VAA Football



Welcome! On behalf of the Valley Athletic Association (VAA), we would like to welcome you to the football program. This program is designed to provide a safe, fun and exciting experience for young athletes (male or female) who are going into first through sixth grades. The program is meant to teach them football skills, sportsmanship, teamwork and respect for fellow teammates, coaches and officials.

VAA football consists of two leagues. Flag football for first and second graders and tackle football for the third through sixth graders. Registration will begin in May. Flag football consists of 10 games. There aren’t playoffs at this age level. The fees collected are used for maintaining the fields, jerseys, flags, mouth guards, trophies etc. The fee for tackle football includes the use of all necessary equipment for the season, but everythingmust be returned to ensure the future success of the program. There are 10 regular season games in the minors (third and fourth graders) and also for the majors (fifth and sixth graders). Playoffs will be held the second week of October. Final games will be held on Saturday October 12th, 2013 for minors and Sunday October 13th for majors. Practice will start at the end of July and games start the first week of September.

First and second graders are in the flag football program. This program is designed to teach the kids the basics of football in an environment that is both fun and rewarding. Although the emphasis is on fun, learning that teamwork is essential is a major goal of the program. No standings or game scores will be kept.

Third and fourth graders are in the Minor League. This is their first real taste of contact. Although no experience is required, the tackle football program at this level is intended to build on the experiences learned in the flag program. The competition is slightly increased, as game scores are kept, and league standings are now also kept, to end the season with trophies awarded for first and second place.

Fifth and sixth graders are in the Major League. Again, no experience is required. This league is designed to be more competitive. Scores for each game are kept, weekly standings are posted and there is a playoff held with first and second place trophies awarded.

All teams in both the Major and Minor leagues are made up of players assigned to teams by grade and weight. Therefore, no special request for players and or coaches is allowed.

*The in-house football program’s philosophy is to provide a positive environment in which each individual has equal opportunity to further develop the fundamentals and skills of the game. Ideally, each player should experience a variety of position assignments.*

1.General Policies


Coaches are responsible for their behavior as well as the behavior of their assistant coaches, their players and their fans. Harassment of any official, coaches or players of either team will not be tolerated. Coaches may have discussions with officials on the interpretation of a rule or a call. They do not have the right to challenge judgment calls. Blatant criticism of the referees by coaches, players or fans will not be tolerated. The referees are responsible for the control of the game and have authority to eject any coach, player or fan from the playing area. The referees and/or coaches are responsible for reporting the incident to the Football Commissioner. Subsequent violations may result in suspension from the league and other VAA activities.

If you have a problem with the performance of a referee, please direct your concerns to the Commissioner. We must strive to teach the children of the community respect for the officials.

Fans are restricted to the areas that are “out of play” and away from the bench. Participants are expected to be on the bench when they are not actively playing. Players will treat their teammates and opposition with respect. After each game, the participants will line-up and shake hands.

Blood Policy

Consistent with the VAA’s policy on blood, players are not allowed to participate while bleeding or blood is on the uniform.

Drug, Tobacco and Alcohol Policy

The VAA believes that all players and coaches participating in a VAA youth activity should refrain from the use of alcohol, tobacco and/or a controlled substance.

It shall be a violation of this policy for a player or coach, while participating in a VAA youth activity, to use a beverage containing alcohol or use or consume, have in possession, buy, sell or give away any controlled substances. It shall be a violation of this policy for a player or coach, while participating in a VAA youth activity, to use any product that contains tobacco.

Once a violation has been brought to the attention of the VAA Board and the VAA Board has made a decision, the player or coach will be informed of his or her ineligibility in the VAA by a written letter from the VAA Board of Directors.

First Violation: Upon notification by the VAA Board, the player or coach shall lose eligibility for the next two consecutive games or two weeks of a sport season in which the player or coach is participating, whichever is greater. No exception is permitted. This excludes them from dressing at the games or participating in practices during the suspension.

Second Violation: The player or coach shall lose eligibility in the VAA for that sport season. No exception is permitted.

Accumulative Penalties: Penalties shall be accumulative beginning with and continuing throughout the player or coach’s participation in the VAA.


The Football Commissioner reserves the right to suspend any coach, parent, player, official or fan that violates the VAA Code of Ethics provided by the VAA Board of Directors. Suspensions will be documented and distributed to the VAA Board of Directors.

A coach or official may suspend any player who acts in an unsportsmanlike manner, which includes fighting, swearing and taunting. The first violation results in (1) An unsportsmanlike conduct penalty against the team, (2) The offending player sitting on the bench for a length of time determined by the game official and the coach of the offending team. The coach should use this time to explain to the player why this is a violation of sportsmanship. The second violation results in suspension of the player for the remainder of the game plus the next game played. Subsequent violations may result in the player being suspended from the league. Any violations must be reported to the Football Commissioner. A coach may reduce the playing time of any player for failing or refusing to attend practice sessions or games. The coach must give the player one warning and discuss the situation with the player’s parents. The warning should include a fair description of intended discipline. The coach must discuss the intended discipline with the Commissioner before discipline is administered.

Inclement Weather

In case of inclement weather, your coach is responsible for determining if there will be practice. If you have any questions regarding inclement weather, please contact your coach. Inclement weather guidelines can also be found at

At all age levels, games and practices shall be suspended when thunder or lightning are present.

Practice precautions will be taken during extreme heat. Based on WCCO,Kare 11 and Fox 9 weather; 85-94 no pads, no helmets, 95 and greater no practice. The humidity will also be a factor in the decision.

Coach of the Year

The VAA Board has a “Coach of the Year” award program. If you feel your coach deserves to be coach of the year, please contact the Commissioner for instructions on nominating your coach for the award.


If you have suggestions for improving the football program, please include them on the survey you are asked to complete at the end of the season. Include as much detail as necessary for the volunteers to understand what you would like to see implemented. All suggestions should be written. Each year, we receive suggestions that would be wonderful to implement. Unfortunately, time constraints on our volunteers make implementation difficult to accomplish. Please help us implement your good ideas by volunteering.

1.9 Rules Changes

If you believe that changes to this rules document would be advantageous to the VAA Football program please submit them in writing to a rules committee member. The Rules Committee consists of the VAA Commissioner, VAA Board Liaison, one major level coach, one minor level coach, and one flag level coach. The submission should include the reasons why you think the rules change would be of benefit to VAA football. The Rules committee meets three times during the off season.

Once the changes are reviewed by the rules committee the document is presented to the coaches for input and approval. Once the Rules document is updated it is then brought to the VAA Board of Directors for final review and submission as part of a VAA Board meeting agenda and minutes.

1.10 Surveys

All participants are asked to complete an on line survey on their experience with VAA Football. This is your opportunity to express your opinions about the football program. Please use this opportunity to offer your ideas on how the program can be improved. If you do not have access to the on line survey, please ask your coach, Board Liaison, or the Commissioner for a hard copy.

  1. Coaches

Coach Selection Criteria

First and foremost, any coach or assistant coach must complete concussion training, have a background check and be approved by the commissioner.

Volunteers who have coached football in the past will be given the first opportunity for a team for the current year, provided their evaluations from prior years were positive.

A team of coaches will consist of a head coach and at least one assistant coach. The team of coaches must have one coach with a son/daughter from each grade being coached. For example, a minor coaching staff will consist of at least one third grade and one fourth grade parent. A third coach can have a child in either grade. A fourth coach may be added to the staff based on the results of the draft.

2.2Coaches Responsibilities

Coaches must follow the “Coaches Code of Ethics” supported by the VAA.

Coaches are responsible for demonstrating good sportsmanship and proper behavior.

Coaches and officials are required by Minnesota State law to go through concussion training.

Coaches are responsible for attending one coaching clinic every two years (once in minors, and once in majors).

Coaches are responsible for attending the coaches meeting in July to pick up their team roster and schedule.

Coaches are responsible for the equipment that is issued to them. If any equipment is lost or damaged, coaches should report the problem to the Commissioner.

Coaches only will be allowed on the team sideline during games. Parents may volunteer to assist with practices but only the head coach and assistant coaches are allowed on the player’s side of the field during games.

Coaches are responsible for holding a parent meeting. At this meeting, the coach should set the tone for the season and distribute their team game and practice schedule and roster.

Coaches are responsible for enforcing the VAA rules.

Coaches are responsible for picking up uniforms, pictures and trophies and distributing them to their team.

Coaches are responsible for ensuring the playing time requirements are met for each of their players.

Coaches are responsible for reporting any problems with the fields to the Commissioner.

Coaches are responsible for recruiting parent volunteers as necessary.

Coaches are responsible for assisting with equipment handout in late July.

Coaches are responsible for all equipment return after the completion of the season. The equipment must be clean and in serviceable condition for the next season. Any equipment that is damaged must be reported immediately to the commissioner.

For any of the above responsibilities that require the attendance of the coach, the coach is responsible for finding someone to attend in their place if they cannot make the scheduled times, (coaches must fulfill the coaches clinic requirement and can not have someone attend in their place).

  1. Parent Responsibilities

Parents must follow the “Parents Code of Ethics” supported by the VAA.

Parents are responsible for demonstrating good sportsmanship and proper behavior.

Parents are responsible for the good sportsmanship and proper behavior of their children and their guests.

Parents are responsible for getting their children to practices and games on time.

Parents are responsible for picking up their children from practices and games on time.

Parents are responsible for informing the coach whenever their child will miss or be late to a practice or a game.

Parents should volunteer to assist coaches whenever possible, however they are to remain on the opposite side of the playing field as the players. The designated coaches, players and timekeeper/scorekeeper are allowed on the players’ side of the field. The only exception would be to tend to an injured player.

  1. Player Responsibilities

Players must follow the “Players Code of Behavior” supported by the VAA.

Players are responsible for demonstrating good sportsmanship and proper behavior.

Players are responsible for being attentive at practices and games.

Players are responsible for reminding their parents that they should be at practices or games on time.

Players are responsible for informing the coach whenever they will miss or be late to a practice or a game.

  1. Conflict Resolution Guidelines

These guidelines are to be followed whenever there may be concerns or questions regarding the policies and programs of VAA Football.

When a player or a parent has a concern regarding the policies or procedures of VAA Football, they should bring those concerns to the attention of their coach.

If the problem persists or is unable to be resolved at the coach level, the player or parent should contact the Commissioner as necessary.

Once the Commissioner is involved, the Commissioner will act as the mediator between the participant and the coach. All parties involved will discuss together the situation and find a solution.

The Commissioner will communicate with the VAA Board Liaison any necessary mediation and the outcome of the mediation.

If necessary, the parties involved can contact the VAA Board Liaison to help mediate the dispute. The Board Liaison will meet with all parties to discuss the situation and find a solution.

The Board Liaison will communicate with the Board of Directors any situations that are being mediated in their sport.

If mediation is unable to resolve the issues and all the above steps have been followed, a letter stating the issues should be written to the “Executive Committee”. The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary of the VAA Board of Directors. The Executive Committee shall consult with the Board Liaison on the issue. At this time, the Executive Committee may make a decision on the issue or refer the issue to the full Board of Directors.

The decision of either the Executive Committee or the full Board of Directors will be final!

  1. General Rules

Equal playing time

During the season Coaches are encouraged to provide an opportunity for all players to play on offense and defense

Each player in attendance at a scheduled game must start on either offense or defense and play the whole game on either offense or defense. Special teams play does not count toward the minimum playing time.

Exceptions to the playing time rule

All coaches are expected to run organized practices. In order for them to accomplish this, both players and parents need to know the importance of communicating planned or unexpected absences as soon as possible. Therefore the following exceptions to the minimum playing time rule are subject to the coach’s discretion.

  1. Players who have one or more unexcused absence from practice during the preceding week.
  2. Players who have an unexcused absence from the only practice between any two games and have also had an unexcused absence during the previous two games.
  3. Players who arrive late to a game should not expect to play the first half.
  4. The coach should inform the Commissioner, the opposing coach, and the player’s parents priorto the start of the game if they are not going to be playing a player.
  5. If you feel that your son is not playing the minimum time, please talk to his coach. If the problem continues, please contact the Commissioner.

Practices and Games