KEMP Model Example

Lesson 5: Have students create a work of art inspired by the Aboriginal art form using Paint

(3 days @ 40minutes)

The following lesson was designed using the Kemp model. This lesson will have students create a piece of work using symbolism and the application Art Studio on I-Pad.

Instructional Problems / The instruction problem addressesstudent cultral awareness of the Aborginial cultural by creating their own painting using Art studio on an I-Pad.
Learner Characteristics: / Grade: Sixth
Age Range: 10-11 year olds
Learner Skills: Creation of art work inspired by Aborginia culture,.Students have knowledge of : (1) Storytelling; (2) Art Terminogoly; (3) Computer Skills; (4) Symbolism
Task Analysis: / Students will: (1) create an orginal piece of work inspried by the Aborginial culture ; (2) discuss works of art using viusal art terminology.
Through research students will: (1) Identify important cultural aspects related to community,art, and symbolism; (2) Student will create an orginial piece of work.
Instructional Objectives / Visual Arts:
Standard 1—Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Arts
• understand and use the elements and principles of art (line, color, texture, shape) in order to communicate their ideas (c)
Standard 2—Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources
• know about some cultural institutions (museums and galleries) and community opportunities (art festivals) for looking at original art and talking to visiting artists, to increase their understanding of art (c)
Standard 4—Understanding the Cultural Dimensions and Contributions of the Arts
2. Communication and collaboration
d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems
3. Research and information fluency
b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from variety of sources and media
4. Critical thinking, problem solving, and decision making
b. Plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project
5. Digital citizenship
b. Exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity
6. Technology operations and concepts
a. Understand and use technology systems
Sequencing Content / Day 1:
  1. Students will brainstorm ideas to use in the creatation of their art
work. (10minutes)
  1. Students will obtain an I-Pad from COW. (5minutes)
  2. Students will open the Art Studio app and start a new project, using their images from their brainstorming session. (20 minutes)
  3. Students will save art work using their name and classroom as file name. (2minute)
  4. Students will return I-Pad to Cow, as they line up for dismissel. (3 minutes)
Day 2:
1.Students will obtain I-Pad from COW. (2minutes)
2. Students will open Art Studio app, and then open their file, named with students name and classroom (3minutes)
3.Students will continue to work on their project, save work as working and at end of class. (33 minutes)
4.Students will return I-Pad to COW. (2minutes)
Day 3:
  1. Students will obtain an I-Pad from COW. (2minutes)
  1. Students will open Art Studio app, and then open their file, named with students name and classroom (3minutes)
  1. Students will continue to work on their project, save work as working. (10 minutes)
  1. Students will print work. As students finish printing the class will students will critque peers works of art. (23 minutes)
  1. Students will retun I-Pad to COW when finished printing. (2 minutes)

Instructional Strategies / *Students will be able to understand and use technologies.
*Students will be able to create a work of art inspired by the Aborginial culture.
*Students will increase their cultural understanding through research of the Aboriginal people and their contributions of the arts.
*Students who need assistance will recieve peer support followed by teacher support as needed.
* Students with IEP targets will be followed.
Designing the Message: / Now that students have researched the Aboriginal culture having a better understanding of Dreaming, they will create their own work of art. This work will be inspired by the Aborginial’s Dot Painting. Students will tell a story using Dot Painting after they have brainstormed some symbols.
Instructional Delivery/ Materals: / Computers/ I-Pads, Principle of Design/ Elements of Art (digital or hardcopy handout) Printers, Paper, Aboriginal Symbols (digital or hard copy handout)
Evaluation Instruments: / Summative and Formative
Planning: Reverse use of COW (computers on wheels) for continuum of project.
Revising: If internet connection fails all information will be save to a file on desk top/ USB, which can be viewed on Smart Board.
Evaluation: Formative as student workcheck for understanding of app use and technqiue. Summative: Rubric for Dot Painting on iPad.
Management: Time management is essential keeping students on track as computers will be reversed for this lesson.