Combined Federal Campaign (CFC)
The mission of the CFC is to support and to promote philanthropy
through a voluntary program that is employee-focused, cost-efficient
and effective in providing all Federal employees the opportunity to
improve the quality of life for all.
What is the CFC?
The CFC is the only authorized solicitation of employees in the Federal workplace on behalf of charitable organizations. It continues to be the largest and most successful workplace fundraising model in the world. With a tradition of commitment to the comm-unity through the selfless efforts of Federal employees, the CFC has its roots in the many charitable campaigns of the early 1960’s. Seeing a need to bring the diversity of fundraising efforts under one umbrella, Federal employees created the CFC – one campaign, once a year. In 2003, Federal employees across the country raised more than $249 million for charitable causes.
Structure of the CFC
The CFC is made up of local CFCs that raise funds in Federal workplaces across the country. Local charities that serve the local area or adjacent counties apply directly to the Local Federal Coordinating Committee (LFCC) – which serves as a “Board of Directors” of the local CFC. The LFCC is com-posed of Federal employees and rep-resentatives of labor unions with Federal employees as members. Decisions re-garding the inclusion of charities in the local campaigns are made by the LFCC. LFCCs are also responsible for the oversight of the local CFC in conform-ance with the CFC regulations and policies established by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Local charities admitted to a CFC by the LFCC have met OPM requirements for local eligibility.
Every year, the LFCC selects a voluntary organization to serve as the Principal Combined Fund Organization (PCFO), whose job it is to manage the campaign and serve as fiscal agent. OPM sets strict require-ments for this role. Annual audits are required of the PCFO by an independent CPA.
OPM is responsible for regulating the CFC and providing guidance and over-sight nationwide. It reviews and pro-vides guidance and technical advice on regulations, and has the authority to conduct compliance audits on any CFC local campaign fiscal records.
The CFC Brochure
This brochure consists of National, International, and Local organizations. National and International organizations are approved by OPM, and Local organizations are approved by the LFCC. All organizations participating in the campaign must meet strict public accountability criteria set forth in OPM regulations. Each organization’s brochure information includes the following: organization’s name and code number, statement of purpose, phone number, website address, legal name of the organization in parentheses if it is doing business under another name, the employer identification number (EIN), and its fundraising and administrative expenses as a percentage of total support and revenue. The EIN provides donors another point of reference for obtaining information about an organization’s finances from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) (1-877-829-5500). Please note that some organizations may be covered under an umbrella organ-ization’s tax exemption status and may not list the EIN. Religious organizations are exempt from the requirement of having an EIN.
Under OPM regulations, if an organi-zation’s administrative and fundraising expenses exceeds 25 percent of total support and revenue, it must certify that the expenses are reasonable under the circumstances and include a formal plan to reduce such expenses below 25 percent. Organizations with an asterisk following their administrative and fund-raising expense percentage have expenses above the 25 percent level, and have provided OPM with a satisfactory explanation as to why the amount of expenses is reasonable under the circum-stances and a plan to reduce these expenses below 25 percent. Because many circumstances can affect this rate, donors who may have questions are urged to contact the organization.
Interested donors may also obtain information about a charity’s finances and compliance with charitable organization standards of accountability by contacting the Better Business Bureau’s–Wise Giving Alliance (www.give.org). For general infor-mation about trends in giving and volunteering or data on the nonprofit sector, donors may contact:
USA Freedom Corps (http://www.usafreedomcorps.gov/), the National Center for Charitable Statistics (www.nccs.urban.org), or the American Association of Fundraising Counsel (www.aafrc.org).
Types of Organizations Listed
Organizations listed in the CFC brochure are either affiliated with a federation or are “unaffiliated”. Federations are established for purposes of supplying common fundraising, administrative, and management services to its member organizations. Charitable organizations participating in the CFC as a member of a federation may pay dues or fees to that federation as a service charge. For add-itional information on a particular federation and any dues/fees paid by its members, either contact the federation, its members, or review the federation’s annual report.
If you would like more information about the finances, services, benefits or programs an organization provides, you may contact the organization directly using the information provided with their listing in this brochure.
What are the costs of the campaign?
Last year, approximately 9.3% of the funds raised nationwide were spent on printing materials, training volunteers, auditing contributions, and other administrative expenses. All local campaign costs are reviewed and approved by the LFCC governing the local campaign. On average, this cost is low compared with other fundraising campaigns; therefore, every dollar you pledge goes a very long way toward helping others.
