Biology 112 Lab Objectives

Lab quiz # 1

Spelling counts on all lab quizzes. You are responsible for all objectives listed including assigned lab manual exercises and questions from lab reports.

Exercise 4 – The Microscope

Read lab exercises; then complete lab report # 3, pp. 39 parts A

Be able to calculate total magnification using an objective lens

Know following parts of the microscope and their functions. Complete lab report p. 40 Part D.

·  Ocular lens

·  Arm

·  Rotating nosepiece

·  Objective lenses

·  Stage

·  Stage clips

·  Mechanical stage control

·  Fine focus

·  Coarse focus

·  Light control

·  Condenser

·  Iris diaphragm lever

·  Be able to determine why a slide is not viewable

·  Be able to describe the proper way to carry a microscope

·  Be able to describe proper way to store a microscope

Chapter Two – Body Organization and Terminology

Using models learn the following anatomical terms.

Directional Terminology:

Be able to answer lab report

Part C p. 18






Body cavities

Fig. 2.1 p. 10

·  Thoracic

·  Abdominal

·  Pelvic

·  Cranial

·  Vertebral(spinal)


Be able to

identify organs and

place in proper cavity.

Be able to answer lab report Part A p. 17

·  heart

·  lungs

·  brain

·  spinal cord

·  trachea

·  esophagus

·  stomach

·  pancreas

·  spleen

·  liver

·  small intestines

·  large intestines

·  ovary/testes

·  urinary bladder


Fig. 2.2 a and Fig. 2.2b

P. 11. Where are these membranes found in the body?

·  parietal pericardium

·  visceral pericardium

·  parietal pleura

·  visceral pleura

·  parietal peritoneum

·  visceral peritoneum


Fig. 2.5 p. 13

·  Frontal(coronal)

·  Sagittal

·  Transverse

Abdominal quadrants (models)

Fig. 2.6 B p. 14.

·  RUQ

·  LUQ

·  RLQ

·  LLQ

Body regions

Fig. 2.7 (a & b), pp. 15-16

Lab report D and E p. 19

Be able to label body regions on models

·  Cephalic

·  Cervical

·  Vertebral

·  Sternal

·  Axillary

·  Acromial

·  Brachial

·  Antebrachial

·  Cubital

·  Antecubital

·  Carpal

·  Palmar

·  Umbilical

·  Lumbar

·  Sacral

·  Gluteal

·  Femoral

·  Patellar

·  Popliteal

·  Plantar

Exercise 5 – Cell Structure and Function

Fig. 5.1 p. 42

Fig. 5.2 p. 43

Lab report #5 p. 46 part C

Make your own cheek cell slide

Use cell model to learn structures and functions of following cellular organelles

·  Plasma (cell) membrane

·  Cytoplasm

·  Nucleus

·  Nucleolus

·  Nuclear envelope

·  Chromatin

·  Golgi apparatus

·  Rough ER

·  Smooth ER

·  Mitochondria

·  Lysosome

·  Centrioles

·  Ribosomes

Exercise 6 – Movements through membranes

If time permits:

Perform lab procedure A. p.48

Perform lab procedure B. 48

Perform lab procedure C p. 49

Be able to define the following terms:

·  Diffusion

·  Osmosis

·  Filtration


What happens to a cell placed in each of these solutions?

·  Hypertonic solutions

·  Hypotonic solutions

·  Isotonic solutions

Lab Quiz #2

Spelling counts on lab quizzes. You are responsible for all objectives listed including lab exercises and lab report questions.

Exercise 7 – The Cell Cycle

Fig. 7.2 p. 57

Lab report # 7 pp. 59-62 parts A, B, C, and D

For test -- be able to identify the following stages of the cell cycle using whitefish blastula slides, photographs from p. 62 in lab manual, and from micrographs

·  Interphase

·  Prophase

·  Metaphase

·  Anaphase

·  Telophase

Exercise 8 – Epithelial Tissues

Fig. 8.1 p. 64

Lab report # 8 pp. 65-66 parts A & B. * study the above sections for the test

Using photographs and slides be able to recognize the following tissue types and cell types in italics. You do not have to identify where slides are located in the body.

·  Stratified squamous - skin

·  Simple squamous - lungs

·  Simple columnar - stomach

·  Simple cuboidal - kidney

·  Pseudostratified columnar – trachea – goblet cell

·  Transitional – bladder

Chapter 9 -Connective Tissue

Fig. 9.1 p. 68

Lab report 9 p. 69. (study for


·  Adipose – adipose slide

·  Hyaline cartilage – trachea - chondrocyte

·  Dense regular – tendon

·  Loose (areolar) – areolar slide

·  Blood – human blood slide – erythrocyte and leukocyte

·  Bone – bone slide -osteocyte

Chapter 10 - Muscle and nervous tissue

Fig. 10.1 p. 74 (study for test)

·  Skeletal muscle

·  Smooth muscle

·  Cardiac muscle – intercalated discs

·  Nervous tissue - neuron

Exercise 11- Integumentary System

Fig. 11.1 p. 78

Fig. 11.2 p. 79

Using skin models and slides locate the following parts of the skin.

Layers of the skin:

·  Epidermis

·  Dermis

·  Hypodermis

Skin structures:

·  Hair follicle

·  Hair shaft

·  Arrector pili muscle

·  Sebaceous gland

·  Eccrine sweat gland

·  Apocrine gland

Lab Quiz # 3

Spelling counts on lab quizzes. You are responsible for all objectives listed including lab exercises and lab report questions.

Exercise 12: Bone structure

Fig. 12.1 p.84 (study for test)

Exercise 13-17 – Skeleton

Fig. 13.1 p. 90

Fig. 13.2 p. 91

You are not responsible for any other figures in Chapter 13-17 other than those listed above.

Identify the following bones and their features. Bone features are in parentheses and italics.

·  Frontal

·  Parietal

·  Temporal ( mastoid process)

(external auditory meatus)

·  Occipital ( foramen magnum)

·  Ethmoid ( crista galli)

·  Sphenoid ( sella turcica)

·  Vomer

·  Nasal

·  Zygomatic

·  Maxilla ( palatine process)

·  Palatine

·  Mandible ( TMJ)

·  Sternum( xiphoid process)


·  Ribs ( true, false and floating)

·  Cervical vertebrae

·  Atlas

·  Axis

·  Thoracic vertebrae

·  Lumbar vertebrae -

(spinous process)

( transverse process)

(body of vertebrae)

·  Sacrum

·  Coccyx

·  Scapula

·  Clavicle

·  Humerus – ( head of humerus)


·  Ulna ( olecranon process)

·  Radius ( styloid process)

·  Carpals

·  Metacarpals

·  Proximal, Middle and Distal Phalanges

·  Ilium

·  Ischium

·  Pubis


·  Femur ( head)

(Medial and lateral condyles)

·  patella

·  Tibia ( medial malleolus)

·  Fibula ( lateral malleolus)

·  Tarsals - calcaneus

·  Metatarsals

·  Proximal, Middle and Distal Phalanges

Exercise 18 Joints

Locate the following joints on models.

·  Coronal suture

·  Sagittal suture

·  Lambdoidal suture

·  Symphysis pubis (Pubis symphysis)

·  Sacroiliac joint

Exercise 19 - 23 – Skeletal muscle

Fig. 19.2 p. 140

You are not responsible for any diagrams on muscles. Be able to

locate the following muscles on models.

·  Frontalis

·  Temporalis

·  Orbicularis oculi

·  Orbicularis oris

·  Sternocleidomastoid

·  External obliques

·  Rectus abdominis

·  Transverse abdominis

·  Diaphragm

·  Trapezius

·  Latissimus dorsi

·  Pectoralis major

·  Deltoid

·  Biceps brachii

·  Triceps brachii

·  Palmaris longus

·  Extensor digitorum

·  Gluteus maximus

·  Gluteus medius

·  Sartorius

·  Quadriceps group

·  Hamstring group

·  Tibialis anterior

·  Soleus

·  Gastrocnemius

Biology 112 Lab Objectives

Lab Quiz # 4

Spelling counts on lab quizzes. You are responsible for all objectives listed including lab exercises and lab report questions.

Exercise #24 – Nervous tissue and nerves

Fig. 24.1 p. 174

Fig. 24.2 p. 175

Locate the following on the neuron model.

·  Cell body

·  Dendrite

·  Nissl body(substance)

·  Axonal hillock

·  Axon

·  Myelin sheath

·  Node of Ranvier

Exercise 26 - The meninges and spinal cord

Fig. 26.1 p. 188

Fig. 26.2 p. 188

Lab report # 26 part A p. 189 (study for test)

Locate the following on the spinal cord model and on Fig. 26.2 p. 188.

·  Central canal

·  Gray commissure

·  Anterior horn of gray matter

·  Posterior horn of gray matter

·  White matter

·  Ventral root

·  Dorsal root

·  Dorsal root ganglion

·  Spinal nerve

Exercise 27 and Exercise 28– Brain and Cranial Nerves

Fig. 27.1 p. 192

Fig. 27.2 p. 193

Follow directions for dissection on p. 197-201. Fig. 28.6 p. 199 is helpful for locating parts of the sheep brain.

Locate the following on brain models, dissected sheep brain and on Fig. 27.1.

·  Dura mater

·  Pituitary gland

·  Olfactory bulbs

·  Optic chiasma

·  Cerebrum

·  Gyrus

·  Sulcus

·  Frontal lobe

·  Parietal lobe

·  Temporal lobe

·  Occipital lobe

·  Longitudinal fissure

·  Transverse fissure

·  Corpus callosum

·  Thalamus

·  Hypothalamus

·  Pineal gland

·  Midbrain

·  Pons

·  Medulla oblongata

·  Cerebellum

Exercise 29 - The Ear

Fig. 29.1 p. 206 (know for test)

Fig. 29.2 p. 207

Fig. 29.3 p. 208

Locate the following on ear models.

·  Pinna(auricle)

·  External auditory meatus

·  Tympanic membrane

·  Malleus

·  Incus

·  Stapes

·  Auditory tube

·  Oval window

·  Semicircular canals

·  Vestibule

·  Cochlea

·  Vestibulocochlear nerve

Exercise 30 – The eye

Follow directions for eye dissection on pp. 217-218. Fig. 30.8 p. 217 is helpful for learning the structures of dissected eye.

Locate the following on eye models, dissected eye and from Fig. 30.3 p. 215

·  Extrinsic eye muscles

·  Cornea

·  Sclera

·  Optic nerve

·  Iris

·  Pupil

·  Lens

·  Ciliary body

·  Vitreous humor

·  Choroid coat

·  Retina

Biology 112 Lab Objectives

Lab Quiz #5

Spelling counts on lab quizzes. You are responsible for all objectives listed including lab exercises and lab report questions.

Exercise 32- Endocrine System

Fig. 32.1 p. 230

Fig. 32.8 p. 235 ( study for test)

Fig. 32.9 p. 235 (study for test)

Fig. 32.10 p. 236 (study for test)

Be able to recognize the following endocrine glands using photographs and slides.

·  Thyroid gland

·  Adrenal gland

·  Pancreas

Recognize the following endocrine organs on models and be able to give the hormones each secretes.

·  Pituitary gland

·  Pineal gland

·  Thyroid gland

·  Parathyroid gland

·  Thymus gland

·  Pancreas

·  Adrenal gland

·  Testes

·  Ovaries

Exercise 33 – Blood cells

Using photographs and slides recognize the following blood elements. Pictures on p. 242 are helpful.

