Odysseus Contest

“Engage and Inspire the European Youth in the Space Exploration through a Scientific Contest”
Coordination and Support Action FP7- 284442

Life co-evolution possibilities on Mars

Competing Category:

i.  Solar System TMLDirect TMLDirect

ii. Spaceship global cooperation TMLDirect

iii.  Co-evolution of life X

Name of the Team: Mighty Green Children

Team members’ names:

1.  Martins Mozga

2.  Justine Sirina

3.  Sarmite Gaidule

4.  Zaiga Vaisla

5.  Ieva Zeltina

Coach’s name:

Anita Vaivode

Abstract (limit 200 words).

Mars is a planet, which has been preoccupying minds of people for long time as a possible place in solar system, where life could exit. With sending to Mars toughest creatures that are found on Earth, we tested Panspermy theory which was described by “Anaksagor the ancient Greek philosopher who lived 2,500 years ago – Surf Life Seed space to find fertile ground where to begin to develop”(Dan Frederiksen). If we dispatched the most durable creatures to Mars, they would be able to survive there, adapt and evolve!
The main aim of the project “Life co-evolution possibilities on Mars” is to investigate theoretically if there are any possibilities to restore life on Mars. Tardigrade and Ginkgo Biloba have been chosen as carriers of life on Mars.
The task is to project and design possible life forms transportation on Mars, as well as their potential co-evolution on Mars created artificial environment.
The important task is to compare the characteristics of the Earth and Mars, to determine what the environment has to be on Mars, so there could emerge and evolve life. Mars is the only other planet in the solar system, which is located in Habitable zone, so people there should not only look for traces of life, but also plan its development. There are all necessary factors for life to exist.

Introduction – Description of the Problem (limit 200 words)

The existence of life beyond the Earth boundaries – it is an issue that is constantly in people’s minds. How good would it be to realize that we are not the only ones in the Universe.
Why Mars? Mars is the most relevant planet after all the characteristics for other life options to exist. Canals and the potential river and sea – bed peaks on Mars show that there has been water in a liquid state on Mars as well as by exploring the soil samples and the composition of the atmosphere, it was discovered that there have been primitive organisms on Mars.
If there has already been life on Mars, then why not to renew it again?
The main aim of the project is to discover in theoretical way – if there are any possibilities to renew life existence on Mars, as well as to determine the assumptions that certain forms of life on Mars would co-evolucate.
Task of the project:
-  to explore what necessary environment we need to create possible life on Mars, so there could grow and reproduce life.
-  Construct a warming device “breath of life”, with the help of it the selected life forms and additional devices would be delivered to Mars.
-  Explore ways to increase the temperature of the surface of Mars, increasing the albedo to begin ice melt.
This scientific – research work will try to show that under certain conditions, the existence of life and co-evolution of living beings on Mars is possible.

Hypothesis – Initial Ideas (limit 200 words)

Project “Life co-evolution possibilities on Mars” hypothesis – if were create conditions certain for life on Mars then it would be possible develop life there. Since the atmosphere of Mars and surface is somehow similar to the Earth’s atmosphere and surface, the could be artificially zoomed to the emergence of life and to the existence options.
The working group suggests design “breath of life” capsule which:
-  in their separate compartments contain the chosen form of life – tardigrade, ginkgo, green algae and extremorphill bacteria;
-  transport on Mars device whose primary function is to get water from the CO2 with H2 assistance;
-  with the lower part of the attached black solar “feets” it would melt ice, increasing surface albedo and generating electricity communication device with the Earth;
-  around it a primitive atmosphere could be created , which for some time could let living beings to survive, to make them to adapt to the high radiation levels and UV quantity;
-  after a certain atmospheric concentrations, capsule would continue to explore and artificially create the conditions necessary for life on Mars for larger area.

