How effective has NATO been at Global Governance?

Many international organisations play a part in global governance, NATO is one example. Throughout this task you will be investigating NATO’s role in sovereignty and territorial issues.

Yourfinal task will be to produce a report on one of two questions:

Option a) With reference to examples, examine the role of NATO in its governance of sovereignty and territorial integrity issues.

Option b) To what extent has NATO adopted successful strategies in the governance of conflict over sovereignty and territorial issues?

To assist in the planning of this task we will be splitting the research and you will ‘become an expert’ on one location:

Become an expert:

Working individually, in pairs or small groups, you should choose a different geographical area where there has been recent conflict such as: Ukraine, Turkey, Jordan, Afghanistan and Kosovo.

Your task is to conduct research on your chosen area and create a presentation to the Secretary General of NATO (your teacher) and the other country groups so that NATO strategies can be reviewed for their effectiveness.

The presentation should include:

  • Maps, images, any relevant statistical information and video clips of the area; background to the area, including causes of the conflict;
  • The effects of conflict on the social and economic geography of the area (and any environmental damage).
  • The basis on which NATO makes its decisions to intervene in particular areas or issues
  • Examples of successful strategies NATO has employed, and its involvement in any issues still remaining.
  • Where to start: the most comprehensive and useful web site is

The NATO website contains links to each geographical area of conflict. A good starting point is the interactive map found at

Other helpful non-NATO sites include BBC News and The Guardian.

Stretch and challenge: Investigate otherissues which pervade all geographical areas of conflict such as promoting the role of women in peace and security.


Use the following task sheets to record evidence throughout this enquiry as this will help structure the report.

Task Sheet A – Research task recording grid for the presentation

Background information on NATO
Member states (summary of categories / locations):
Geographical location of recent / current operations:
Guidance on structure of presentationfor chosen area
Location including maps / images / data
Causes / types of conflict
Problems arising from conflict
Nato strategies (including partnerships)
Unresolved issues

Task Sheet B, during the presentations: Use this grid to record notes on the success and remaining problemsin each of the chosen country areas.

Successful responses to NATO strategies / Remaining problems / issues

Task Sheet - Decide which report title you will answer.

Option a) ‘With reference to examples examine the role of NATO in its governance of sovereignty and territorial integrity issues’.

Option b) ‘To what extent has NATO adopted successful strategies in the governance of conflict over sovereignty and territorial issues?’

Use this space to decide, as a class, what success criteria you should be working to:

Stretch and challenge: Further investigation of partnerships; and role of women in peace and security.

Further investigation of role of partnerships in NATO governance of conflict

February 2015

Extension topic on NATO promotion of role of women in peace and security

February 2015