Manning, Iowa

June 21, 2011

The City Council of the City of Manning, Iowa met in regular session on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 in the Council Chambers of City Hall pursuant to the laws and rules of said Council in regular session. Mayor Harvey Dales called the meeting to order at 5:45 p.m.

Roll Call: Council members Andy Eischeid, Dan Grove, Jeff Hargens, Jason Hoffman, and Richard Johnson were present upon roll call. Also present were Pam Kusel, Betty Clipperton, Rick Dammann, and city employees Dawn Rohe, Larry Lesle, and John Ohde.

Approval of Agenda: Motion by Johnson, second by Grove to approve the agenda; all ayes – motion carried.

Citizens Forum: Mayor Dales then opened the meeting to public comment. No one was present that wished to comment other than on the Center Street Parking. Those comments were heard later in the meeting.

Consent Agenda: The Council discussed the consent agenda. Eischeid motioned to move item e—Board of Adjustments and Gas Board Appointments—off of the consent agenda. Hoffman seconded. All ayes. Motion carried. Board appointments acted on separately. After discussion, Hoffman motioned and Eischeid seconded to approve the remaining consent agenda, which approved the minutes of the May 17, 2011 meeting; payment of bills from May 18 to June 21, 2011 in the amount of $112,573.50; Approval of May treasurer’s report; approval of L & M Bowl Liquor License; approval of an outdoor service area for the VFW on June 24th; approval of an outdoor service area for the Hausbarn-Heritage park on July 25th; and approval of Cigarette Permits for Manning Foods, Casey’s, and Rix Amoco. Upon Roll, all voted Aye. Motion carried. The following bills were approved (number of checks indicated in parenthesis):

ADAMS MOTORS / Vehicle Repairs / 299.61
AFLAC (2) / Supplemental Ins / 72.74
AMERICAN CONCRETE / Concrete / 4,981.26
ARCADIA LIMESTONE / Gravel / 589.66
ASPINWALL COOP / Fuel / 2,357.66
BAKER & TAYLOR / Books / 360.53
BUNZ & GAFFNEY / Legal / 637.50
CARDMEMBER SERVICES / Credit card / 1,828.16
CARPENTER UNIFORM / Clothing / 14.99
CARROLL COUNTY RECO / Lean Release / 9.00
CARROLL REFUSE / Garbage / 6,177.28
CENTRAL IOWA DIS / Office Supplies / 722.97
COMPUTER SPEC / Equip Maint / 110.00
Counsel Office / Copy Clicks / 39.49
CULLIGAN WATER / Water / 9.00
DAWN ROHE(2) / FSA/Cell&Travel / 458.36
DEDHAM COOP / Supplies / 27.35
DELTA DENTAL(2) / Ins / 1,869.50
DEMCO / Supplies / 45.01
EARL MAY / Supplies / 300.00
EBSCO / Books / 444.74
EMC NATIONAL LIFE / Payroll Ded / 13.16
FASTENAL COMPANY / Supplies / 9.94
FERNEDING, AMY / Dep Care/Med FSA / 600.00
GRABILL, TROY / Med FSA / 267.50
GRAINGER (2) / Equip Repairs / 554.40
GRAPHIC EDGE, THE / Clothing / 175.84
GUIDEPOSTS / Subscriptions / 14.94
HACH(2) / Lab Supplies / 273.71
HD SUPPLY / Repairs / 267.95
Heather Eischeid / Lifeguard Training / 150.00
HORIZON EQUIPMENT / Parts / 120.29
ING / Payroll Ded / 240.00
IOWA DNR / Certifications / 180.00
IPERS(2) / Payroll / 2,553.85
IRLBECK, ANNA / Cell & Travel Reimb / 47.54
IRS(2) / Payroll Taxes / 8,997.54
JEBRO INC. / Street Repairs / 1,203.00
JOHNSTON AUTO / Vehicle Repairs / 12.56
JUSTIN MUNDT / Cell Reimb / 25.00
KASPERBAUER CLEANER / Cleaning Sup / 11.40
LESLE, LARRY / Cell Reimb / 25.00
MANNING AMBULANCE / Salaries / 102.00
MANNING BETTERMENT / Final TIF Pmt / 6,306.48
MCS (2) / Services / 250.00
MANNING FOODS / Lap Supplies / 33.65
MANNING INSURANCE / Ins / 1,253.00
MANNING MONITOR / Subscriptions / 40.00
MMCTSU / Utility Bill / 699.64
MMLP / Postage/Lights / 500.99
MMCTSU / Utility Bill / 723.33
Manning Gas Dept / Utility Bill / 933.25
MMU / Utilities / 5,815.19
MCLAUGHLIN CONST / Curb Repair / 1,557.00
MID IOWA SOLID WAST / Equip maint / 874.08
Hancock / repairs / 548.10
Sewer Equipment Co / repairs / 387.92
NEW HOPE VILLAGE(2) / Cleaning / 97.42
NORTH CENTRAL LABOR / Lab Supplies / 249.63
NORTHERN BALANCE(2) / Lab supplies / 271.00
OFFICE DEPOT(2) / Office Supplies / 215.30
OHDE, JOHN / Cell Reimb / 25.00
RICK DAMMANN / Rent / 200.00
Shawn Stewart / Cell Reimb / 25.00
Something Unique(2) / Clothing / 399.25
SPIES FUR COMPANY / Supplies / 94.00
STAMMER, CHAD / Cell Reimb / 25.00
STREICHER'S / Supplies / 42.51
TNEMEC CO / Supplies / 321.92
TOM WITTROCK / Cell Reimb / 25.00
TOTAL BACKFLOW RES / Equip Maint / 185.00
TREASURER STATE OF / Taxes / 776.00
TRENT NELSON / Cell Reimb / 25.00
TRUE NORTH CO / Ins / 11,149.79
ULTRAMAX / Supplies / 544.00
WELLS FARGO / Main St Fee / 350.00
WIPCO / Utility Bill / 42.42
WILLENBORG REPAIR / Equip Maint / 320.79
WINDSTREAM / Utility Bill / 24.49
Payroll Expenses / 40,041.92
TOTAL: / 112,573.50