Project Methodology (limit 450 words)

The project was performed in 3 phases:
1.  Choice of project theme – 2 possibilities were discussed – choice between “Spacecraft operational global cooperation” and “Life co-evolution”. After assessing both themes team decided that the right choise is life co-evolution theme. Co-evolution – evolution of two different species, developing their mutual adaption. Co-evolution has been happening to almost all living being. Every living being is co-evolution’s result. The evolution of life began from one type to the first forms of life, which came in various conditions, and adaptation, resulting in first species. Co-evolution is very easy to mimic. We need only two representatives of the same species placed in different weather conditions and they will adapt to the environment and evolve with time, to make it easier to survive [3.]. We selected two life forms – tardigrade and ginkgo biloba – life forms suitable for studying co-evolution directly on Mars.
2.  Literature research part – Each of the team members were searching for information to study specific topics, such as the co-evolution, different research works about Mars, living forms that survive in extreme conditions on Earth, the possibility of artificially created atmosphere – equipment, machinery, processes, etc.
3.  Practical part – exploratory creative work “Life co-evolution possibilities on Mars” was formed using the obtained information, and resulted in a theoretical description of the work and short video film “Life co-evolution possibilities on Mars”.

Conduction of Research (limit 450 words)

The study was carried out in a systematic manner.
Study Plan:
1.  Earth and Mars essential characteristics, comparing them.
2.  Earth’s extramorphile organisms.
3.  Possibilities to create an artificial atmosphere – mechanisms, theory.
4.  Mars – a potential planet on which life can thrive.
5.  Life capsule design and operating principles for reaching Mars.
Initially, each of the participants summarized the findings about:
-  The Earth and Mars important development of life and co-evolution required characteristics, which were relatively analyzed – which sizes are similar and which are not. It was needed to make it possible to model the types and conditions of artificial vital precondition for the creation on Mars.
-  Living on the Earth extramophile organisms that are able to withstand long and in low or high temperature and high radiation levels and survive in the absence of available food. We discovered that there are not many such organisms on our planet. It was interesting that Tardigrade – toughest living organism on Earth that can survive the cold close to absolute zero and is 1,000 times more resistant to radiation than a human [10.]. It is able to go into criptobiose in which metabolism is less than 0,01% of the normal state. In this position Tardigrade may be up to ten years. It is very important for this project because it give the opportunity to observe fully whether Tardigrade is able to co-evolucate on Mars. If Tardigrade survives other forms of life may be carried out. Was also interesting that ginkgo, according to scientists, which has not changed since the time of dinosaurs, as well as significant biloba appears to alter the persistence of genetic information at the high-dose radiation;
-  Theories and studies that reveal the mechanisms that could artificially create an atmosphere in which life can be developed;
-  Mars as a potential planet on which artificial environment can be in created which life evolves. Compared to Earth, Mars has some “gaps” that need to be addressed in order to enable it to develop in life – there is no gravity, and temperature is lower than on Earth. In Martian atmosphere is too high CO2 concentration. These deficiencies over a long period could serve as a benefit to Mars to may develop life – plants need to be adjusted, which is capable of converting CO2 as oxygen. In our project this “job” would take ginkgo;
-  The possibility to construct a capsule, who main task is to transport selected forms of life to Mars, as well as to begin to create an artificial atmosphere of the planet, providing the conditions for living beings to be able to go out of its dortmant state and begin normal existence. Capsule is sealed, radiation-resistant partitions, which will include Tardigrade colony, ginkgo seeds, green algae, a device that produces water from CO2 with H2 help (“Nitrous oxide based oxygen supply system” (Robert Zubrin)), H2 reservoir. From the outside the capsule is coated with a compressed dome, which in contact with the surface of Mars will rip out and create space weather formation. The capsule is attached to the bottom of the solar cells that provide power supply device communication with Earth, as well as increased albedo capsule location, thus melting the ice as water, which discharges into the life inside the capsule to activate the life-forms in a capsule.
-  A result of scientifically work a short video film “Life co-evolution possibilities on Mars” is made.

Analysis of Data (limit 500 words)

To approve our prognathous hypothesis, in the begging Earth and Mars characteristics were compared, that are essential for life to exist. (see table Nr.1)
Planetary characteristics / Earth / Mars
Mass (x10e23 kg ) / 59,736 / 6,4185
Free fall acceleration( m/s2) / 9,8 / 3,69
axis tilt (°) / 23,4392 / 25,19
Albedo / 0,367 / 0,15
T min ( °C) / -89 / -87
T max ( °C) / 57,7 / -5
T vid ( °C) / 14 / -46
Atmospheric pressure (kPa) / 101,3 / 0,9
orbital period (gadi) / 1,0000175 / 1,88
equatorial radius (km) / 6378,1 / 3396
polar radius (km) / 6356,8 / 3376,2
orbital period(dienas) / 365,2563 / 686,971
Table Nr.1 Earth and Mars main characteristics
After assessing these characteristics, we concluded that some of them are similar for Earth and Mars (see table Nr. 2). It means that life on Mars is possible to develop.

