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Membership Meeting Minutes

December 4, 2015


Capt Breadon offered a prayer of invocation.

Pledge of Allegiance:

The commodore led those in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Bobbins President: -

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, enjoy the evening.

Call to Order:

At 8:16 p.m. the commodore called the meeting to order.

Confirmation of a Quorum:

[2 Line Officers and 20% of the voting membership]

Secretary Haber declared a quorum.

The Minutes of the previous General Membership Meeting:

A motion was passed to dispense with the reading of the previous months GMM meeting.

The Minutes of the monthly Board of Governors Meeting:

-The minutes were read aloud and a motion was made to approve

Introduction of New Members:

Gary and Susan Powell were introduced to the membership as new social members.

Treasurer’s Financial Report:

Membership as of : 10/24/15

Regular: 60

Social: 39

Associate: 6

Life: 1

Distinguished life: 3

Honorary: 0

Total: 109

Deposits on hand as of:

Checking $ 23885.56

Savings $ 24014.27

Total $ 47889.83

Bartender’s fund: $ 76.36

Delinquent Members as of: Jeff Schaefer, Michael Hershey, Richard Hare, Michael Gray, Rich Drexel, Charles Dovel, Steve Danko, Deborah D’Domenicus, Richard Bertram, and Kathy Beck.

-Treasurer Golden would like it noted that several people have made recent payments, and will be removed from the list.

-A motion to accept the treasurers report as read was made and passed.

Unfinished Business:

-club calendar-

-October- The Frostbite Cruise should be added to the calendar for Oct 14-16, 2016

-Correct date for Bobbins Appreciation Dinner is Friday Sept. 23.

-a motion to move the bull roast from April 30th to April 23rd was made and passed. (There is a member wedding hall rental scheduled at the club on the 30th.)

New Business:

-no new business

Reports of Officers:

Commodore’s Report:

-The CBYCA queens committee has been making several changes

-all YCM participants agreed that Bodkin’s opening will continue to be the last opening on the bay and will continue to be Father’s Day weekend. At Maryland’s Ball it was announced that beginning in 2017, the Queen’s Pageant will be held on Saturday the weekend after our Opening. The 2016 pageant will remain the first Sunday in June and the same weekend as Red Eye and Maryland Openings.

-Thank you to everyone for all their hard work at all hands day

-The Commodore further reported that she and P/C Fairral have been busy going to balls, and wants to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

Vice Commodore’s Report:

-Capt Covey is in the hospital, but is expected to be out in the next day or two

-TY for everyones help at all hands

-The Princess coronation went well, special thanks to Capt Lambert and his crew in the kitchen.

-Childrens Christmas party is this sunday December 6.

Rear Commodore’s Report:

-Thank you to everyone for their help with all hands and everything else that has been completed this year so far. He further wished everyone a great and safe holiday season.

Fleet Captain’s Report:

-Thank you to everyone for their work at all hands, especially the ditch diggers, a lot got done,

-Remind everyone that there is no parking along the bulkhead, including outside contractors

-check your lines as chafing does occur this time of year and several boats have lines that are showing wear

-re working slip change requests to comply with the club rules

-there is a blue dinghy that needs to be moved, if it is yours, please move it

Secretary’s Report: N/R

Reports of Committees:

Ways and Means: [P/C Keefe] -N/R

Kitchen Steward: [Captain Rich Drexel] – N/R

Club Steward: [P/C Ervin] n/r

Entertainment Chairman: – [Capt Kurt Friesland] N/R

Audit Committee: [] – N/R

Porthole Committee: [Capt Nikki Hutchison] N/R

Bobbins Liaison: [] – N/R

Work Hours Chairman: [P/C Schenck]

-P/C Schenck reported that the work hours are posted and up to date as of 11/20.

Bylaws Chairman: [P/C Earl Lambert] N/R

Safety and Environment Chairman: N/R


Sunshine: [Capt. Bredon] N/R

Raffle Chairman: [Capt Scott Webb]

-  The 20 week raffle should be going out at the beginning of the year.

Website: [ ] N/R

3C’s: [P/C Bob Wienecke] – N/R

YCM: [Comm. Pam Chaney] N/R

Rear Fleet: [Capt Frank Currens] N/R

Anything for the Good of the Order:

-  A burgee swap has occurred between Bodkin and the Southern Yacht Club of New Orleans. We can now visit New Orleans!


A motion to adjourn was approved at 8:54 pm.

Respectfully submitted.

Ray Haber, Secretary