Bibliography: Conflict Resolution and Communication
Bridges, William, Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change, AddisonWesley PublishingCompany, Reading, MA, 1991.
Crum, Thomas, The Magic of Conflict, Simon and Schuster, 1998.
Dressler, Larry, Standing in the Fire: Leading High-Heat Meetings with Clarity, Calm, and Courage, Berrett-Koehler, 2010
Fisher, Roger and Brown, Scott, Getting Together: Building Relationships as We Negotiate, Penguin Books, 1988.
Fisher, Roger and Ury, William, Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, Penguin Books, 1991.
Fisher, Roger and Ertl Danny, Getting Ready To Negotiate: The Getting to Yes Workbook, 1995
Heitler, Susan M, From Conflict to Resolution, W.W. Norton and Co., New York, 1990
LeBaron, Michelle, Bridging Cultural Conflicts: A New Approach for a Changing World,Jossey-Bass Publishing, San Francisco, CA, 2003
LeBaron and Pillay, Conflict Across Cultures: A Unique Experience of Bridging Differences, Intercultural Press, 2006
Lederach, John Paul, The Moral Imagination: The Art and Soul of Building Peace, OxfordUniversityPress, 2005
Lederach, John Paul, Building Peace: Sustainable Conciliation in Divided Societies, US Institutes of Peace, 1998
Lipsky, David et al, Emerging Systems for Managing Workplace Conflict, Jossey-BassPublishing,
San Francisco, CA, 2003
Mayer, Bernard, The Dynamics of Conflict Resolution: A Practitioner’s Guide, Jossey-BassPublishing,
San Francisco, CA, 2000
Rosen, H. Robert and Berger, Lisa, The Healthy Company, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc., 1992.
Tannen, Deborah, Talking From 9 to 5: Women and Men in the Workplace, Avon Books, 1994
Tannen, Deborah, You Just Don’t Understand: Women and Men in Conversation, HarperCollins, 2001.
Ury, William, Getting Past No: Negotiating With Difficult People, Bantam Books, 1991.
Ury, Brett, and Goldberg, Getting Disputes Resolved, JosseyBass Publishing, San Francisco, CA 1989.
Volkema, Roger, The Negotiation Tool Kit, AMACOM, American Management Association,NYC, 1999.
Warters, William, Ed., Conflict Management in Higher Education Report, Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI. Publishes articles of interest to those with a focus on higher education. For a listing of articles visit:
WebneBehrman, Harry, The Practice of Facilitation: Managing Group Process and Solving Problems, Quorum Books, Westport, CT, 1998.
WebneBehrman, Harry, Guardian of the Process: A Handbook for Group Facilitators, CollaborativeInitiative, Madison, WI, December 1994.
*** UW-Madison Office of Human Resource Development has now established a conflict resolution skills enhancement website as a resource for online learning. It is accessed at:
revised 4/2010
Bibliography: Mediation
Academy of Conflict Resolution, is the key national and international professional organization linking mediators and other conflict resolution practitioners.
Bronson, Sue, Self-Assessment Tool for Mediators, Wi. Association of Mediators, 1998.
WAM may be reached at or PO Box 44578, Madison, WI53744-4578
Bush, Robert Baruch and Joe Folger, The Promise of Mediation, JosseyBass Publishing,San Francisco, 1994.
Folberg, Jay and Alison Taylor, Mediation, JosseyBass Publishing, San Francisco, 1984.
Kolb, Deborah et al, When Talk Works: Profiles of Mediators, JosseyBass Publishing,San Francisco, 1994.
Kressell, Kenneth, Dean Pruitt et al., Mediation Research, JosseyBass Publishing, San Francisco, 1989.
Lande, John, “A Call for Respect and Collaboration by Proponents of Rival Mediation Philosophies”,
Alternatives, January 1998.
Lang, Michael, “Becoming Reflective Practitioners,” Article available through Mediation Information and ResourceCenter, PO Box 51090, Eugene, OR97405.
*** Originally published in Consensus, MIT-Harvard Public Disputes Program, 1996.
Lang, Michael and Allison Taylor, The Making of a Mediator, Jossey-Bass, Inc. San Francisco, 2000
Mayer, Bernard, Beyond Neutrality, Jossey-Bass Publishing, San Francisco, CA, 2004
Mayer, Bernard, "The Dynamics of Power in Mediation and Negotiation," in Mediation Quarterly, no. 16,
JosseyBass, Inc., San Francisco, Summer 1987.
Milne, Ann and Jay Folberg, Divorce Mediation: Theory and Practice, Guilford Press,NY, NY, 1988.
Moore, Christopher, The Mediation Process, JosseyBass Publishing, San Francisco, 1986, 2003 (2nd Edition)
Riskin, Leonard, "Mediator orientations, strategies and techniques,"Alternatives to the Costof Litigation, 1994.
Singer, Linda, et al, SPIDR Report of the Commission on Qualifications, Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR), 1100 Connecticut Avenue, Suite 700,Washington, DC 20036
Webne-Behrman, Harry, “The Emergence of Ethical Codes and Standards of Practice in Mediation: The CurrentState of Affairs,” Wisconsin Law Review, Volume 1998, Number 5, University of WisconsinLawSchool.
WebneBehrman, Harry and Lisa, Working It Out: Manuals for Training Peer Mediators, a series of publications for staff, elementary and secondary students, CollaborativeInitiative, Madison, WI, 2nd Edition, Fall 1996.
Webne-Behrman, Harry and Lisa, Mediating Workplace Disputes: A Facilitative Approach tothe Management of Differences, Collaborative Initiative, Madison, WI, 1999
Winslade, John et al, Narrative Mediation: A New Approach to Conflict Resolution, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2000
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