Table Nr. 2 assess of Earth and Mars characteristics
Assessing the Earth and Mars atmospheric composition, it can be concluded that unfortunately the current Martian atmosphere does not allow the development of life. (see table Nr. 3)

Table Nr.3 Earth and Mars atmosphere structure assess
For transportation of capsule of life we offer Hohmann transfer orbit principe. (see picture Nr.1)

Picture Nr. 1 Hohmann transfer orbit
Hohmann orbit is most economic and fast way to transport capsule of life „breath of life” on Mars.
Mars is one of two planets that are in habitable zone (see picture Nr.2), including the Earth. Residential area, the area where the planet is located in reasonable distance from the Sun. Their orbits are neither too far nor too close to the Sun. So the planet is in a zone with the best conditions for emergence of life.

Picture Nr.2 Habitable zone
There is also the water on Mars which is one of the main preconditions for the emergence of life, but right now it's solid state. However, geological studies, which were performed with probes, such as the'' Spirit'' helps to show that Mars has the river and the sea-bed, which are formed in the flow of water resulting that approximately 2 billion years ago on Mars, there has been warmer climate than today.
’’Mars is a place, where is future,’’ – said Dr.Robert Zubrin.
We came to conclusion that - there are necessary elements of life and technological civilization development as co-evolution process on Mars.

Discussion of the Findings (limit 300 words)

Project ’’Life co-evolution possibilities on Mars’’ hypothesis was - if Mars could create certain conditions for life, then it there would develop is sure.
Based on the information gathered, it can be concluded that Mars is not significantly different from the Earth. As one of the main reasons why there is no life on Mars is that, Mars does not have the low atmospheric pressure and low temperature, but it can be corrected. Setting up a small factory that distributed large quantities of CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, the atmosphere would be thicker, but the pressure would increase, which would allow water to be in liquid state.
In addition, CO2 will make greenhouse effects as a result of the surface of Mars by the time the temperature will be higher. The temperature of the ice is melting, and if the surface of Mars is still a living thing, then they exit the dormant state where they may have for centuries and begin to develop in the water, as has happened on Earth. If that happened, Panspermy theory would
be proven. If there is no life on Mars, then sent living creatures will be able to develop life on Mars.
Living creatures after exiting the capsule of anabiose will face many challenges. Most important will be - the high radiation levels, as well as oxygen-free environment. Tardigrade, known as the most durable by this living, is the most important subject of research. Knowing that Tardigrade is able to change its own genetic information (DNA), and begin to adapt to high radiation. These adjustments could be very useful to mankind. After researching them, people would create protection against skin cancer and other UV radiation and radiation-related illnesses.
By using a life capsule, it is possible to deliver on Mars extremophile organisms, as well as mechanisms to artificially create a primitive atmosphere, that will ensure the long term development of life all over the planet.
After all the information aggregation can be concluded that the hypothesis is confirmed.

Conclusions (limit 200 words)

o For many decades, the question of the possibility of life on Mars remains more and more, it actual occupies many people's minds. The project hypothesis - If on Mars were created certain conditions for life, then it there would develop - is confirmed.
o Mars is a solar system planet, with many prerequisites for life to develop;
o Many research studies have shown that it is possible that life on Mars has existed in the past.
- On Earth, there are some extremorphile organisms whose existence on the Earth and on Mars consignment would make sure that both their chances of survival especially under extreme conditions and to trace the course of these organisms co-evolution. These studies open up new opportunities for medical progress on Earth, and will make it possible to plan the travel and human survival on Mars in the future.
Unfortunately, the project has not discussed the potential costs, but there is one truth - if the person is doing the work from the heart the money itself comes.
Lets help our idea to find its way in science, and maybe, if not we or our children, then sure next generations will make „Mighty Green Children” ideas to come true.
