Russet Class Newsletter 11.9.17
What a busy first week!
Miss France and I were so pleased with our Year R children for settling well in their first week of school. Well done to our Year 1 children, too, who have been looking after our new members, and also working hard in their Year 1 area during their lesson time. Hopefully all children have had a restful weekend, and are looking forward to our next week of school.
Parent Consultation Week for Year R Families
Just to remind you, our first parent teacher consultations for Year R members will take place today after school. Please remember to attend in good time for your appointment, to help make the timing of our sessions run smoothly. Thank you!
Time for a Cuppa!
Just to remind you, there is a parent tea and coffee session for our Year R family members at 2:15 on Friday. This event is run by FOCSS, and will be a great opportunity for you to build up new relationships with fellow parents in our school community.
Food Allergies
So that you are all aware, our school is a “Nut-Free Zone”, as we do have some children who are allergic to this food within the school. Please ensure all up to date food allergy
information has been filled in and sent to the office. Thank you for your help with this.
Photographer Visits
A photographer from the KM will be visiting on Friday afternoon, to take a photo of Year R for a special starting school edition, to be published at a later date. Please let us know if you do not want your child to take part in this event.
School Value Class Celebration Board
This year we will be building up a display to show when our children have been seen to demonstrate the school values of respect, helpfulness, friendship or fairness. Well done to Thomas, Arthur, Angus, Scarlett and James for being the first children to be added to this board. Come and read our Sea of Values display to find out their reason why!
Our Learning this Week
This week we will continue with our school values, rules and routines, helping to embed acceptable behaviour and developing strong friendships within our class – a foundation for a continued happy school life. Year R will take part in initial sound skills in phonics work, matching and sorting items which start with the same letter.Year 1 willuse phonic skills to write correct letter sounds in words, along with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in sentencework. They will be aiming for 3 or more sentences in their written work. All children will continue to work on name writing. In mathsYear R willwork on recognising numerals to 10, counting out the correct amount of objects to match. Year 1 will complete missing numbers in a sequence, count forwards and backwards to 10 or 20 as able, and also work on reading and writing worded numbers, too. Some math games we will use in class are: and also
Ourworship theme this week is centred upon finding out about how Jesus helped at the wedding at Cana, linking with our value of helpfulness. Year 1 children will also attend a worship assembly led by the Family Trust group – a firm favourite with the children!