Foods I
Mrs. Butler
Office: Between Rooms 104 & 110
Office Hours: 7:30-7:50am, 3:10-3:30pm or by appointment
Prep: 6th7th periods
Contact Information:
(815) 844-6113, Ext. 269
Welcome to a new semester!!!
Policies & Procedures
Observe the following policies to help maximize learning and achieve success!
Classroom Policies, Expectations, and Procedures:
- Follow handbook rules, classroom and lab procedures at all times.
- Be RESPECTFUL to classmates and instructor at all times. This means, no talking when I or a classmate is speaking and raise your hand before speaking.
- Come to classon time and prepared everydaywith notebook, folder or binder, and writing utensils.
- Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings and be ready to learn.
- You are expected to actively participate in class every day, this means...
- You are expected to write any notes and vocabulary given during class and keep all notes, handouts, and work in one place – binder or folder specifically designated for this class only (please obtain a folder/binder ASAP. If you cannot get one, please see me and I can get one for you)
- Use the allotted class time to complete any given assignments. Textbooks will not be allowed out of the classroom, so use your time wisely!
- You are expected to actively participate in lab. Complete your assigned tasks and assist the other members of your group if possible.
- You are expected to work quietly and independently unless otherwise instructed. If we are working in groups, I expect you to be working quietly and productively, with all members participating equally. Working as a group means all members working together to come to an answer, not one or two people doing the work and giving the others the answers. I reserve the right to change groups or end group work if I feel necessary.
- The grading scale is based on the School Board approved scale:
Below 65F
Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I am absent?
- If you are absent, IMMEDIATELY upon your return, YOU are responsible for getting all notes from a classmate and homework assignments from me for the days that you missed. I will not take class time to get you caught up – therefore, you must see me after class or before or after school. You will have the number of days you were absent to make up any missed work.
- If you are absent on the day a test is given, you will have to make up the test. You must make special arrangements with me as to when the test will be made up. Tests must be made up within a timely manner.
What happens if I turn-in an assignment late?
- Homework will be due at the BEGINNING of the period on the due date given. Work should be turned in to the appropriate basket.
- Late assignments will be accepted with a 20% deduction of the maximum possible points from the score earned up to seven calendar days prior to the final exam.
How can I find out what my grade in this class is?
- CHECK SKYWARD! I do not have time during class to look up your grade for you.
- I admit that I do make mistakes – for this reason, SAVE EVERYTHING! If you can prove that you did turn in an assignment or that the grade you received was higher than what the grade check shows, I will gladly fix the mistake.
What if I have questions about an assignment or need extra help?
- You are strongly encouraged to come in before or after school for extra help!!
- Communication is Very Important!! Your success is Very Important!! Working together will help make this a successful semester for us both!!
- You can also email me through Skyward or at . These are also great ways to send me your assignments if you are sick, etc.
What do I need to know about textbooks?
- Textbooks are to be kept in the classroom at all times, so use your time wisely.
- If you need a textbook for homework or studying purposes outside of class time, you can go to the library to check one out.
Foods I Outline
Course Description: This course is a beginning foods course designed to help students identify, understand, and apply basic principles in the study of nutrition and in the preparation and management of serving attractive foods and meals. Individual foods included are fruits, eggs, cheese, grains, milk, soups, quick breads, cookies, and desserts.
Chapter 1: Exploring Food Choices
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Describe the importance of nutrition and wellness.
-Identify social and technological influences on food choices.
-Give examples of cultural food customs.
Chapter 2: The Nutrients You Need
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Name the six types of nutrients and their functions.
-List the various food sources from the six nutrients.
-Understand the process of digestion.
Chapter 3: Guidelines for Good Nutrition
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Use the Food Pyramid Guideline to plan daily meals.
Chapter 4: Planning Daily Food Choices
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Identify different eating patterns and ways to improve eating habits.
Chapter 7: Kitchen Principles
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Identify ways to prevent common kitchen accidents
-Discuss causes of foodborne illnesses and ways to prevent them.
Chapter 8: Recipe Skills
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Identify measuring tools and equipment.
-Increase and decrease recipes.
Chapter 10: Mealtime Customs
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Describe various types of table service and be able to arrange an attractive table.
-Describe and follow basic etiquette guidelines.
Chapter 16: Vegetables and Fruits
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Identify the nutrients found in fruits and vegetables.
-Discuss guidelines for selection, preparation, and storage of fruits and vegetables.
Chapter 17: Grains, Legumes, Nuts, and Seeds
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Identify the nutrients found in grains and know how to properly buy and store products.
-Describe how to cook rice, pasta, cereals, and other grain products.
Chapter 18: Dairy Foods and Eggs
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Identify nutrients found in dairy and egg products
-Discuss ways to prepare dairy and egg products and how to use cheese in meals.
Chapter 20: Food Combinations
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Describe how to prepare broth and cream type soups
Chapter 21: Baking
MPO Objectives:
Students should be able to:
-Identify the basic ingredients in baking and the function of each.
-Describe types of cookies and how to prepare each type.
**Outline is subject to change at teacher’s discretion.