Mission: Prevent deaths and injuries at

railroad crossings and along railways.

Vision: Create a culture of collaboration with partners in safety to accomplish our mission.

The work which we inspire extends beyond the borders of DuPageCounty.

The railroad safety improvements and awareness we seek have national and global implications.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.

McCormick Boardroom 5-N


*** Agenda ***

1. Call to order

2. Introduction of guests and new members

3. Review minutes of May 19, 2012 meeting

4. DRSC Railroad Safety Summit – 2012

5. Legislative Update

  1. Operation Lifesaver
  2. Reports from RR/FRA/ICC
  3. Review of Recent Events
  4. Old Business
  5. Monroe Street Four Quadrant Gate Project
  6. Belmont Crossing
  7. Updating DRSC web site/Facebook
  8. Suicide
  9. New Business
  10. Communication with Neil Francois
  11. Adjournment

“Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe

that something inside of them was superior to circumstances."

~ Bruce Barton, author, ad exec and politician


May 19, 2012

In Attendance:

Lanny F. Wilson, ChairmanLourdes BeardBarbara Biederman

Fred BiedermanLinda DeLarcoMike DeLarco

Shirley GravesGeorge GravesRon Haggh

Debbie HareRose HumistonDon Lindsey

Carole MessanaAnita PickelheimerEd Sirovy

Jim Speta

Call to Order:

  • Lanny opened the meeting at 8:30 am and welcomed everyone on a beautiful spring day.
  • He shared his latest Healthy Spiritual Journey entitled, Sincere, Emotional Chameleons. Two pictures of chameleons hang in Dr. Wilson’s office, reminding him of the purpose of being a sincere, emotional chameleon when needed. It is not unusual for Dr. Wilson to meet with a patient to discuss a serious health matter where he must be emotionally present. Soon thereafter, he may be meeting with a patient in the very next exam room with wonderful news of a healthy pregnancy, etc., and must also be emotionally present. He needs to sincerely change his emotions as quickly as chameleons change their colors. Dr. Wilson also uses these pictures as a teaching tool for medical students and residents in the art and science of becoming sincere, emotional chameleons.

Review Meeting Minutes of April 28, 2012:

  • Reviewed minutes of our April meeting. There was one correction to be made before they were approved.

DRSC Mission and Vision statement:

  • We had time to review the draft vision statement and were ready to discuss and vote.
  • Rather than change the name of our group, DuPage County Safety Council, we wanted to clarify that the work which we inspire extends beyond the borders of DuPage County; nationwide and globally. We also wanted to include the catch phrase: Culture of Collaboration and Partners in Safety.
  • Linda D suggested the addition of the word awareness which we all agreed should be added.
  • A vote was taken with a majority for and one against. Our new Vision statement reads:

Create a culture of collaboration with partners in safety to accomplish our mission. The work which we inspire extends beyond the borders of DuPageCounty. The railroad safety improvements and awareness we seek, have national and global implications.

DRSC Railroad Safety Summit – 2012:

  • We made a few changes to our agenda. We have decided on the name suggested by George G for Panel 6: as Suicide by Train.
  • After further discussion we changed Panel 4 start time as 1:15 p.m., Panel 5 as 2:15 p.m. and Panel 6 as 3:15 p.m. Our conference will begin with registration at 7:00 a.m. with closing and summary beginning at 4:15 p.m.
  • Carole M will check with Betty O as to her correct title as moderator for Panel 6.
  • Rose H confirmed with the Hyatt Lodge that during the afternoon break (2:30 – 3:30 p.m.) snacks will be set up in the main room so we do not lose anyone during the later part of our conference.
  • Lourdes B suggested we add our Mission and Vision statement to the tote bags which will be handed out during the conference.
  • Lanny will send invitation letters to participate to: Governor Pat Quinn, Joe Szabo, Congressman Dan Lipinski, Representative Elaine Nekritz and Representative Patti Bellock. We will copy Paul Piekarski as well.

Operation Lifesaver:

  • Dave Matoon and Fred Biederman did a presentation in Grayslake.
  • During the first week of June the Union Pacific will run their Operation Lifesaver trains. More information to come.
  • The Quarterly meeting of Operation Lifesaver will be held in Elmhurst during the second week of June.
  • Debbie H shared an Operation Lifesaver handout that was placed on her car while parked at a Downers Grove train station. The bag consisted of a railroad safety card and a book marker/ruler. We may wish to get some of these for our tote bag handouts.

New Business:

  • Fred and Barbara Biederman attended a CSX Shareholder Meeting held in Chicago. They had an opportunity to present to the chairman, members of the board and fellow shareholders a policy of not allowing any future mainline crossings to be built at grade level. When a company or municipality requests a new crossing, a grade-separated crossing will be recommended. This was a public commentary and no discussion took place. Fred will follow-up with CSX on this issue.
  • Fred spoke with Tom Livingston, who was in attendance, and Tom was very receptive to his comments.
  • Lanny thanked Fred for taking the time to go to Chicago and address CSX on this issue. He also complimented Barbara on putting together the message.


  • The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.
  • Our next meeting will be Saturday, June 16th, in the McCormick Boardroom at AdventistHinsdaleHospital.


Carole Messana

Dr. Lanny F. Wilson, Chairman