Miss Hinch
Close Reading Practice
- Print the handout “Key Word Cluster.” In the center write Elements of Fictionor Elements of Short Story. To prime your brain, write down in each box an element of a story that you can remember from your previous studies. Try to fill all boxes. Sometimes one element of a story is more important than another for the author. In this story character development (characterization) and plot details are extremely important. “Miss Hinch” is a story which requires close reading, looking for clues to plot and character development.
- First Draft Read: Now read the story with a prepared note sheet. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half. Fold it again to create 4 boxes on the paper. Label the boxes on the paper as follows: Unknown Words, Questions, Impressions, and Reactions. Read the story for plot and jot down unknown words.
- After reading write down questions that you have. Continue to each box on your note sheet and briefly give phrases of first impressions about the story (affective comments) and reactions to the story. Look up any unknown words.
- Second Draft Reading: Using the T-chart graphic organizer, write down descriptive phrases about each character: the minister & the old woman. Find textual support and story details to support your conclusions.
- Use the chain of events chart to select the major events of the story and their order.
- Look up the definitions of euphemisms and dysphemisms. These terms are rhetorical terms used in communication. Find at least one example of each in the story.
- Review the definition of figurative language (simile & metaphor). Find an example of each in the story.
- Look up foreshadowing. On a second draft read you will be able to spot clues that you missed about the ending of the story. List at least 5 clues about the ending of the story.
- Select 5 important words in the story. Define each one and tell the significance of the word within the story.
- Climax is the point of highest interest or dramatic intensity. What was the climax of “Miss Hinch”?
Write a well-developed paragraph with topic sentence and controlling idea that answers the following question. Why is the story titled “Miss Hinch”? You need to have at least 2 major supports with 2 minor supports (story details, textual support) for each major.