Vocabulary Words

Altercation: a noisy dispute

Example: The altercation between the two angry men led to a physical fight and several broken bones

Ambrosial: delicious, fragrant, devine

Example: The ambrosial aroma from the cookies made me hungry.

Amphibious: able to function on both land and water

Example: The frog is an amphibious creature.

Apparition: an unusual or unexpected sight

Example: When the apparition appeared before us, we call the Ghostbusters for help.

Appendage: something attached to a larger item

Example: The arm is an appendage to the body.

Bedlam: uproar, confusion

Example: When the babysitter fell asleep, bedlam broke out.

Bizarre: out of the ordinary, eccentric, freakish

Example: Jim had difficulties selling his bizarre invention.

Carcinogen: substance causing cancer

Example: When smoked, tobacco produces carcinogens.

Cadence: rhythm

Example: The cadence of that song is beautiful.

Carnivore: flesh eating animal

Example: A lion is a carnivore.

Celestial: Heavenly

Example: Telescopes aid astronomers in the study of celestial bodies.

Comatose: unconscious, inactive

Example: Medics rushed the comatose accident victim to the hospital.

Cuisine: food, style of cooking

Example: For many teenagers, the preferred cuisine consists of hamburgers, french

fries, and cola.

Debonair: suave, charming, lighthearted

Example: Harold looked remarkably debonair in the tuxedo he rented for his high school prom.

Decanter: A vessel used to receive liquid

Example: The milk was poured into a decanter before serving.

Circumvent: to avoid by going around

Example: The mother asked her son to circumvent the puddle.

Disheveled: untidy

Example: When Mr. Smith answered the doorbell, the newspaper boy could tell by his disheveled appearance that he had just gotten out of bed.

Dormant: sleeping, inactive

Example: Mount St. Helens had been a dormant volcano for thousands of years, but then it erupted with killing force.

Effervescent: bubbly, lively

Example: The effervescent cheerleader lead the crowd in cheers during the game.

Emaciated: painfully thin, wasted

Example: The homeless man walked the city streets looking emaciated after not eating for a few days.

Equilibrium: a state of balance

Example: When Emma and Eric balance of the seesaw, they have achieved equilibrium.

Escalate: to enlarge; to increase

Example: Even small businesses find that prices escalate.

Exodus: a mass departure

Example: The exodus of students left the building for the fire drill.

Fiasco: a failure

Example: The dinner the children made for the parents turned into a fiasco when the casserole burnt.

Flamboyant: ornate, showy

Example: The opera singer wore a flamboyant costume during the performance.

Formidable: frightened, dreadful, awe inspiring

Example: The medievel castle on the hill appeared formidable in the distance.

Germinate: to begin to grow, to sprout

Example: The plants will germinate when soaked in water.

Harbinger: a forerunner, a herald

Example: The robin is a harbinger, announcing that spring has arrived.

Impropriety: improper conduct, bad manners

Example: Children talking at the dinner table was once considered to be an impropriety.

Inclement: stormy, harsh

Example: Inclement weather hit the area last night and brought six inches of sno

Intrepid: fearless, bold

Example: The intrepid explorers defied the odds as they climbed to the top of Mt. Everest.

Itinerary: the route of a journey

Example: We included a stop in Montana in our itinerary for our trip to Alaska.

Loquacious: given to excessive talking

Example: The loquacious students were given a warning by their teacher to stop t talking during the lesson.

Ludicrous: laughable because of obvious absurdity

Example: The woman's heavy make-up she wore to the party was ludicrous.

Manacle: a handcuff, a restraint

Example: The prisoner wore manacles as he walked into his cell.

Mellifluous: smoothly flowing; sweet

Example: People were enchanted by the mellifluous voice of the opera singer.

Metamorphosis: a transformation; a marked alteration

Example: The metamorphosis of the butterfly amazed us.

Nocturnal: pertaining to the night; active at night

Example: The nocturnal animals roamed the forest at night.

Oscillate: to swing back and forth

Example: The fan began to oscillate and the room quickly cooled.

Ostracize: to exclude from a group; to banish

Example: the unruly children were ostracized from the rest of the class.