2006-2007 Renewal Proposal

Ganguria Saradatirtham Project

Project Location: Vill. Ganguria, P.O. Ashrafpur, Dist Malda, West Bengal, 732138

Project email: , Phone 03511-26680

ASHA-SV Steward: Manoj Bhattacharyya,

Brief Introduction: A school for educating boys and girls of an extremely backward community of West Bengal was started by Swami Girijatmnanda in 1997. The school’s first enrollment started in 1999 with about 100 students with pupil of different ages. Enrollment has steadily increased to about 750 at the beginning of 2006. 35% of the students are female.

In addition to school, the organization also runs basic health care clinic on its premise.

Source of Income: Almost all charity. Students pay a nominal fee, depending on means.

Budget: Rs 238,158.00 in 2000, Rs. 708,885 in 2001, Rs. 1,619,525 in 2002, Rs, 2,591,184 in 2003, Rs, 31,545 in 2004. (Complete audited report sent for the filing for the years 2003 and 2004).

ASHA-SV Engagement: Approached ASHA in 2004 October. Documents sent in December. Site Visit done in Jan 2005. Project presentation was done in 3 sessions June-July. Charity asked for Rs. 16.5 lakhs in three years for classrooms construction. ASHA approved Rs. 5 lakhs for the year 2005-2006. First installment of Rs. 2.5 lakhs receved on August 2005 (please find acknowledgement below)


Dr. Manoj Bhattacharya
U. S. A.

Dear Manoj Babu.

Received two demand drafts on 28/08/05 amounting Rs. 2,48,313.60(Two lack forty Eight thousand and three hundred thirteen and Paise Sixty only) sent by ICICI bank limited Mumbai 400013 0n behalf of Asha for Education, Silicon valley chapter. Now it is ourduty to inform of the matter to Asha for Education with receipt and a letter of thanks. Shall I send the utilization, certificate or the vouchers against the money? I am waiting for your suggestions in this respect. Please talk over phone soon the mail is received.

With regards.
Girijatmananda ]

Work Done with ASHA grant: One classroom (class VIII for girls) and three urinals will be completed with this money. The charity will be sending pictures and detailed expense report within 2 weeks. The next installment is currently due.

Some related update: One person from Malda town donated Rs. 7 lakhs to construct a 7-bed hospital on the premise. Currently looking for volunteer physician and infrastructure before opening up this basic facility. Requests continuation of the grant for the next year and will send us detail proposal and audited budget,

Site Visit Report 2006

From: rajeev kumar [

Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:43 AM

To: Bhattacharyya, Manoj K

Subject: site visit report sri sri sardatrithum ganguriya malda

Manoj sir ,


Hope you are well. I am dely send visit report for ganguriya visit.

Site visit to sri sri sardatrithum Ganguriya Malda By : Rajeev kumar Jyotirgamaya katihar Bihar

I took opportunity during one my visit to remote village ganguriya malda district month

june 2006 day 8th to spend one day with the ganguriya .

The visit was coupled with taking pictures of the constructed sarda banipitth girls high

school two rooms with latrines ,bathrooms and urinals .

To provide updates to supporting donars Asha for education slicon valley chapter.

Before I visiting I spoke Manoj sir and they told that 8th june 2006 would be the best

time as all kids will around.

We reached the ganguriya around 4:00 evening and were greeted to chief orginazer

swami jee to welcome sign.that time they were present boys high school office.

Next day I reached girls school then I found school were going on. All of them had

assembled in one of the two new rooms and were smilles face the camera. Two rooms and latrines ,bathrooms and urinals made constructed work be finished and plaster work is goingon.

Administrative Updates:

Chief organizer and girls high school teachers brief me day to day activities in the

school.They showed me the expensed and highlighted the balanced diet being seved to the

constructed rooms.They wanted to know if we at asha will be sending them money through two

cheque last month and our response to the two rooms ,latrines bathrooms constructed


Amount recieved chief functionery ganguriya:

1st 22/08/05 2,48313=60

2nd 05/04/2006 2,47681=50

I briefed on the report send to asha for education silicon valley educational programme

and considering with the same.

Rajeev Kumar


