Hallett Cove Parish Pastoral Council

v2 April 2016

What role do you see yourself having

in the renewal of the Hallett Cove parish?

The Archdiocese of Adelaide’s Renewal Taskforce recently visited the Hallett Cove Parish Pastoral Council (PPC). The Taskforce encouraged the PPC to more deeply engage in parish renewal, part of which included a review of a renewal document featuring eight characteristics of a healthy, vibrant and renewing parish. See Parish Quarterly Newsletter (March 2016) or The Southern Cross (April 2016) for details.

Copies of the renewal document are available in the church foyer for your review.

The Renewal Taskforce is not imposing a ‘one-size fits all’ plan for parishes across the archdiocese. Instead, parishes have been asked to consider how they may give local, individual expression to the characteristics of renewal outlined in the document.

The PPC will prayerfully consider how to give expression to two characteristics of renewal at each one of its monthly meetings. To this end, the Hallett Cove PPC is sharing details of the renewal document with parishioners to broaden and enrich its reflection on the implications of the renewal for our parish.

Feel free to speak with nominated PPC members about your thoughts, questions and suggestions. Feedback on respective renewal characteristics (listed below, in order of discussion) must be received one week prior to the PPC meeting so that PPC members can prepare for a fruitful discussion. Outcomes of PPC discussions will be shared with the parish following each meeting.

PPC Meeting
Date/Time / Renewal Document
(8-points) / PPC Members
Facilitating / Parish Feedback
Tue 3 May
7:00 – 9:00 pm / #3 The Word of God is proclaimed in good preaching
#7 The Parish is led by a Pastoral Team / Mons Ian Dempsey
Fr Peter Sheedy
Dcn Tim Grauel / Sun 24 Apr
Tue 7 Jun
7:00 – 9:00 pm / #1 The Parish is a community in which each member is called to the following Jesus
#4 There is a warm sense of community outreach / Adrian Brown
Claire Pinson
Kevin McHugh / Sun 29 May
Tue 5 Jul
7:00 – 9:00 pm / #2 Eucharistic liturgies are prayerful and fully participative
#5 The Parish community is visibly engaged with those who experience poverty and need, and with those at the margins of society and church / Bernadette Kerr
Sr Kanistal Soosai
Charlie Saba / Sun 26 Jun
Tue 2 Aug
7:00 – 9:00 pm / #6 The Parish witnesses to God’s love for all the creatures of Earth
#8 As far as possible, Eucharistic communities that are viable will be enabled to continue / Teresa Pascoe
Gary Pascoe
Peter Smith
Rae Campbell / Sun 24 Jul