Receipts by fund type for the month of May: General - $35,206.66; Road Use - $11,570.52; Trust & Agency - $10,587.85; Insurance - $4,441.97; Emergency - $774.21; Local Option Sales Tax - $14,979.72; TIF District-$1,316.20; Revolving Loan - $3,883.78; Economic Development-$1.55; Library Trust Fund-$177.41; Debt Service - $6,858.81; Proprietary - $52,549.58. Total receipts - $142,348.26.

The Council then further discussed board appointments. The Council discussed working towards compliance with the gender-balanced rule versus the challenge of finding people to fill the seats. The Board of Adjustments is currently gender balanced. Hoffman motioned to approve Dales’ appointment of Jeff Siepker to the Board of Adjustments. Hargens seconded. All ayes—motion carried. After further discussion, Hoffman motioned to approve Dales’ appointment of Keith Kelderman to the Gas Board. No second. Motion died. After further discussion, Hoffman again motioned to approve Dales’ appointment of Keith Kelderman to the Gas Board. Hargens seconded. 2 Ayes. 3 Nays. Motion failed. Dales was not able to immediately offer another appointee. Seat will be vacant starting July 1 and Dales will bring recommendations at the July meeting.

Department Reports: Public Works: Ohde reported on the Madison Street schedule. They are supposed to start on the concrete work after July 4th and proceed with asphalt 2 weeks later. He explained the Center Street work that was recently completed and answered questions regarding better drainage on Madison Street. Police: Lesle asked for direction on use of ATVs and golf carts. Currently the Ordinance does not allow them at all—not even for snow removal or spraying. Their use is becoming more popular. There was a lot of discussion about possibly allowing use with certain restrictions. The council directed Rohe to look into examples from other communities. Administration: Rohe presented a written administration report. There were no questions.

PUBLIC HEARING: Budget Amendments: Dales opened the public hearing at 5:59. No one was present that wished to comment.

Water Bill—Nola Willis: Willis was not present at the meeting. The Council reviewed the bill. Hargens motioned to keep the bill as is. Eischeid seconded. All ayes—motion carried.

