Discovery Family Connection (DFC) Meeting

Tuesday, November 3,2015

Members present: Lexi Mitchell, Rissa Eggleston, Del Carmichael, Jeff Gray () Dallen Gray, Lori Kline (); Jason Tomisser ()

DFC officers not present: Leslie Keefe-Hernandez, Margo Rogers, Erik Dodge

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm by Lexi Mitchell, Vice President

Minutes of the 10/6/2015 DFC meeting were distributed and reviewed. No corrections were noted. Rissa motioned to approve the October minutes, and Lori seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


  1. Principals Report – Del reports the Highly Capable test isThursday, October 5 at 8:45 am. This district assessment will screen students who have scored well on state and district tests and been nominated for the program. The next opportunity totest into the programis next spring. Students are eligible for testing as early as 1st grade.

DLS Staff is reading “Mindset,” a book by Carol Dweck advocating an emphasis on personal growth as motivation. Staff will also read a book on rethinking the grading process.

DLS is in the process of identifying 4th graders who scored below state standards last spring on the Smarter Balanced assessments. These students will receive additional readingsupport during the lunch/recess period through the Learning Assistance Program (LAP).

The school has implemented a new emergency information system calledInformacast, which provides emergency announcements over the school phone system. Efforts are underway to interconnect the new system with the school’s speaker system as it can be difficult to hear the emergency notifications over the phone system.

The annual Parent and Community Forum is November 10 from 5-7 pm at Davis High School. The forum offers a catered dinner, music, vendors, and parent workshops.

Leadership Yakima plans to visit Discovery Lab on November 18, from 9:30-11 am. The group consisting of 3-5 members of the community will tour DLS and observe and interact with students in the classroom. Del invites parents and teachers to meet the group during morning recess period to provide parent feedback and staff perspective.

Del reports the need for a parent representative to join the DLS ILT (Instructional Leadership Team), a decision making body meeting twice monthly on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:45 pm to analyze data from classroom testing to inform teaching and provide accountability. Lexi expressed interest in the position.

School Counselor Michael Rhine has compiled a list of middle school students with D’s and F’s. He will be meeting with students to devise strategies to improve grades.

YSD Superintendent Jack Irion was originally scheduled to attend tonight’s DFC meeting. Due to pre-arranged absences of several DFC officers, Mr. Irion is planning to attend next month’s meeting instead. The purpose of his visit is to meet parent and student groups and provide an opportunity for questions and input.

  1. Treasurers Report: Presented by Lexi (Neither Margo nor Erik present tonight). DFC has approximately $1,350 to start the month. Profits from the cookie dough fundraiser totaled $4,120. According to Lexi, one student (Isaiah Lopez, 4th grade), did not receive his cookie dough order. To rectify the issue, either DFC will reimburse the payment(s) or individuals will donate comparable product.

The DFC bank account has been updated to reflect current officers. Leslie and Margo are now the co-signers for the account. Former DFC President Tom Botkin is no longer on the account.

  1. ASB Report: Rissaintroduced the new ASB President Dallen Gray. Dallen is co-president of the ASB. He will represent for the first half of the school year; Ian Eggleston will serve as ASB president for the second half of the year.

Dallen Gray reports the Boxtops contest was successful. The 1st grade class brought in the most Boxtops and won the classroom party. The next deadline for Boxtops is in February. The ASB-sponsored Halloween Party was also a big success. Many DLS families attended the dance and there was good set up/clean up help. The cost of the DJ was $300 – $200 came from the DFC budget and $100 was paid by ASB. The Toilet Paper Drive will start November 9 and continues through November 20. The classroom bringing in the most TP rolls will win a pancake party.

ASB Movie Night is Friday, November 20 from 6-8 pm. The movie has not been decided yet. Concessions will be available.

  1. Fundraising Update: Lexi reported the Cookie Dough Fundraiser raised nearly $4,000. Top sellers will be announced November 13 at a school assembly. Leslie is pursuing the Seattle Seed Co. fundraiser. Projected proceeds would be 40% on online sales or 50% of door-to-door sales. She is also still in talks with Inklings for a Family Night fundraiser. We are currently waiting on the owner to respond with further details. Other potential fundraisers include a McDonalds Teacher’s Night – Lexi will follow up with teachers to gauge interest – and selling DLS logo clothing and gear.
  1. Other Business: DFC hosts Friday Cougar Coffee Club Friday mornings before school. Lexi has been setting up the coffee cart, but we’ll need someone to clean up afterward. Last week, Leslie had a sign-up sheet for coffee clean up.

The 8th grade class is selling hot chocolate on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday mornings. Proceeds will go toward the 8th grade trip.

A draft of the DLS Family Directory is complete. Lexi distributed the draft for input. She expects to have a final draft ready for distribution by the end of the month.

  1. Upcoming Events:

Picture retakes 11/10

Veterans Day 11/11 – SCHOOL CLOSED

8th Grade Parent Meeting – 11/17 at 6 pm at DLS to determine details of 8th grade meeting.

Middle School Feast – 11/24 – Starts at 2:30 pm. Del highlights that the Feast is intended to be a family event.

Thanksgiving Holiday 11/25 – 11/27

Next meeting: December 1 at 6:30

Meeting Adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Aleah Mickelson

DLS Secretary