South Carolina Association of Agricultural Educators

Executive Committee


Sandhill REC

March 26, 2009

Members present: Allen Williams, President; Mark Earle, President-Elect; Barry Hawkins, Sec/Treasurer; Calvert Sherard, Piedmont Region Vice-President; Annette Kirton, Mid State Region Associate Vice-President; Mindy Sandifer, Lower State Region Vice-President; Jillian Lash, Pee Dee Region Vice-President; Bert Beasley, Pee Dee Associate Vice-President; Michael Crim, Lower State Associate Vice-President; Chris Corzine, Keith Cox, Steve Sanderson and Billy Keels, state staff;; John Parris; Claire Davenport, student teacher.

- Allen Williams called the meeting to order.

- Michael Crim gave the invocation.

-  It was decided that the recipient of John W. Parris Award would be selected by Mr. Parris and Barry Hawkins

-  Allen Williams made a motion that the deadline for applications be set for April 15th. Mindy Sandifer seconded the motion. The motion passed. The applications will be sent to Keith Cox.

- Chris Corzine presented the agenda.

- Allen Williams discussed that the SCAAE President should have business cards and stationery.
Michael Crim made a motion to spend up to $250.00 for business cards and stationery for the
officers Barry Hawkins second m0tion. Mindy Sandifer will check into this. The motion

- Chris Corzine thanked the committee for the $500 donation to the Friends of FFA and
encouraged them to ask each school for a $100 donation. The contributors will receive
recognition. Allen Williams asked for Friends of FFA brochures.

-Calvert Sherard asked that the website be updated.

- Barry Hawkins mentioned that the cost of the WLC trip on July 14-20, 2008 would be $725.00
per student.

- Allen Williams discussed SCAAE asking the legislators for a proviso seeking the acceptance of
twelve month funding by Clemson University’s PSA budget. This plan of action is still being

Billy Keels reported that he had just received a call from John Kelly, VP for Clemson PSA and gave the following report:

·  Dr. Kelly stated that Clemson would accept the money and that this is the only flow thru money that the entire University will accept this year.

·  Dr. Kelly stated that the funds would be subject to cuts by Clemson. He would not commit to how much the funds would be cut.

·  Dr. Kelly stated that Clemson University requests that the SCAAE not request the proviso.

Mindy Sandifer made a motion to continue to pursue the proviso as written with the legislators.

Calvert Sherard amended the motion that the SCAAE President go forward with this discussion through correspondence with the legislator and his staff. Barry Hawkins seconded motion The amendment passed. The motion passed.

- It was decided that the individual teachers would be asked not to contact their legislators at this time.
