NOTE: The following information will be used by the LGA CWMS Management Committee to determine whether the application warrants subsidy support for

  • Investigation and design; and
  • Construction

Weighting will be applied to the various factors as the Committee sees fit.

Councils should include any other material they wish in support of their case for subsidy funding.

Councils should be able to show evidence of solid support from the Elected Membership for their application (eg, formal resolution on record).

If a town has previously received a subsidy for a partial town scheme, this must be declared and quantified as an appendix to this application. Towns which have never received a subsidy will generally rank higher in priority for funding than previously-subsidised towns.

1.Council and Contact Details

Council Name


Contact Person




2.Township Details

The application may be for the whole town, the central business district, the main street or the key major effluent waste generators (caravan park, hospital, motels, etc).

Multiple applications per town may be submitted.

Schemes with less than 100 connections will not receive a high priority.

Township Name

Estimated PopulationName the source eg. Census

Allotments to be included in the Defined Collection Area

No. of developed allotments

No. of vacant allotments

Estimated No. of premises permanently occupied

Rate of new dwelling construction(Per Annum – Average over the last three years)

No. of new allotments in lodged Development Applications

Plans or annotated aerial photographs showing the desired collection area, and relevant Policy Zones where applicable, should be lodged with this application.

The scale(s) should allow for easy identification of allotment boundaries, road casings and major topographical features.

3.Public Health Criteria

This information will provide a guide to the likely impact of the existing soakage trench arrangements on the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors within the town.

Allotment Size

No. of residential allotments less than 1000m2 in area

No. of anaerobic (“envirocycle”) systems


Typical soil typeSand, sandy clay, clay, shale, rock

TopographyFlat, gentle (< 5%), steep (5 – 15%), hilly (> 15%)

Climatic conditionsTotal average annual rainfall

Ground water tableDepth to unconfined aquifer

Insanitary Conditions

Notices issued over last 12 months

Warnings issued over last 12 months

Observations issued over last 12 months

Is there evidence of failed soakages?

Please select...

If YES, Please indicate frequency and number of affected properties.


No. of affected properties

In your opinion would regular controlled pump-out of septic tanks or an extension of soakage trenches reduce the insanitary conditions observed?

Please select...

If YES, please provide some comments.

Is reticulated potable water provided to the town?

Please select...

Any evidence of effluent contaminating wells or other water intended for human consumption?

Please select...

If YES, please provide details.

Any other significant factors?

4.Environmental Criteria

This section asks for information which will demonstrate the likely impact of escaping effluent on the environment.


No. of allotments within the 1 in 20 year flood plain

No. of allotments within the water storage catchment zone

No. Allotments within 200m of a watercourse or ocean

Name of watercourse or ocean

Water re – use potential

% of effluent to be used for new irrigation

% of effluent to be used to replace existing mains water use

Estimated KL per annum of mains water saved

Any issues raised by the EPA or others regarding septic tank performance?

Please select...

If YES, please provide details.

Any other significant factors?

5.Economic Criteria

This section looks for indications of economic benefits that may result from an improved effluent disposal scheme.

Estimated number of new residential allotments able to be created by resubdivision?

Any other business opportunities able to be created (eg, trade waste disposal, aquaculture)?

Any other significant factors?

6.Social / Community Criteria

Please describe any community or social benefits that may arise as a result of an improved effluent disposal system.

Increase in population in the peakholiday season.% of current population

Effluent currently discharges into the environment in an area used for


/ Please select...


/ Please select...


/ Please select...


/ Please select...


/ Please select...

Please explain any concerns there might be.

Community support for the scheme
General comment only, no survey required at this stage

Council Resolution (date)


What is Council’s primary reason for this application?

Any other significant factors?

7.Existing CWMS Schemes within Area (if applicable)

Prior to acceptance of a construction subsidy, Council will be required to;

  • show evidence of compliance with its OTR licence for existing schemes, and/or actions being taken to address known non-compliances;
  • if requested by the CWMS Management Committee, to undertake an independent audit of the existing CWMS using the LGA audit template or approved alternative;
  • demonstrate that it is working towards sustainable pricing for all of Council’s existing (and proposed) CWMS; and
  • show evidence of appropriate Operation & Maintenance plans (eg, septic tank pump-outs, mains flushing, lagoon desludging, etc) in order to optimise performance and cost-effectiveness of the scheme.

Requirements Noted



8.Financial Arrangements

The State Government funding arrangements for CWMS are regularly reviewed. However, the following funding conditions could be expected to apply in the future, based on previous agreements between the Minister for State/Local Government Relations and the President of the Local Government Association.

Subsidy for new schemes is estimated in the following manner;

The equivalent SA Water average country sewer rate is determined for the township.

An estimate is prepared for the capital cost of the scheme.

An initial estimate of subsidy is then calculated as the “gap” between the 50-year revenue to which a Council is entitled on SA Water-parity charging (including connection charges), and the 50-year capital, operating, replacement and maintenance costs (both converted to Nett Present Values) for the scheme as a whole.

Council’s capital contribution is then determined as the capital cost of the scheme, less the initial subsidy sum.

Thereafter, the State Government funding subsidy will usually cover overs and unders to achieve completed installation of the scheme. Certain limits and restrictions apply to the allocation of individual subsidy sums.

NOTE: Where the above initial estimates show that there is no gap, the scheme is deemed to be self-funding, and no subsidy for construction will be payable.

However the CWMS Management Committee may agree to fund the pre-construction activities (investigation and design) where a council is clearly committed to implementing a scheme.

Subsidy Requirements noted



LGA of SAApplication for a New or Expanded CWMS Scheme Page 1 of 11