Minutes from the Athena Steering Group Meeting
Held on
Tuesday 18th December 2012
Present: Professor T Jones (Chair), Mr M Blair, Dr P Hedges, Mrs C Peck, Professor A Rodger,Professor P Thomas, Mrs L Walls, Professor P Winstanley
Apologies:Mrs S Beaufoy
In Attendance:Learning and Development Manager (item 14/12-13)
13/12-13Matters Arising
(a)Conference Attendance Fund
REPORTED: (by C Peck)
The Expenses Manager confirmed that there has been no change to the statement on the Athena SWAN website which states the childcare costs can be reimbursed tax and NI-free if they are connected with ‘work-related training’.
(by L Walls)
The Registrar is willing to consider expanding the conference attendance fund to all staff but would want to understand the criteria uptake and restrictions in more detail prior to making a decision.
P Thomas will follow up with Faculty Chairs regarding Faculties providing funding for the Conference Attendance Fund.
(b)Athena Logo on Front Page of Website
T Jones will talk to the Communications Office to further investigate the possibility of theAthena SWAN logo appearing on Warwick’s homepage.
REPORTED: (by the Learning and Development Manager)
(a)The Learning and Development Manager reported that Vitae have produced an online e-portfolio and that Warwick Medical School is hoping to pilot it in the New Year.
(b)There was concernthat the Vitae version was too detailed and complicated.
(c)P Thomas pointed out that it was essential that any e-portfolio mapped into promotion criteria.
(d)The Learning and Development Manager suggested an optionwould be to design a proforma for researchers to use in their Annual Reviews which asks specific questions regarding personal development. Copies of these completed proformas would be kept by each of the Reviewee and Reviewer.
(a)T Jones will check recent emails received from other Russell Group University’sregarding this issue before a decision is made as to whether WMS should pilot the e-portfolio for three months in the New Year.
(b)The Learning and Development Manager will send the group login details for the Vitae e-portfolio so that members ofthe group can look at the Vitae version.
15/12-13Update on Submissions
REPORTED: (by C Peck)
(a)The following departments had submitted in November 2012:
Chemistry -Gold
Engineering- Bronze
Life Sciences- Bronze
(b)It is anticipated that the following departments will submit for a Bronze Award in April 2013:
Computer Science
(c)That the review of the progress on the Bronze Action plan is being undertaken for the Silver submission.
(d)That S Beaufoy has produced a paper detailing possible initiatives. New initiatives are essential for the University to be successful in their Silver application.
(e)A Rodger reported that sixteen universities are attending theCommunication and Impact for Female Early Career Researchers Course, 4 - 6 January 2013and that this type of event will enhance the University Silver submission.
(f)P Winstanley stated that the perception of gender equality within WMS is still negative even though a number of good initiatives are already in place. Communication of positive initiatives and changes happening within WMS is the key to changing this perception.
(g)P Winstanley commented that the PULSE Survey is a very useful resource for submissions.
(a)P Thomas to discover the status of Physics’ Gold submission
(b)C Peck to investigate whether Physics needs to resubmit an application to renewtheir Silver Award or whether their recent renewal of the Juno Award qualifies them to automatically retain their Silver Award status.
(c)C Peck will forward an initial draft University submission to A Rodger and S Beaufoy byFriday 21st December 2012.
(d)S Beaufoy andC Peck to schedule the dates for receipt of draft submission to correspond with the date of submission of papers for Senate.
16/12-13Funding Councils – Maternity Costs/Leave for Fixed Term Contracts
REPORTED: (by L Walls)
(a)The approach to providing for maternity costs was not consistent between the funding councils.
(b)A number of departments have fixed term contract research staff requiring maternity leave, and therefore require the University to produce a clear policy.
(c)The University needs to understand whether there are significant numbers for this issue to make a major impact.
(a)L Walls and S Beaufoy to raise it at the next Russell Group Meeting at the end ofJanuary 2013 for feedback.
(b)P Winstanley will write to the Association of Medical Research Charities to discovertheir view
(c)P Hedges to raise it at the next meeting of the Research Organisation ConsultationGroup
(d)M Blair will carry out some modelling, hopefully in early January 2013, to discover theextent of the problem.
17/12-13Collegiality in Annual Reviews
REPORTED: (by L Walls)
That a statement has been added to the Annual Review form as follows:
“You may wish to include an additional summary of various activities that would not normally feature on your CV, e.g. academic visits, grants applied for (even if not awarded – you can access this information from RSS) administrative duties, new collaborations that have not yet resulted in publications, particular examples of successful teamwork, etc. This is your opportunity to inform your head of department (via your reviewer) about all aspects of your work over the past year. “
18/12-13Annual Athena SWAN, Women in Academia, Promotion Event
REPORTED: (by A Rodger)
(a)A proposal for the University to run events prior to the promotion rounds to ensure women are informed with regard to promotion criteria.
(b)P Hedges suggested that such an event would be useful before the end of March and could be used when completing Annual Review forms
(c)P Thomas suggested that the focus of these events should not focus only on early career researchers but also mid-career researchers and should be consistent with what is likely to happen at promotion.
(d)Separate events for teaching only staff and teaching and research staff are necessary. Possible events could be targeted at grades 6-7 and grades 7-8 and therefore are specific to both early career and mid-career.
(e)P Winstanley suggested that this type of initiative could be used as a way of advertising ‘people achieving their potential’ in the context of Warwick’s 2015 strategic plan.
T Jones to speak to the Deputy Vice Chancellor and report back to the group at the nextmeeting in January 2013.
19/12-13List of Mentors/Champions for Consultation
REPORTED: (by A Rodger)
(a)That Imperial College London had produced a list of staff with particular experience/knowledge who can be contacted if other staff require information on particular issues instead of one-to-one mentoring.
(b)Departmental Administrators should be the point of contact to interface with central administration.
(a)P Winstanley will contact S Bloom at Imperial to find out more about the scheme.
(b)T Jones will talk to his contacts at Imperial for more information and to understand its applicability for Warwick.
20/12-13List of What Departments and Universities do for Families
REPORTED: (by A Rodger)
A list should be produced on what initiative for families are available, both at departmental and University level.
(a)All members of the group to send any initiatives within departments to C Peck.
(b)C Peck to produce a complete list of initiatives and upload onto the Athena Webpages.
21/12-13Any Other Business
(a)Summer Holiday Scheme
An example of a possible budget for a summer holiday scheme was tabled along with a typical weekly programme for a holiday scheme.
(i)C Peck to produce a short summary of possible options and associated costs of a summer scheme
(ii)T Jones and L Walls to talk to the Registrar regarding the Summer Scheme proposal.
(b)Faculty Athena SWAN lunch
REPORTED: (by P Thomas)
That a request has been made for a Faculty Athena SWAN informalmeeting/lunch be held. This was viewed as a positive way for women in SET departments to meet and share experiences.
P Thomas to co-ordinate possible meetings.
22/12-13Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 9th January 2013, 12.30 – 2.00 pm in CMR1.2