PHYSICAL CONDITIONS / OK / PROBLEM / PROBLEM SOLVEDINDOOR CLIMATE (read more in the Guide on indoor climate)
Is the office tidied up regularly so it can be cleaned?Is the cleaning standard satisfactory?
Is the temperature generally 20-22 degrees Celsius?
Is it possible to avoid harmful cold and draught?
Are large photocopiers, office machines, etc. in frequent use placed in well-ventilated rooms without permanent workstations?
Are the employees generally undisturbed by static electricity?
Are the employees generally undisturbed by tobacco smoke?
Is the office regularly aired?
Are any ventilation systems correctly operated and maintained?
Are there damp spots on the walls or ceiling and is there often
a mouldy smell?
Other comments on indoor climate:
LIGHTING (read more in the Guide on light and sound)
Is there a supply of daylight?Is the work room adequately illuminated?
Are the work lamps positioned so the light comes from the side just below eye level?
Can the work be performed without adverse reflections and glare?
Other comments on lighting:
NOISE (read more in the Guide on light and sound)
Are there any sounds of an adverse nature, e.g. constant sounds in an unpleasant register?Other comments on noise:
ERGONOMIC CONDITIONS (read more in the Guide on display screen equipment) / OK / PROBLEM / PROBLEM SOLVED
Do individual employees vary their working postures?
Do the employees know how to adjust their work equipment (screen, keyboard, chair, desk, etc.) - and do they adjust it?
Can the seat and back of the work chair be adjusted to fit the person and the task?
Are the work desk and work chair mutually adjusted in such a way that the desktop supports the underarms?
Are the keyboard and mouse positioned in such a way that the desktop supports the underarms?
Is there room for a screen, keyboard, mouse/pointing device, documents and a document holder, if any, on the desk?
Is the screen positioned at a height where the upper text line is approx. 15 cm below the horizontal line of vision?
Is the screen positioned at a viewing distance of 50-70 cm?
Is the screen image flicker-free?
Is the viewing direction at the screen parallel to the window, wherever possible, to minimise the risk of glare?
Is there room enough behind the front edge of the desk to push back the chair and get up?
Other comments on ergonomics:
MENTAL CONDITIONS (read more in the Guide on job satisfaction) / OK / PROBLEM / PROBLEM SOLVED
Do the employees have heavy workloads for long periods of time?
Are the employees often required to work overtime?
Is it clear what is expected of each employee?
Are the employees able to exert influence on their workloads and on how to perform their work?
Do the employees get the necessary information to be able to perform their work satisfactorily and to prevent conflicting requirements?
Does bullying and/or sexual harassment occur in the workplace?
Is the work performed recognised and appreciated?
Is there any risk of violence in connection with the work?
Does the work include the provision of training/development, including work variety?
Is support from qualified staff, management and colleagues available during the day-to-day work?
Other comments on mental conditions:
Are there any health and safety conditions that may contribute to increased sick absence?
Would any changes to the health and safety conditions lead to reduced sick absence?
Other comments on sick absence:
Should special consideration be given to the health and safety of pregnant employees?
Are accidents and accident risks prevented?
Have the necessary measures been taken in relation to working with substances and materials (chemical products)?
Other conditions: