Quest Atlantis Unit Plan


New innovations can change our lives in many ways. Change can be very exciting and can sometimes be a little scary. Inventions give us new tools to use to make our lives easier and more enjoyable. They can save us a lot of time and energy and open up new doors and possibilities. They can also present challenges for us to overcome. Quest Atlantis challenges members to engage change in ways that are beautiful, positive, and wise.














Pre-Post Items (a)

Short Answer:

  1. What is an invention? Explain why they are important.
  1. Who are two inventors?Describe what they invented and how it impacted the world.
  1. What do you think are the top two inventions ever created? Describe the inventions, why they were invented, who invented them, and why you think they were important?

Performance-Based Task:

  1. Create an invention timeline and list as many inventions as you can.
  1. Think of an important problem in the world and an invention that would make it better. Describe both the problem and the invention that you think would make it better. Also, describe the process you would have to go through to actually make this invention.


Pre-Post Items (b)

Short Answer:

  1. What is an invention? Explain why they are important.
  1. Who are two inventors who were women?Describe what they invented and how their inventions impacted the world.
  1. What do you think are the top two inventions ever created? Describe the inventions, why they were invented, who invented them, and why you think they were important?

Performance-Based Task:

  1. Often time, on invention leads to another. For example, the invention of the wheel led to the invention of the cart. The invention of the cart led to the invention of the chariot, and so on.Write down one invention and then make a list of other inventions that it led to later on.
  1. Sometimes bad things can happen because of an invention.Choose one invention that was made to make the world a better place but had negative consequences that its inventor(s) didn’t expect.

QA Rubric



Purpose: This rubric is to assess both the quest response and reflection according to the rubric below.

Instructions: Respond to each of the following statements with regard to the extent to which the description is present in the work. Then, tally your responses according to the chart at the page bottom. Note that while a Quester is completing her first few Quests, consider using this rubric leniently to foster motivation and buy-in.

1.Response / 5 pts. / 4 pts. / 3 pts. / 2 pts. / 1 pt.
Strongly Agree / Agree / Somewhat / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
a.The response is Accurate.
(It addresses the targeted goals of the quest.) / / / / /
Strongly Agree / Agree / Somewhat / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
b.The response is Credible.
(It uses sound disciplinary content.) / / / / /
Strongly Agree / Agree / Somewhat / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
c.The response is Meaningful.
(It has value for the individual or world.) / / / / /
Strongly Agree / Agree / Somewhat / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
d.The response is Original.
(It is unique, imaginative, and risky, and it shows integrity.) / / / / /
Strongly Agree / Agree / Somewhat / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
e.The response is Complete.
(It addresses all of the stated goals.) / / / / /

If the tally for the response totals less than 19, indicate that the section should be revised; if the tally is 19 or above, then indicate that the work has been accepted.

2.Reflection / 5 pts. / 4 pts. / 3 pts. / 2 pts. / 1 pt.
Strongly Agree / Agree / Somewhat / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
a.The reflection is Complete.
(It addresses the three components.[1]) / / / / /
Strongly Agree / Agree / Somewhat / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
b.The reflection is Critical.
(It addresses specific strengths or weaknesses of the response or the process.) / / / / /
Strongly Agree / Agree / Somewhat / Disagree / Strongly Disagree
c.The reflection is Comprehensive.
(It accounts for all parts of the response rather than isolated elements.) / / / / /

If the tally for the reflection totals less than 10, indicate that the section should be revised; if the tally is 10 or above, then indicate that the work has been accepted.