Parking on Center Street: Dammann, on behalf of the Methodist Church, presented the Council with a plan to widen Center Street by 3’ (3 ½’ counting curb) on the East side of the street on the block between 1st and 2nd Streets. The Church would pay for it and it would eliminate the need to have no parking on one side of the street. Clipperton relayed concerns that cutting into her tree roots would eventually cause the tree to die. Dammann agreed that the church would take care of the tree if it became a problem. Public works will need to approve the plans. Eischeid motioned to allow the Methodist Church to widen Center Street between 1st and 2nd Streets as proposed. Johnson seconded. 4 Ayes. 1 Nay. Motion passed.

Police Officer Hire and Training: Hargens explained the discussions and recommendation of the Personnel & Finance Committee. He explained the process if we hire a candidate now and the associated cost of hiring the candidate and sending them to the academy. He explained we will use the $9000 set aside for the police vehicle in FY 11-12 to help offset the expense. There will be a 4-year contract and limitations of an uncertified officer. In the future, the hope is that a set-aside program for the academy can be established. After discussion, Hoffman motioned to allow Lesle to move forward with the process and make an offer of employment to the candidate of his choice. Grove seconded. All ayes. Motion carried.

Resolution 2011-31: After discussion, Hoffman motioned to adopt Resolution 2011-31: Approving the Amended Agreement of Understanding with the Iowa Department of Transportation Regarding Maintenance Responsibilities. Hargens seconded. Upon roll, all voted aye. Resolution adopted.

Parks and Recreation Board Recommendations: Eischeid explained the topics from the May 19th meeting including the upcoming project of using Lola Ahrendsen’s donation and donated labor from the UFOs to update the City Park bathrooms. There were also longer-term ideas for a kid’s outdoor play area/pool and possible pool balcony conversion for more work-out space. Other ideas included co-op daycare and different pool/building hours.

Timmerman Grant: Some Council Members expressed the need for an all-inclusive community-wide priority list for future years. There was discussion about applying for a sidewalk/trail on the West side of Center Street, Main Street bricks, or the balcony conversion. After further discussion Hoffman motioned to apply for Main Street bricks. Grove seconded. 4 Ayes. 1 Nay. Motion passed.

Street Closure—RAGBRAI: Rohe relayed a request from the RAGBRAI Committee to shut down the North part of South Main Street and Park Avenue the evening of July 24th. The Council said RAGBRAI would be in charge of public awareness of the closings. Eischeid motioned to allow the closures as proposed and to provide barricades so the committee could do the shut down when needed. Johnson seconded. All ayes—motion carried.

RAGBRAI Special Events Plan: The Council reviewed the plan and made some minor changes. Hoffman motioned, Grove seconded to approve the RAGBRAI Special Events Plan with minor changes. All ayes—motion carried.

Resolution 2011-32: The Council reviewed a proposed Drug and Alcohol Policy that would affect non-federally regulated employees. Wording was added to the Resolution so that the policy would be effective pending City Attorney approval. After discussion, Eischeid motioned to adopt Resouliton 2011-32: Approving a Drug and Alcohol Testing Policy for Non-Regulated Employees of the City of Manning. Hargens seconded. Upon roll, all voted aye. Resolution adopted.

Street Extension: The Council reviewed 3 estimates for the extension of water, sewer, and streets on Industrial Blvd. Due to the cost, low interest, and uncertainty of the state cutting property taxes, Rohe and Dales suggested the project wait. The Council agreed. No action taken.

Temporary Office Help: The Council discussed the possibility of temporarily hiring someone to help in the office while 2 of the office staff are on leave. The Council directed Rohe to discuss it with MMLP.

SWCO Sign Request: The Council reviewed a request to help fund river signs. The Council did not approve the request.

Other Matters: State Property Tax Bill: Rohe relayed information on a new/revised proposed property tax bill that could potentially cost the City approximately $96,702 in the next five years and about $30,000 to $45,000 per year after that. Invitations: The Council received invitations to the County Supervisor’s meeting, the Annual Betterment Meeting, and Iowa League of Cities’ Annual Conference. Center Street Sidewalks: There was more discussion about sidewalks on Center Street and the possibility of enforcing the requirement for sidewalks. The Council directed Rohe to look into it further and to send letters to homeowners it would effect to make them aware that the Council will be discussing it at the July meeting.

With no further business to attend to, Hoffman motioned for adjournment; seconded by Hargens. All Ayes. Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.


Harvey Dales, Mayor



Dawn Rohe, City Clerk/Administrator