The Chapter Letter


Sunday 4 June 2017


A very warm welcome to worship at the Cathedral, with a particular greeting to those who are newcomers or visitors. It is a delight to welcome you.

Pentecost Day: Today we celebrate the great outpouring of the spirit which came upon the first disciples after Christ’s Ascension: The found a new resolve, determination and confidence. We look for these gifts today.

Next Sunday, Trinity Sunday: On this very special day of the church’s year I’ll want to try and explore in an address at the Cathedral Eucharist ways in which we can understand this mystery which lies right at the heart of the Christian faith. I’ll be visiting some actors drawn from the congregation! John Davies, Dean

Feedback on the celebration on Ascension Day evening have been overwhelmingly positive. Clearly the parishes enjoyed their visit to the Cathedral, and the Community at the Cathedral clearly enjoyed welcoming our guests and a jolly party. We must and we will have more of these celebrations: It is part of what a cathedral is about.

Learning points always pop up though. Folk in wheelchairs really need not struggle to the altar – the altar party can come to you towards the close of the administration if you are disabled.

Many thanks go to those who brought bottles of wine in such good supply in order to create the party. John Davies, Dean

Theology Summer School: Next summer I’d like to organise a major school of theology, but as a hint of what is to come, this year I’m planning to gather some top rate speakers to engage in debate and discussion here on the 19 and 20 July. More details in coming weeks. A working title is ‘Contemporary questions for Christian people’. Save the dates! John Davies, Dean

Thy Kingdom Come: Archbishops Justin and Sentamu have encouraged us to pray during the last10 days, for God¹s Kingdom, world, Church and people everywhere. This will culminate in an event this afternoon, Thy Kingdom Come, held in the Cathedral and jointly organised by the diocese and Cathedral. It will begin at 2.30pm with 13 creative prayer stations located around the Cathedral. Please do come at any time between 2.30pm and 4.30pm, and join with others in different forms of prayer. At 4.30pm there will be light refreshments in the transepts, and at 5pm Bishop Ruth and Bishop John Perry, former Bishop of Chelmsford, will lead an hour long service in the Nave. Evensong will be held at St Cuthbert¹s Church, Wells at 3pm, with the visiting choir for this weekend singing and the Revd David Wilcox preaching. It would be good if members of the Cathedral community could be present at your choice of these events as we participate in the regular worship of God and the particular initiative encouraged by ourArchbishops.

Graham Dodds, Treasurer

A project not forgotten:The project to reorder the Lady Chapel has not been forgotten. It is a wonderful space, but for a number of years many have felt that it is just too bare. We are about to take a small step towards remedying that: those who so lovingly care for our vestments and fabrics have offered to make a new frontal and cover for the altar in the Lady Chapel. It will all take a couple of months to complete. Thanks go to this key group of volunteers. John Davies, Dean

The Visit of HRH the Duke of Gloucester: The Duke of Gloucester will be visiting Vicars’ Close and Wells Cathedral School (the Cedars Hall) on the afternoon of 13 June 2017. We have been advised to hold Evensong, at which the Duke will be present, in the Quire. And with limited space we do want to give regular worshippers and volunteers the chance to be present. If you are a regular worshipper and would like to be present, please do contact Mandy Staple, Chapter Secretary as soon as possible. Email: t may be necessary to hold a ballot for Quire seating, though there will be plenty of room in the Nave of course. John Davies, Dean

May Specials in the Cathedral Café: Healthy, Homemade and Hearty, come and try one of our fantastic lunch meals as a Weekly Special Only £5.75 each and available Monday – Saturday each week.

W/c 5 June – Moroccan Fish Tagine – fish chunks, aromatic spices, golden couscous, vegetables & black olives served with one of our bread rolls.

Visit to Naumburg:Our priest-vicar David Wilcox and 7 regular members of the congregation, returned on Sunday after 3 days as guests of the Lutheran cathedral community there. We were received with huge warmth and generosity, and made many friends. Our hosts were keen to learn about how our cathedral works and worships, to discuss Brexit and other issues, and to share the challenges which face them in Naumburg. David was asked to address the congregation during the Ascension Day service, so was able to convey in German the greetings of our Dean, Chapter and cathedral community and to underline our common faith and values. The hope is that this relationship can be nurtured, that our cathedrals can continue to learn from one another and that our two communities can support one another prayerfully and practically. There will shortly be an opportunity for anyone interested in this link to hear more about it.

Chris Day and RevdDavid Wilcox

New Chapter Robes: New cassocks ordered nine months ago for the clergy and new robes for Lay members of Chapter came into use this past week – presented by the Friends of Wells Cathedral to whom thanks go. The cassocks and robes are in blue, St Andrew’s blue, and make a stronger connection with the Choir showing we are members of one Foundation.

A reminder that Friends’ Day is on Saturday 10 June. The AGM is at 11.15am, followed by a ploughman’s lunch. Free special tours for Friends are inthe afternoon, with tea at 4pm, and the day concludes with a Festal Eucharist for Thomas Ken at 5.15pm. Bookings close on Friday 2 June. New Friends are always welcome. William Newton Newey

Volunteers’ Week takes place between the 1-7 June this year, and is a national celebration to say thank you for the fantastic contribution volunteers make across the country.

Here, at Wells Cathedral we will have a display in the South Cloister showcasing some of our volunteering roles. Also, all volunteers are invited to a special Evensong on Tuesday 6 June followed by a drinks reception in the North Transept. It would be wonderful if you could come and celebrate with us – for catering purposes please RSVP to:

Ruth Clacee-Rowe,


Readings for next Sunday’s Eucharist, Trinity Sunday,

will be Isaiah 40. 12-17, 27-end and Matthew 28. 16-end.


Mon / 5 / 6.15 pm / Volunteer week exhibition in South Cloister until 7 June.
Taste and See Prayer Group the Chapter Room
Tues / 6 / 5.15 pm / Evensong to incorporate Volunteer Week
Weds / 7 / 11 am / Jaguar E Type XK Club on Cathedral Green
Thurs / 8 / 1.05 pm / Organ recital: Messiaen Messe de la Pentecôte (Matthew Owens)
Sat / 10 / 5.15 pm / Friends Day
Festal Eucharist for Thomas Ken attended by the Friends of Wells Cathedral