Tasley Parish Council – Follow us on facebook
11thJanuary 2018
Dear Councillor
You are invited to attend a meeting of Tasley Parish Council to be held on Wednesday 17th January 2018in the Village Hall Church Lane Tasley at 7.00pm.
Bill Griffiths
Clerk to Tasley Parish Council
9 Stretton Close Bridgnorth Shropshire WV16 5DB
Tel.01746 766941
18.001.00 Public Participation
18.003.00 PACT(Police and the Community Team)
18.004.00Declarations of Interest
Members are reminded that they must not participate in the discussion or voting on any matter in which they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and should leave the room prior to the commencement of the consideration of that item.
To approve and sign the minutes of the Meeting of Tasley Parish Council held on 15thNovember 2017.
18.006.00 Matters Arising from the Minutes and Not Otherwise Tabled on The Agenda
18.007.00 Parish Accounts and Payments (See Schedule Attached)
01 New Accounts
02 To confirm action taken under delegated powers
03 Financial Position– this sis dealt with under the next item
18.008.00 Precept and Budget 2018/19
01 Dispensations
To consider whether the Council should pass a resolution to permit all members of the Council to speak and vote on the precept and Budget
02 Budget Estimates and Precept 2018/19
To determine the Council’s budget and Precept for 2018-2019 ( See Clerk’s Report and appendices attached).
18.009.00 Unitary Authority Update
Shropshire Councillors Elliott Lynch and Les Winwood to report.
18.010.00 Outside Bodies Update
01 Local Joint Committee
02 Youth Partnership
03 Bridgnorth West and Tasley Partnership
18.011.00 Planning Matters
01 New Planning Applications
There are no new applications to consider at this meeting.
02.1 Determined Applications
Reference: 17/01033/EIA (validated: 06/03/2017)
Address: Footbridge Farm, Tasley, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 5LZ
Proposal: Erection of 4 No. Poultry Buildings and associated infrastructure
Applicant: Mr Matthew Bower
View online at:
Decision: To grant permission.
02.1.1To report on and consider any new information concerning the Judicial Review , which has been undertaken by the Local Action Group, against the grant of planning permission for this application
02.1.2To consider the attached letter from the Environment Agency which has been received in response to concerns raised by the Chairman about the possibility of chicken manure from this development being spread on fields adjoining Tasley Park.
The Council will recall that a number of residents from Tasley Park were very concerned about this matter.
02.2 Reference: 17/03829/FUL (validated: 02/10/2017) Address: Woodlands Lodge Park, Tasley, Bridgnorth, Shropshire, WV16 4QS
Proposal: Siting of 1No holiday let lodge
Decision: Grant Permission
View online at:
The Council objected to this development.
03 Place Plan Review
The update to the Tasley Place Plan, as discussed at the last meeting, has been sent to Shropshire Council
18.012.00 Community Governance Review
To note that no response has yet been received from Shropshire Council in respect of the letter sent by this Council concerning the proposal by Bridgnorth Town Council to amalgamate the parish of Tasley with the Town Council.
18.013.00 Wenlock Rise Estate
O1 Gritting
During the recent bad weather, residents of Wenlock Rise experienceddifficulty in the ice and snow because the roads had not been gritted and no git bins for residents to use had been provided. Shropshire Council said that they could not assist at this time because the roads are not adopted. Some gritting was carried out eventually.
02 Car Parking Problems
This Council has received complaints about inconsiderate parking of vehicles on the estate. These problems have previously been discussed with Shropshire Council Highways Department who say that no enforceable parking restrictions can be imposed until the roads are adopted.
03 Unauthorized Business Use at a Residential Property
Following a complaint, this matter has been reported to Shropshire council Planning Enforcement team.
Any further information concerning the adoption of the estate will be reported at the meeting.
18.014.00 Consultation on Police Budget and Precept
The Shropshire Association of Local Councils (SALC) has circulated the following information about this year’s police budget and council tax consultation, which is open until January 19th.
The headlines are:
- A proposed 4% increase to the police’s share of council tax, equivalent to £7.58 per year for a typical band D home
- Inflation, which has now reached almost 4% (RPI), and a 10% increase in demand are the key reasons behind the proposal
- This would ensure protection for neighbourhood community policing and numbers of PCs
- It would enable continued significant and necessary investment in reforming and modernising the police force
- Projects aimed at tackling root causes of crime would continue in our communities, which have helped 12,000 people this year
All the details are available on the PCC’s website:
Also here isthe latest newsletter:
Does the Council wish to make any comments in response to the consultation?
18.015.00 Street Lights and Highways Matters Including Road Signs
18.016.00 Housing and Neighbourhood Issues
18.017.00Nature Zone Update Update
18.018.00 Royal Garden Party
The Shropshire Association of Town and Parish Councils has invited each of its member authorities to nominate an outgoing mayor or Chairman to be considered for attendance at the Royal Garden Party on 5th June 2018.
Nominations must be for an outgoing mayor/chair and not a newly appointed office holder. Persons who have attended a royal garden party in the past are not eligible to be nominated. Nominees do not have to be from the Council making the nomination.
18.019.00 Any Other Business (updates and information only)
18.020.00Date of NextMeeting
Wednesday 21st March 2018 at 7.30pm (Preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting at 7.00pm)