What is the payroll deduction option?
Payroll deduction makes it convenient for you to give by letting you spread your contribution across the entire year. Last year, more than 90% of all CFC funds raised were given through payroll deduction. Payments on payroll de-duction pledges begin on the first pay period beginning in January and con-clude with the last pay period beginning in December. Because there is no simpler way for you to make good things happen for so many people, payroll deduction helps you care for your community and your world.
Can I specify which organization will receive my contribution?
By designating where your CFC contri-bution will go, you ensure that your donation goes to meet the needs that you feel are most important. You may desig-nate the organizations of your choice where indicated on your pledge card. Additional designations must be com-pleted on a second pledge card. Except for documented expenses for the operation of the local CFCs and uncollected pledges, all contributions are distributed as designated.
Please do not designate an organization that is not listed in this brochure. Adding organizations not listed, or “write-ins”, is prohibited and donations to such organizations cannot be accepted by the CFC.
How do I designate a federation, or alternatively, one of its members, to receive my contribution?
If you wish to designate all or some portion of your contribution to a federation, please record that feder-ation’s corresponding code number on your pledge card. The federation name will be listed at the top of the list of the federation’s member organizations. Contributions designated to a federation will be shared in accordance with the federation’s policy. If you wish to designate all or some portion of your contribution to a federation member organization, please record that organi-zation’s corresponding code number on your pledge card.
How do I designate an unaffiliated organization to receive my contribution?
You may wish to designate to a specific organization or organizations not affiliated with a federation (unaffiliated organizations). If you wish to designate all or some portion of your contribution to an unaffiliated organization, please record that organization’s corresponding code number on your pledge card.
What if I choose not to specify an organization to receive my CFC contribution?
All funds contributed to the CFC that are not designated to a specific organization or federation will be distributed to all organizations listed in the CFC brochure in the same proportion as they received designations. Organizations that do not receive designated dollars cannot receive any donations.
International General Designation Option
If you wish to have your contribution distributed proportionately among all international organizations that received designated gifts, you may do so by recording the letters IIII on your pledge card.
Do I have to give through the CFC?
No. Participation in the CFC is strictly voluntary.
Coercion is forbidden. You have the right not to be improperly influenced regarding your decision to give or not to give through the CFC. Practices not permitted include, but are not limited to: supervisory solicitation of employees supervised, setting of 100% participation goals, providing and using contributor lists for purposes other than the routine collection and forwarding of contributions and installment pledges, establishing personal dollar goals and quotas, and developing and using lists of non-contributors.
If you prefer, you may donate to the CFC anonymously by placing your confidential gift in a sealed envelope.
Civilian employees may register com-plaints about coercion with the LFCC and contact their personnel offices; military personnel should contact their commanding officers.
Will I receive a receipt for my contribution?
Donors may keep a copy of their pledge card as a receipt of their pledge. A Federal employee who makes a one-time (cash, check, or money order) contribution of $250 or more and those who make a payroll deduction contribution of $250 or more per pay period to a single organization in the CFC should consult a tax adviser to determine if additional verification of the donation is required by the IRS. Such verification can be obtained by contacting the local CFC office.
Visit the CFC Homepage
For information about the CFC, including details on the public account-ability standards for participating charities, visit the CFC Home Page at www.opm.gov/cfc.
