symposium, Saluda Shoals Environmental Park

April 15Deadline for Summer Issue of SC Gardener

April 23 GCSC Board Meeting, Columbia

April 24 GCSC State Meeting, Columbia

April 30 – May 3NGC Convention, Norman, Oklahoma

May 8 Judges Club, Columbia

June 1 - 7National Garden Week

June 14“The Fair” , Trinity Episcopal Cathedral, Columbia

July 15Deadline for Fall Issue of SC Gardener

September 1 Club/Council Yearbooks due to District Directors & GCSC President

September 4 GCSC Board Meeting, Columbia

September 24 - 28NGC Fall Board Meeting, Des Moines, Iowa

October 2 Judges Club, Columbia

October 15Deadline for Winter Issue of SC Gardener

November 1 Finance Committee

November 15 High School Essay Contest Entries to Maida Dantzler, GCSC HS Essay Chair

December 1 ALL Youth Poetry and Sculpture Awards to District Youth Chairmen

December 5 Arbor Day, South Carolina

December Tree Lighting and Carols Ceremony, Columbia

December 15 All District Youth Award Winners Linda Siceloff, GCSC Youth Awards Chair,

December 15 Awards Applications to Donna Donnelly, GCSC Awards Chair

December 15 Flower Show Achievement Entries and Small Standard Flower Show Entries to Marsha Alexander, GCSC Flower Show Awards Chair

December 15 Club or Council Annual 501(c)(3) Group Exemption Filing or Application Deadline to, Maureen Minner, GCSC Compliance Chair


January 7Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl Poster Entries to District Youth Chairmen

January 15Deadline for Spring Issue of SC Gardener

January 20Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl Poster Entries to GCSC Youth Chairman, Linda Siceloff

January 22GCSC Board Meeting, Columbia

March 3West Piedmont, Abbeville
March 4 East Piedmont, Rock Hill

March 5 East Sandhills, Darlington& Bennettsville

March 5 Judges Club, Columbia

March 10Coastal, Driftwood GC, North Myrtle Beach

March 11 East Low Country, Flowertown GC, Summerville

March 17 West Low Country,

March 18 West Sandhills, Columbia

March 22-24 SAR Convention, HHI, SC

April 15Deadline for Summer Issue of SC Gardener

April 23GCSC Board Meeting, VP Reception, Charleston

April 24 - 25GCSC 2015 Convention, Charleston

May 7-8 Nationally Accredited Judges Club of SC Symposium 2015

Garden Council of Greater Columbia Building, Columbia

June 7 - 13National Garden Week

July 15Deadline for Fall Issue of SC Gardener

September 1Yearbooks to District Directors and GCSC Preaident

October 15Deadline for Winter Issue of SC Gardener


District Awards #53, 54, 55 and 56 will be awarded according to the guidelines stated in the current GCSC Handbook. First Place winners in these categories will be forwarded to the State Awards Chairman.


DUE: September 1st. Send copy to District Director and GCSC President. First, Second, Third and Honorable Mention awards may be given in each membership class (Clubs under 20; 20-29; 30-44; 45-69; 70-99; 100-299; and over 300 members)


DUE: September 1st. Send copy to District Director and GCSC President. Certificate awarded to the Council with the most informative yearbook; judged in membership categories the same as Yearbook Awards.


DUE: February 1st. Send copy to District Director and GCSC President; judged in membership categories the same as Yearbook Awards.


DUE: February 1st. Send copy to District Director and GCSC President; judged in membership categories the same as Yearbook Awards

. 2013-2015
Coastal District Awards

A separate “ Award Application” must be prepared for each award and submitted to the Coastal District Co-Director by the said deadline. A submission must not exceed three pages (One sided only), making a total of three single sided pages. These may be emailed to the District Co-chairman at anytime prior to or by February 1. ( Also, please make a copy of your emailed pages) If a hard copy is the only option you have …Folder color is optional. Three (3) single sided Pages with attached pictures securely fastened in clear sheet covers.