·  Erythrocytes

·  Platelets

·  Neutrophils

·  Eosinophils

·  Basophils

·  Monocytes

·  Lymphocytes

Exercise 36 – The heart

Fig. 36.1 p. 264

Fig. 36.2 p. 264

Fig. 36.3 p. 265

Fig. 36.6 p. 270

Diagrams above are helpful for learning the heart structures. Test questions on the heart will be on models and dissected sheep hearts.

Follow directions for heart dissection, procedure B pp. 265-267.

Locate the following on heart models and a dissected heart.

·  Right atrium

·  Left atrium

·  Right ventricle

·  Left ventricle

·  Superior vena cava

·  Inferior vena cava

·  Pulmonary trunk

·  Aorta

·  Pulmonary veins

·  Tricuspid valve

·  Bicuspid valve

·  Papillary muscle

·  Chordae tendineae

·  Aortic valve (model only)

·  Pulmonary valve (model only)

Exercise 38 – Blood vessels

Fig. 38.1 p. 282

Fig. 38.3 p. 283 ( study for test)

Be able to recognize an artery and a vein under the microscope.

Locate the following vessels on models. You are not responsible for any diagrams in exercise 40, but they are helpful for learning the vessels of the body .


·  Coronary artery

·  Brachiocephalic

·  Common carotid

·  Left subclavian

·  Axillary

·  Brachial

·  Radial

·  Ulnar

·  Abdominal

·  Common iliac

·  Renal artery

·  Femoral

·  Anterior tibial


·  Cardiac veins

·  Superior vena cava

·  Inferior vena cava

·  Brachiocephalic

·  Jugular

·  Subclavian

·  Median cubital

·  Renal

·  Femoral

·  Great saphenous

Exercise 39 –Blood pressure

If time permits this may be done as a demonstration.

Perform procedure B p.288

Observe what happens to BP when sitting, standing up and after exercising. Blood pressure can be done as a demo if time is limited.

Lab Quiz # 6

Spelling counts on lab quizzes. You are responsible for all objectives listed including lab exercises and lab report questions.

Exercise 42 – Digestive system

Fig. 42.2 p. 312

Fig. 42.5 p. 314

Fig. 42.7 p. 315

Fig. 42.10 p. 317 (study for test)

Fig. 42.11 p. 318

Fig. 42.12 p. 319 (study for test)

Be able to recognize intestinal villi on a photograph or slide.

Identify the following digestive system structures on models.

Fig. 42.2 p. 312

·  Tongue

·  Parotid gland

·  Submandibular gland

·  Sublingual gland

Fig. 42.5 p.314

·  Nasopharynx

·  Oropharynx

·  Laryngopharynx

·  Esophagus

Fig. 42. 7 p. 315

·  Lower esophageal sphincter

·  Cardiac region of stomach

·  Fundus of stomach

·  Body of stomach

·  Pyloric region of stomach

·  Pyloric sphincter

Fig. 42.11 p. 318

·  Duodenum

·  Jejunum

·  Ileum

·  Appendix

·  Ileocecal sphincter

·  Cecum

·  Ascending colon

·  Transverse colon

·  Descending colon

·  Sigmoid colon

·  Rectum

Fig. 42.10 p. 317

·  Pancreas

·  Pancreatic duct

·  Gallbladder

·  Cystic duct

·  Liver

·  Hepatic duct

Exercise 44- Respiratory system

Fig. 44.1 p. 328

Fig. 44.2 p. 329

Fig. 44.6 p. 330 ( study for test)

Be able to recognize alveoli from a photograph or slide. See Fig. 44.6 p. 331

Locate the following respiratory structures on models.

·  Conchae ( nasal cavity)

·  Hard palate

·  Soft palate

·  Uvula

·  Pharynx ( 3 divisions)