National/International Organizations
Animal Charities of America Federation and Member Organizations
1800 Animal Charities of America 800-626-5892 www.animalcharitiesofamerica.org EIN#94-3193389 - Protecting pets, wildlife, and endangered species. Teaching people to treat animals with respect. Humane training of animals as helpmates and companions to people in need. 1.0%
1828 Alley Cat Allies 202-667-3630 www.alleycat.org EIN#52-1742079 - Works for humane control of feline overpopulation across the U.S. through sterilization and care of feral cats as a compassionate alternative to euthanasia. 23.4%
1803 Alley Cat Rescue 301-699-3946 www.saveacat.org EIN#52-2279100 - Dedicated to helping stray and feral cats. ACR rescues homeless cats in Maryland and DC -National network of Cat Action Teams help cats across America. 26.2%*
1859 American Anti-Vivisection Society 800-SAY-AAVS www.aavs.org EIN#23-0341990 - Founded in 1883, the American Anti-Vivisection Society works to end the use of animals in research, testing, and education. AAVS promotes effective, non-animal alternatives. 4.4%
1812 American Eagle Foundation 800-2-EAGLES www.eagles.org EIN#58-1652023 - Dedicated to protecting the majestic Bald Eagle, the USA's National Symbol, and its habitat by supporting and conducting eagle and environmental recovery and education programs. 16.7%
1801 American Humane Association 866-AHA-1877 www.americanhumane.org EIN#84-0432950 - America's most respected humane organization, supporting our nation's network of animal and child welfare agencies, rescuing animals and children from cruelty, neglect, and abuse. 20.8%
1826 Animal Care Committee 301-963-4751 www.psyeta.org (Psychologists for Ethical Treatment of Animals) EIN#22-2527462 - Professionals and advocates conducting clinical and educational programs designed to reduce exploitation and instill compassion toward people and animals. Together we can move Beyond Violence. 20.5%
1839 Animal Legal Defense Fund 707-769-7771 www.ALDF.org EIN#94-2681680 - Help us protect the lives and advance the interests of animals using the legal system, thus reducing violence and promoting justice and compassion in society. 23.1%
1831 Animal Protection Institute 800-348-7387 www.api4animals.org EIN#94-6187633 - Advocating for animals since 1968. Your donation helps us prevent animal suffering, protect against animal abuse, and provide free-range sanctuary for rescued primates. 24.7%
1808 Animal Welfare Institute 703-836-4300 www.awionline.org EIN#13-5655952 - AWI seeks to ban inhumane traps and brutal horse slaughter, opposes cruel treatment of laboratory animals and farm animals and fights to protect endangered species. 13.6%
1802 ASPCA: American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 212-876-7700 www.aspca.org EIN#13-1623829 - Your gift helps prevent cruelty and alleviate the fear and suffering of animals through humane law enforcement, education, spay/neuter programs, veterinary care, and adoption. 21.1%
1829 Assistance Dog Institute 707-545-3647 www.assistancedog.org EIN#68-0259118 - Helping dogs help people! Research, development, and education programs improve the quality of life for children and adults. We create lifelong friendship, peace and happiness. 3.1%
1819 Assistance Dog United Campaign 800-284-DOGS www.assistancedogunitedcampaign.org (Bonnie Bergin Assistance Dog Institute) EIN#68-0307690 - Help provide loving assistance dog partners- Guide, Service, Hearing, Social/ Therapy Dogs- to individuals with disabilities through ADUC's assistance dog sponsorships and training program grants. 2.4%
1804 Canine Companions for Independence 800-572-2275 www.caninecompanions.org/ EIN#94-2494324 - Give independence to people with disabilities! Canine Companions change the lives of children and adults by providing service, companionship, and unconditional love. 20.2%
1806 Compassion Over Killing 301-891-2458 www.cok.net EIN#52-2034417 - Working to end animal abuse and cruelty to animals in agriculture and promoting vegetarian eating to build a kinder world for human and nonhuman alike. 3.2%
1811 Days End Farm Horse Rescue 877-442-1564 www.defhr.org EIN#52-1759077 - Humane organization dedicated to ensuring quality care and treatment of horses through rehabilitation, humane education, and community outreach. Visit us daily between 10am - 4pm. 20.1%
1842 Dedication and Everlasting Love to Animals 661-269-4010 www.Deltarescue.tv EIN#95-3759277 - Only organization in America rescuing dogs and cats abandoned in the wilderness, housing over 1500 of them at its 150 acre, no kill sanctuary. 8.2%
1813 Dogs for Disabled Americans (NEADS) 978-422-9064 www.neads.org (National Education for Assistance Dog Services) EIN#23-7281887 - Trains rescued dogs and donated puppies to assist people who are deaf or physically disabled in leading more independent lives at work and at home. 11.2%
1820 Dogs for the Deaf 541-826-9220 www.dogsforthedeaf.org EIN#93-0681311 - Rescues dogs from shelters, trains them to serve as the ears for people who are deaf, and places these special canine helpers without charge nationwide. 15.3%
1822 Elephant Sanctuary 931-796-6500 www.elephants.com (Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald) EIN#62-1587327 - The nation's only natural-habitat refuge for endangered elephants retired from circuses and zoos. Improving lives of elephants through sanctuary, education, research and overseas assistance. 12.5%