Each Award application should include:

1. Name of award and award number (Ex: Container Gardening Award, #1).
2. Name of garden club, club president, and person submitting book.
3. A summary of your project, including the reason why your club considered this a worthwhile project.
4. One or more photos may be included, preferably a ‘before’ & ‘after’ if appropriate. Photos should be labled
5. An indication of the costs involved and the source of funding (lengthy budget not necessary).
6. The number of club members who worked on the project and whether any community participation was involved.

Deadline:February 1, 2014/2015
Submit to: Linda Siceloff
PO Box 154
Little River, SC 29566

Coastal District Awards

1.Althea Heniford Memorial Attendance Award:To a club having the greatest percentage of members attending the Spring District Meeting, excluding the host club/clubs. Numbers will be taken from the Presidents Reports by the Awards Chairman. (Sponsored by Loris Garden Club)

2.Civic Beautification Award:To the individual club or council for meritorious accomplishments in Civic Beautification.Award Applicationrequired.(Sponsored by Nancy Corrigall)

3.Belva Finklea Memorial Bird Award:To a club or individual doing the most work with birds.Award Application required.(Sponsored by Belva Greene)

4.Horticulture Award:To be given to a single club member or club with the year's best horticulture report.Award Application required.(Sponsored by Rosemary Purcell)

5.Cuba N. Rutledge Memorial Rose Award:To a club for the best use of rose plants in a creative and meaningful project.Award Application required.(Sponsored by Camellia Garden Club, Conway )

6.Thelma B. Suggs Memorial Educational Program Award:To the club sending in the most informative and educational program.Award Applicationrequired.(Sponsored by Loris Garden Club)

7.Flower Show Award: To the club having the best flower show.Award Applicationrequired ( Sponsored by Linda Siceloff)

8.Gladys W. Taylor Memorial Conservation Award:To a club member, club, or group of clubs for the most outstanding effort in any phase of conservation.Award Application required.(Sponsored by Diana Haimerl)

9.Roadside Development Award:To a club or council with the best roadside development project during the current year.Award Applicationrequired.(Sponsored by Yaupon Garden Club)

10. Emily Stephens Environment and Litter Award:To a club member, club, or group of clubs for outstanding effort in environmental improvement.Award Application required.(Sponsored by Emily Stephens)

11.State and National Objectives Award:To the club doing the most to promote current State and National Objectives.Award Application required.(Available to be Sponsored )

12.Garden Therapy Award:To a club member or single club submitting a Book of Evidence with the most comprehensive work in Garden Therapy.(Sponsored by Georgetown Garden Club)

13.Gardener of the Year Award:Plaque to an individual club member who has done the most work to promote State and National Objectives.Award Applicationrequired.(Sponsored by Margaret Graham)

14.Cora Hunter Memorial Floral Designs Award: To be presented to the outstanding club that places emphasis on member involvement in creative floral designs.Award Application required. (Sponsored by Elizabeth Wallace)

15.Youth Award:To a club member, club or group of clubs for outstanding work and accomplishments with youth.Award Applicationrequired.(Sponsored by Tish Galbraith)

16.Container Garden Award:To a club member or club having the best Container GardenAward Application required.(Sponsored by Dorothy Richardson)

17.Joann Johnson National Garden Week Award:To the club with the most comprehensive efforts in the promotion and celebration of National Garden WeekAward Application. required.(Sponsored by Joann Johnson)

18. Arbor Day Award:To the club or council with the most creative Arbor Day program designed to educate the community and make a lasting impactAward Application required.(Sponsored by Barbara Peterson)

19. HTHP Award: To the club or council with the most outstanding project promoting the President's HTHP project. Award Applicationrequired(Sponsored by Nancy Corrigall)

Scale of Points for Judging Awards

Conformance to Requirements Listed for Award40 pts (4 pts each)
1. Name of Club
2. Club President
3. Person submitting “book”
4. Summary of project
5. Why project was worthwhile
6. Cost and source of funds
7. Indication of approximate number of members who worked on project
8. Statement about community participation, if applicable
9. One or more photos included-before and after if appropriate
Photos should be labled.

10. Number of pages – 3- one side only

Scope of Project60 pts (15 pts each)
1. Appropriate for award sought
2. Appeared worthwhile for community
3. Had member & community participation

4. Brief summary describing project clearly for readers to understand project and what the club was trying to accomplish

2013-2015 Themes: Coastal District, GCSC, SAR, and NGC

NGC President
Linda Nelson

543 Lakefair Place N.

Keizer, OR 97303-3590

503-393-4439; 503-580-1068 {c}

“Make A World of Difference – Choices Matter”

SAR Director

Martha Morgan

1909 Harvey Ave.

Bowling Green, KY 42104


“A World of Opportunity-Be Involved”

GCSC President

Judith J. Dill

1822 Brevard Place

Camden, SC 29020

803-425-5049 [h]; 803-669-0614 [c]

“Inherit the Past: Create the Future!”

Coastal District Director

Diana Haimerl

2638 Hwy. 917 East,

Dillon, SC 29536


. "Preserve, Protect, Educate"



National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC, Inc.) is a not-for-profit educational organization with its headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri, United States. It is composed of 50 State Garden Clubs and the National Capital Area, 6,218 member garden clubs and 198,595 members. In addition, NGC, Inc. proudly recognizes 447 International Affiliates from Canada to Mexico and South America, from Bermuda to South Africa, Australia and Japan, as well as 149 National Affiliates within the United States.

The purposes of NGC, Inc. are:

To co-ordinate the interests and activities of the State Garden Clubs with similar organizations in the United States and abroad

To aid in the protection and conservation of natural resources, to promote civic beautification and encourage the improvement of roadsides and parks

To encourage the establishment and maintenance of botanical gardens, arboreta and horticultural centers for the advancement of science, enjoyment and education of the public

To advance the study of gardening, landscape design, environmental issues, floral design and horticulture and assist deserving students through college scholarships in these fields of endeavor

To co-operate with other organizations furthering the interests of horticulture, conservation, environmental protection and civic beautification.

The first garden club in America was founded in January 1891 by The Ladies Garden Club of Athens (Georgia). On May 1, 1929 thirteen federated states became charter members at an organizational meeting in Washington, D.C. In 1935 the National Garden Clubs, Inc. obtained space for a Headquarters at Rockefeller Center, New York City. Following fund raising from 1953-1957, a permanent Headquarters building was dedicated May 10, 1958 in St. Louis, Missouri, United States.


All federated garden clubs in Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia are members of the South Atlantic Region (or SAR), one of the eight such regions in the National Garden Clubs, Inc. The South Atlantic Region meets once each year at a convention hosted by each state on a rotational basis.


The Coastal District is one of seven geographic districts within the Garden Club of South Carolina, Inc. It was formed in 1953 when the state was changed from regions to seven districts. This is YOUR District and is your main line of communication with each other and with the officers and chairmen of GCSC, Inc. Currently there are 4 councils and 24 federated clubs in the Coastal District. There is one District Meeting in March each year. This meeting is hosted by a club, group of clubs or council on a rotational basis.

Proposed Coastal District Meetings

2015North Myrtle Beach – Driftwood GC

2016Dillon Council of GC

2017Georgetown – Georgetown GC

2018North Myrtle Beach – Yaupon GC & Sea Oats GC

2019Conway Council of GC

2020Kingstree – Green Thumb GC and Garden Makers GC

2021Loris GC

2022Mullins – both clubs

2023Latta -Dogwood and Magnolia

2024South Strand GC

2025Marion Council of GC



District Co-Director/Award Chairman:

Linda Siceloff

P.O. Box 154

Little River, SC 29566


District Yearbook Editor:

Margaret Graham

1303 Golfview Drive

North Myrtle Beach, SC 29582

843-280-9718 (h) 843-222-2548 (c)

Arbor Day Chairman:

Anne Hughes

P.O. Box 539

North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597


Floral Design Chairman:

Coastal Creators/Emily Floyd Stephens

P.O. Box 194

North Myrtle Beach, SC 29597


Horticulture 101 Chairman:

Carl Claytor

P.O. Box 667

Loris, SC 29569


National Garden Week Chairman:

Teresa Scholz

209 S. Main Street

Marion, SC 29571

908-278-3180 (c)

Youth Chairman:

Tish Galbraith

964 Bear Lake Road

Longs, SC 29568


Blue Star Markers Chairman:

Fay M. Sloan

P.O. Box 1400

Dillon, SC 29536


“Historic Trees, Historic Places” GCSC Chairman:

Jane Riddle Pearman

18 Dune Ridge Lane

Isle of Palms, SC 29451


Nancy Corrigall
199 Heron Cove
Georgetown, SC 29440
Phone: 843-545-9098

Janice Cutts,
1231 Dunn Shortcut Rd
Conway, SC 29527


Club and Council Presidents

Azalea GC -Marion(096C) Ellen Davis

Azalea GC – Conway(359C) Christy Lineback

Camellia GC (278)Caroline Ewing

Coastal Creators (510C)Joanne Johnson

Daphne GC (497C)Glenda Burch

Dogwood GC (244C)Frances Godwin

Driftwood GC (004C)Marcia McCallum

Garden Makers GC ( 427C)Rickie Frierson

Georgetown GC(379C)Brenda Stroup

Green Thumb GCKingstree(210C)May Spearman

Green ThumbGC-Mullins(310C)Betty Hopkins

Hemingway- Johnsonville GC(554C)Julie Baxley

Iris GC (041C)Shirley Rizzolino


Ivy GC (342C)Carolyn Floyd

Loris GC (026C)Dorothy Richardson

Magnolia GC (129C)Casey Pitts

Myrtle Beach GC (240C)Allyson Hirsh

Sea Oats GC (578C)Anne Drake

South Strand GC (506C)Louisa Wood

843-685-1843 .

The Dillon GC (097C)Susan Newton

The Glove and Trowel (452C)Fay Sloan

Tussie Mussie GC (439C)Joy Richardson

Yaupon GC (309C)Phillis Newman

Yellow Jessamine GC (015C)Cathy McDaniel

Conway GC Council (C23C)Janice Cutts


Marion GC Council (C09C)Elizabeth Wallace

Former District Directors

1950-1954-Mrs J.T. Rutledge- Conway

1954-1956-Mrs W.H. Hughes
Mrs J.C. Henegan-Dillon

1956-1959-Mrs C.C. Blake-Georgetown

1959-1961- Mrs Harry Anderson-Hemingway

1961-1963-Belva Finklea-Latta

1963-1965-Evelyn Moses-Myrtle Beach

1965-1967-Billie Jackson- NMB

1967-1969-Joyce Mixon-Georgetown

1969-1971- Fannie Goldstein- Kingstree

1971-1973-Jo Wilson-Hemingway

1973-1975-Jean Curry-Georgetown

1975-1977-JoAnne Johnson- NMB

1977-1979-Thelma Suggs-Loris

1979-1981-Gladys Taylor-Mullins

1981-1983-Emily Stephens-NMB

1983-1985-Jessie Dale McCollough-Lake City

1985-1987-Merideth Smith-NMB

1987-1989-Gertrude Chandler- Georgetown

1989-1991-Brenda McCullough-Lake City

1991-1993-Julia McLaurin-Dillon

1993-1995- Jo Watson - Conway

1995-1997-Judy Hester-NMB

1997-1999-Rosemary Purcell- Surfside Beach

1999-2001-Betty Boulineau-NMB

2001-2003-Susan Darden-Murrells Inlet

2003-2005- Dorothy Richardson-Loris

2005-2007-Nancy Corrigall-Georgetown

2007-2009-Kalli Norton-Dillon

2009-2011-Barbara Peterson-Myrtle Beach

2011-2013- Margaret C. Graham-NMB